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  1. Jade's

    Mods who you have made buthurt

    I trust you. Essendon flogs on the other hand never honour bets
  2. Jade's

    Mods who you have made buthurt

    Don't go welching on me
  3. Jade's

    Mods who you have made buthurt

    Good to have you back B_J. Should stay around longer
  4. Jade's

    Mods who you have made buthurt

    Forgot about him. Got many a card from the brown flog Equal worst
  5. Jade's

    Mods who you have made buthurt

  6. Jade's

    Mods who you have made buthurt

    Thought I had to call out the worst mod in bay history as such
  7. Jade's

    It's about time Norf be held accountable for wasting pick 5 on Cunnington

    heck me. Norf player strings together 3 decent games and they are now elite like Adams, Ziebell, bastinac, urqhart, Harper, mullet before him he is a dime a dozen foot soldier
  8. Jade's

    Mods who you have made buthurt

    Tyler derpden hands out thread bans coz I disagree with his opinion LOL
  9. Jade's

    Melbourne v Gold Coast @ MCG

    Patton is significantly better
  10. Jade's

    C'mon Demons lift for the good of football

    Don't kid yourself. If they kicked straight you were 60 points down at 1/4 time
  11. Jade's

    C'mon Demons lift for the good of football

    Big 4 clubs don't fold. Shit clubs like melbourne, norf and hawthorn whose fans only turn up when they are winning do
  12. Jade's

    C'mon Demons lift for the good of football

    Was kind of the afl to give us two byes in a row after playing hawthorn and Geelong
  13. Jade's

    C'mon Demons lift for the good of football

    Expansion is good for the game. The demons are a leech on society. Also hope hawf flog you tomorrow so arrogant scats fans piss off to Europe for awhile
  14. Jade's

    C'mon Demons lift for the good of football

    Hawks would have been gone long ago
  15. Jade's

    C'mon Demons lift for the good of football

    You have lost to them as many times as us now
  16. Jade's

    C'mon Demons lift for the good of football

    I want the suns to win. The sooner the afl get rid of shit clubs like the dees the better
  17. Jade's

    Chris Juddvest - First Brownlow Medallist to start as a sub?

    STFU you button mashing knob
  18. Jade's

    Port is my Dark horse for the flag this year!

    Delete thread please
  19. Jade's

    Good Friday Football - Which clubs SHOULD get the gig?

    When Geelong and hawf are shit you will be lucky to fill your shit stadiums in launceston or Geelong. Tigers v blues no matter where they are draw a crowd
  20. Jade's

    Scott Thompson - Best defender in the league?

    Agree he is disgracefully bad. Hampson dominated Grundy last week but Grundy made goldy look like a d grader
  21. Jade's

    Worst Midfield in the League - 2014 Edition

    Someone ban this racist flog
  22. Jade's

    Good Friday Football - Which clubs SHOULD get the gig?

    Gws v Gold Coast will not get near dreamtime at the g or Anzac Day even if they split the last 7 flags between them. Trust hawf to have a chip on their shoulder over big 4 though
  23. Jade's

    Good Friday Football - Which clubs SHOULD get the gig?

    I'd watch gws play freo if it was on.
  24. Jade's

    Scott Thompson - Best defender in the league?

    Lol switches to gold sack and even that spud gets a shot at goal
  25. Jade's

    Good Friday Football - Which clubs SHOULD get the gig?

    If you want it to be a blockbuster you will need to have big 4 teams. I couldn't give a heck if it's a blockbuster or not as long as there is a game of footy on
  26. Jade's

    April - Daily Punt

    Solid second post
  27. Jade's

    Good Friday Football - Which clubs SHOULD get the gig?

    Couldn't care less who gets it as long as foot is on. Don't see why it isn't like any other Friday night shared around by the teams. Could make it a real blockbuster and have "J day at the G" but GWS have your measure so wouldn't be much of a contest
  28. Jade's

    Post here if you didn't start to support your team during a period of success.

    Join date 07. Checking in yo
  29. Jade's

    Good Friday Football - Which clubs SHOULD get the gig?

    Coz hawf v freo was such a quality game. Give it to melbourne and Carlton for the lols
  30. Jade's

    Scott Thompson - Best defender in the league?

    Most overrated player in the league. Cloke a chance to beat buddy's thirteen