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  1. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    I want to be able to fired, have contracts offered to me, understand what my "rivals" are, have training, have injuries, have suspensions, have state leagues. What we have now is so bare bones. For a their flagship mode(until pro-team comes out) its incredibly disappointing. Even when pro team...
  2. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    I don't care if he has ignored me. I want him to answer the questions of the poor guys who have come on here to ask a question, but a drowned out by all the noise. If I ignore him how will I know if he's changed :relieved:
  3. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Look at this point him being here is causing more issues than answering questions. Wouldn't really care if he stopped coming here bc he's just looked to argue with people instead of answering questions. Had a gutfull to be honest.
  4. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    The gameplay is better but yes management mode hasn't changed or got new features. They've fixed some bugs but thats about it for the mode
  5. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Wow. This is really eye opening. As I stated in my last post, I hope another dev comes along in the future. I know ross says there aren't any but well from what this reddit post has said, it seems like you really don't need a big budget company to make them.... I hope I'm proven wrong however...
  6. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    When will we get a timeline of these features added?
  7. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    This does make me hopeful for the future of this series. I expect the next game to be just like what cricket 22 was to 19, a vast improvement
  8. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Fingers cross the game becomes big enough that an overseas developer could give it a shot. Might be difficult however being from another country. Who knows maybe I'll start a game company lmao
  9. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Yes, clearly however my point still stands. If another company wishes to stump um millions to develop the game at the same time, let them do it
  10. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    The thing I hate about licensed games is that there is not much room for competition I don't wanna get into it here, but I believe this causes a level of complacency. Just look at EA and 2K with Fifa and NBA2k respectively. I'm no accusing of big ant of anything here but hopefully, if another...
  11. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Ugh at this point I'm gobsmacked. This thread is just pure toxicity from both sides. I've tried being reasonable. I'll be leaving, this game needs to be fixed, and I'm hopeful that if the community keeps pushing it'll be the greatest afl game of all time. I'm leaving. I hoped posting on here and...
  12. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    But that's the thing, so many people on here have been! Apart from the trolls, we are grateful for the patches and constant work. For some reason however, whenever we point out a fault now, we are the trolls? I'll never pretend that this game doesn't have issues. Its is illogical that for some...
  13. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    I totally agree. AFL23 is way better than evo 2. Management mode is the last hurdling that's stopping it from being great
  14. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Amen. Send a ticket brother and hope for the best
  15. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    THIS! I've sent a support ticket but I have a feeling if we all start sending support tickets about this, they'll get the message. NO ENCOURAGING SPAMMING HOWEVER!!
  16. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Either I've gotten too good at the game or its too easy. Hardest isn't even a challenge. Can out mark the AI constantly. Goal kicking is still too easy
  17. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    On a side note does anyone know how you delist players? I can't figure it out lmao
  18. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Great idea!
  19. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Can you get fired in alf23? If not, should add that in. Give more of an incentive to do well and added challenge. Coach Contracts would be cool too
  20. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    I've never understood people who complain about the graphics in this game. It genuinely looks great?
  21. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    BigAntStudios Is there a plan for management mode to have more features added to it? I'm genuinely curious I'm not trying to be rude or start something :)
  22. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    I completely agree. But imagine how good this game would be if we had more features! Hopefully once the gameplay is fixed, which I feel like is close to happening, we get added depth!
  23. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Thats what I've been saying! Unfortunately Ross doesn't agree. I have a feeling we won't see improvement until the next iteration ):
  24. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Depends who you ask :tearsofjoy: Nah in my opinion its 10x better and really fun to play. Some more features would be the icing on the cake (:
  25. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Everyone here needs to chill the tf out lmao. We're all adults we can talk to each other nicely
  26. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Also discussing and having grown up debates in a text thread is harder than in real life. You can't tell what peoples tones are through messages alone lmao. Maybe we should all have a beer with ross and the crew instead of sitting at home
  27. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    I'm going to reiterate something I said on the last thread. Games should be released to a playable and functional standard. That goes for patches too. That's how it used to be. I don't know what's changed. I'm obviously not in the industry but if something is hampering games working as intended...
  28. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Of course not! Just sometimes it's confusing why. Again what I'm on about is why you disagree with something stuff. The thumbs down doesn't really give us the answers we want sometimes
  29. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Also I like the game Ross! Y'all have done a great job patching it. I just want transparency and not a big thumbs down as an answer or argument 🤣
  30. M

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

    Didn't answer my question but okay Ross