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  1. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    How do you know this "fact" ?
  2. Corpuscles

    The Law Whose land are you occupying?

    In that case Gough FIRST! Bye Bye :thumbsu: PS I bet he will try and find a bit of black (insert current PC - first nation peoples bloodline) somewhere .... way back but the unfortunately the records got destroyed
  3. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    LOL! Your comment strikes at the heart of much of the issues that are being discussed in the thread. (Some more serious about it than you or me) If there was a bloke we now call Jesus. How does anyone know that he said it? It seems a private conversation (particularly Nicodemus). If there was...
  4. Corpuscles

    The Law Whose land are you occupying?

    What is this "reconciliation" you speak of ? How specifically is that to be achieved beyond the many measures already taken? What is required of the rest or don't you have any clue either!? If it is "the founding of the country" that is the problem, do you propose un-founding it? How will...
  5. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    THANK YOU. Very edumicational. :thumbsu: We can all learn something new each day. I am not a big movie watcher. More a reader or doco person. I don't think I have seen the movie 'Fight Club'. Before I hassle a friend who no doubt has it on dvd or bro who has netflix..... do you recommend it...
  6. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    I am truly surprised by your seeming confusion and how you somehow want to "put on your Christian hat" sometimes? Especially from someone who has studied the Eastern religions in particular the advaita (non duel ,non Personal God Hindu school) and Buddhism. Have you ever imagined if one or...
  7. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    Yes excuse and forgive me. You wanted to make a point about Peter. Please continue! btw : Sadly, I had read the Bible cover to cover, and in between many (uncountable) times before MS Windows 95 Please let it rip! What do you want to say? Edit: who is this "Great man" you speak of? My...
  8. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    No. I am not capable of embellishing, or bettering, those sort of lies. Elsewhere, we are told he jumps out of the boat and walks on water TOO! for a while but still doesn't get it. The truth is if you believe it!??? Then it is (becomes) real. You probably have made the jump !? He ( Cephas...
  9. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    Exactly, three years of intense training, to be able to tell lies (and get away with it) , three times in a row! A Christian hero!
  10. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    Wot? Please esssplain? See, this is where you get all in a mess and trouble with those who actually have read it, or can look it up The full thing The Dedication of the Temple 7 When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and...
  11. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    To be fair ... you have the floor and audience Can you explain the (more profound than-' be simple and stupid') significance of it for us . PLEASE?
  12. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    Yeah actually I was delighted when I worked out Santa wasn't real. I was suspicious but still in a bit of doubt, at about 6yrs of age. That year no matter how I tried I could not get to sleep. Well I discovered empirically! So little children are WAY MORE CAPABLE than brainwashed Christians...
  13. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

  14. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    It is better that you just quietly believe than challenge it. The impossible That the sun was completely blocked out for 3 hours and no one else on the planet observed or recorded it. Neither do the other 3 gospel story tellers Passover by definition occurs at the full moon. Anyway Eclipse...
  15. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    The beauty of the Vedic literature is that it does not disguise the fact that the stories are metaphorical and philosophical. Their ultimate the supreme entity Brahman, is also profound - completely unknowable. Thanks for the heads up I will try to obtain a copy of it. I have never managed...
  16. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    Duly noted Keep trying and persisting . We'll let you know in CAPITAL LETTERS when that happens!
  17. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    fwiw I would like to congratulate you on the quality of your replies in the thread recently :thumbsu:( Outstanding genuine humility and speaking from the heart) You are here to talk about your life experiences and share them not to engage in Theological argument. Ought be completely understood...
  18. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    Your pond is very nice. I believe you believe it is the best. Better if you read the lyrics (better than the Bible) Why are there so many songs about rainbows (substitute something like "Religion") And what's on the other side Rainbows are visions But only illusions And rainbows have...
  19. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    Agreed. I have read some of C S Lewis stuff long ago . Stupefying !!! and I think does damage, rather than aid the cause of promoting Christianity. Yet it is often recommended by Christians as a 'starter pack' to delusion.
  20. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    Interesting interpretation, However, I think your placement of things/persons like metaphors for Atheism or Agnosticism etc was not Tolkein's intention. It is classic good versus bad , selfishness versus selflessness and sacrifice. As you know JRR a close colleague and friend of CS Lewis...
  21. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    Yes I know. You and others (including me) have posted reams of stuff to highlight the man made, man corrupted , contradictory, ridiculous gathering of disjointed writings that make up what is called the Bible. Your arguments about the specific theology or Epistemology I liken to...
  22. Corpuscles

    The Law Whose land are you occupying?

    Presumably you have? So what are the issues? What is the required solution(s)?
  23. Corpuscles

    The Law Whose land are you occupying?

    True Over the recent century , Greeks Italians, Ten pound Brits, Indians , Chinese, Sudanese , people of almost every nationality has joined a long immigration wait list to get to Australia to gain the benefits. Many escaping racism, oppression, war, etc. Until recently many were prepared to...
  24. Corpuscles

    Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

    TP m8 bro, The cherry pick passage you quoted was insufficient in context of the aggregate picture and was errant as presented in isolation. It did not reflect accurately the commonly held (there are massive number of varieties ) "Christian" interpretation of Epistemology. Yes (I...
  25. Corpuscles

    The Law Whose land are you occupying?

    So are you saying "aboriginals" are not Australian citizens? "warrants recompense." How much do I owe? Whatdya reckon a yabby a turtle and some berries? Please elaborate specifically Or do you mean filthy western imperial/colonial money? :$ I cant go back very far in my tree (big branches)...
  26. Corpuscles

    The Law Whose land are you occupying?

    Who is the "we" ? You and who else? If you r*ped and murdered anyone, and stole something , you ought do the decent thing , hand yourself in to the local Police Station. Who are the "they"? Some sort of mixed up race that wishes to highlight and promote racial difference and separatism ? ie...
  27. Corpuscles

    The Law Whose land are you occupying?

    I don't see the relevance? You really "don't know where to start" ? But no problemo: only since 1968
  28. Corpuscles

    The Law Whose land are you occupying?

    Sorry to read that. No he is absolutely certain that they won't!
  29. Corpuscles

    The Law Whose land are you occupying?

    Yes I'm absolutely sure! I did not mention it until reply to you!
  30. Corpuscles

    The Law Whose land are you occupying?

    I have not mentioned European. ! Sorry to break it to you, but Australians are not European. How do they want to be "aboriginal" ? Do you mean be nomadic hunter gatherers? If so are you sure? WHY?