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  1. E

    Les Murray rips into Pim Verbeek

    Bench shows we're out of our depth against big guns: Pim Quotes of what he said to the Dutch newspaper.
  2. E

    Obama's Iowa Speech

    It was beautiful, simply outstanding.
  3. E

    Where it all went wrong for Clinton

    Insightful article:
  4. E

    McCain does massive U Turn on Iraq

    Biden's kicking serious ass. He's livid over this, and calling it what it is. Pure, unadulterated bullshit. He was just on Hardball and The Situation Room, in damn fine form. No one attacks and defends quite like Biden. I feel it's unlikely, but that's what I want. Although, I will...
  5. E

    Who will Obama choose as his running candidate?

    Thoughts on Bob Graham? He voted against the war, and was Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee from 2001 to 2003. Edit: He's quite old though, maybe too old.
  6. E

    Who will Obama choose as his running candidate?

    Yes, I think it's bound to be revisited and exploited, and most definitely if McCain selects a woman VP. For the record, Webb no longer holds many of those views from 1979, he matured, is comfortable with women in the military, and led the way for the advancement of women in the Navy, but not...
  7. E

    Hillary and Bush are alike: Damn the experts, I'm the decider!

    Re: Obama is Related to Bush and Cheney A discussion/criticism/attack on you and Clinton is not an attack on all women. Personally I haven't seen sexism and misogynism on here from the men who post frequently. How do you feel about McCain calling his wife Cindy a c___?
  8. E

    Who will Obama choose as his running candidate?

    I wish Richardson was a stronger debater. He was quite unimpressive and weak in several of the primary debates.
  9. E

    The Clinton withdrawal - when will it occur?

    I'd say she's going through the stages of grief... 1. Denial - "This can't be happening", not accepting or acknowledging the loss, isolation. 2. Anger - "Why me?", feelings of wanting to fight back or get even. 3. Bargaining - Attempting to make deals, begging, wishing, praying. 4...
  10. E

    Who will Obama choose as his running candidate? Edit - Sorry, we posted at the same time.
  11. E

    Who will Obama choose as his running candidate?

    Clark can't be Sec of Defense until 2010. He needs to be 10 years out of uniform.
  12. E

    Indianna and North Carolina

    LOL Are you implying I haven't faced it? I was originally a Biden supporter, then went to Obama. I've been well aware of the mathematical reality for quite some time re: Clinton. I'm not trying to make excuses for KS, but I think we all know that she was heavily stuck in denial. She's an...
  13. E

    Indianna and North Carolina

    I imagine Steph must be hurting like hell, and it's not exactly productive to make her feel even worse. The party needs to unite and Obama is going to need Clinton's supporters.
  14. E

    Who will Obama choose as his running candidate?

    Webb, or Biden have always been my top two men. Both are pitbulls. Clark perhaps, however he's been heavily campaigning for Hillary, but he might actually be the only safe way to the get the Clinton supporters on board. Females...Janet Napolitano, Kathleen Sebelius, or Claire McCaskill.
  15. E

    Clinton vows to take on OPEC
  16. E


    Re: Pennsylvania the Path to the Democratic Nomination Elizabeth didn't. KS is getting that rumor from Howard Fineman on MSNBC, who said: "I'm told not to be surprised if in North Carolina, Elizabeth Edwards shows up at Hillary Clinton events -- with Hillary and maybe even without Hillary. I...
  17. E

    Barack Hussein Obama linked to bribery of public officials

    Hi Steph, glad to see you back. Will you vote for the 'bone-head' in November if he gets the nod?
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    Once Upon a Tuesday in the West: California, Arizona, New Mexico and Alaska
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    Mitt Romney Tribute Thread
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    He also has two sons in the military.
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    Powerful endorsment for Obama

    It's ok, I just wanted to update on the development, I wasn't trying to prove you wrong. I too had seen it reported earlier as you had.
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    Powerful endorsment for Obama

    Rory Kennedy has endorsed Obama.
  23. E


    I wouldn't mark it in cement. Are you factoring in Bloomberg, Nader, and Diebold?
  24. E

    A Thread for the Hillary-Haters and Pro-Obama Supporters

    How politically insightful. +1 for your rampant and relentless sexism :rolleyes: Be sure to keep this river of stinking diarrhea flowing during the GE. Hillary's going to need you. Adult diapers in aisle 3, Conky.
  25. E

    Powerful endorsment for Obama

    RFK Jr's endorsement was a bit surprising and disappointing, quite inconsistent with his policy positions. However, I think he may want her Senate seat, so in that regard it makes sense.
  26. E

    Michigan Primaries

    Have you seen the Michigan Democrats for Romney ad? It's hilarious. PiCqxKLIVDY
  27. E

    The Iowa Thread

    Obama isn't on the Michigan primary ballot. He withdrew along with Edwards, Richardson and Biden.
  28. E

    The Iowa Thread

    C-SPAN are broadcasting live from two caucuses: Democratic caucus Republican caucus They're up to realignment in the Dem caucus.
  29. E

    The Iowa Thread

    It's been updated: Update | 3:25 p.m. David Plouffe, Obama campaign manager, responding to the report that Mr. Obama had reached an agreement for reciprocal support with Bill Richardson’s campaign, insisted the campaign had reached “no formal arrangements” with any of his rivals. But he said...
  30. E

    The Iowa Thread

    Well yes, however the upcoming election should be the easiest for the Dems to win in a significant landslide considering everything the worst administration in modern US history has wrought in the past 7 years. But if Hillary is the nominee then in my opinion it's going to be beyond difficult...