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  1. U

    LVFL - 2011 PRE Season

    Whats going on up at Miti, they still have quite a few of big guns that won them the flag 2 years ago. Haythorpe, Chapman, Mitchell, Whybird, Grant etc. then throw in recruits like Nicholls but seem to be really struggling. word was when Eve took over and after their first 3 games they were...
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    Lodden Valley Football League Part 2

    Hey B-Boy, what are the bad signs for Miti, I haven't heard any reports but thought you may have been there or heard about some issues!! Perhaps having 10 in the interleague has backfired on Granty, either they are puffed or a few of them over rate themselves!!
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    Lodden Valley Football League Part 2

    Replacement for Shannon Hayes then covered, Morrissey in as well all seems well for the Roos to up amongst it again, have they lost any others from the GF team? Have heard that the Calivil coaching appointment is not all rosy either, have heard quite a few rumblings from current players and...
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    Lodden Valley Football League Part 2

    Apparently 3 of the 4 that signed on from Charlton have pulled out now, only Henry Miller going. Any word on Wicks is he going back to Mitiamo, I see he is leaving Strath?
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    Lodden Valley Football League Part 2

    What a great result, was always going to be tough for the Calivil to hold Haythorpe and Chapman, both played great games. Mitis strength is their unsung guys like McKean, Gill, Ginnavin, Smith and Saunders who week in week out do their bit to compliment the big guns. If Miti keep the core group...
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    Lodden Valley Football League

    Agree with your comment to some extent but the recruits this year haven't given him much either which was out of his control to some extent Eve 3 games, injuries Adam Campbell disappeared after 5 games. L Mclean ditto. Pascoe and Orton probably slightly disappointing but injured for 4 to 5 games...
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    Lodden Valley Football League

    Miti looked way to slow, apart from Morrissey no real ball carriers. The backline with Boldiston, Mclean and I see Saunders down there as well on Saturday is slow and predictable. You are correct in saying Calivil never looked like they were out of 2nd gear. I would think Bridgey will be to...
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    Lodden Valley Football League

    Miti boys have a tough run home and seem to rely on the same 5 or 6 each week, Hayes, Morrissey, Haythorpe etc. Will need more input from others to play a big part I reckon. Haven't noticed Campbell or Saunders names for awhile, are they still running around, if so how are they going?
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    Heathcote District FL

    Surely they can't afford him, heard at the cricket today from a committee man the breakdown of what they are forking out now, rounded out at about 60 grand at the moment (he was saying a fair proportion of this is on past players who are so called coming back to help the club out). Apparently...
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    Heathcote District FL

    And just to top off the Hawks for 08 saw Gaz Moulday and Clohesy running DOWN Barnard St this morning looking a picture of health ( thank christ they weren"t running up Barnard St or the place over the road may have got a call, Ward 7 Bed 9 heavy duty mattress please), word has it Clohesy has...
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    Heathcote District FL

    ENVY, not sure about that moneyman, normally people are only envious of those who are successful!!!!!!!!!!!!! But good luck next year though it sounds as though you are confident of improvement, I am pretty sure North will have you covered but prepared to eat Hawk pie if not. One last thing that...
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    Heathcote District FL

    Where does all this crap about new committee, new direction ra ra come from, my spies tell me you have ex vice president as president, 400000 gamer at the club as vice pres. coaches who have been there in some capacity in the last few years and more crap about clubrooms attracting players, get...
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    Lodden Valley Football League

    Absolutely correct, Korp signed yesterday as AC with Serp and has guaranteed he will bring players. At this stage only Cox (Heathcote 2nds coach) and Berriman (Huntly AC ) are definate departures.
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    Heathcote District FL

    Call it as you like emu, can't see where I said they want to lose just stating that apparently from within the comment was made that 08 wasn't the focus, good comment when you are in the middle of recruiting and carrying on about changing culture : Come along to the Mighty Hawks not planning on...
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    Heathcote District FL

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    Heathcote District FL

  17. U

    Heathcote District FL

    I may be mistaken here but haven't these blokes been around the club for a long period of time and hasn't Huntly been ordinary for a long period of time, what happened to the new blood mentioned earlier in this forum at some crisis meeting they held earlier in the year, can't help but think...
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    Lodden Valley Football League

    One could be excused for thinking they are recruiting a super rules team Clohesy is as old as my grandma, Saunders is 10 years older than that and Eve is somewhere in between not sure how that makes them improve and if they are paying those types of blokes any sort of cash they will end up where...
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    Heathcote District FL

    Have heard similar about the $ on offer, a couple of blokes from Wakool or Murrabit (somewhere up that way) have been offered 500+ and from what my spies say aren't even key position players, same scenario as Bell , recruit flankers etc and try and turn them into spine, doesn't work.
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    Heathcote District FL

    Confirmed today that Adam Campbell has committed to Mitiamo (pen to paper), Steven Clohesy is close and the old bloke Saunders is going along for a run as well, would have thought the Hawks losing the first two would be a huge blow, from what I. have heard both are handy.