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    What's the most surprising thing you learned about a current or former player?

    Nicky Winmar would smoke a few bongs before a game. Anyway, I was surprised to learn Chad Wingard was aboriginal. I always thought he was one of the great German players.
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    Mega Thread Coronavirus & the AFL - season postponed. Part 2 * CONTINUED ABUSE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED *

    My parents are 70+ and are still going out almost every night for dinner. Not only that, they are Northern Italians... People just DGAF. I reckon if the virus gave you scales or made you lose your hair people would take it seriously.
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    2019 3rd Ashes Test 22-27 August Headingley

    LOL.. that is all
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    Ashes 2015 - 5th Test - The Oval, Day 4

    Well, I'm excited..
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    Certified Legendary Thread Footy fan on YouTube embarrasses Channel 7's football analysis

    I love when he maintains a stable body temperature and says words. play him off, keyboard cat...
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    BBL04 Game 17 Stars v Sixers Mon 5th Jan 7.10pm @ MCG

    Top game. Really enjoyed that
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    Pets Things that please me

    Trolling Tim/Neil Finn videos on Youtube. 'Australia's best!, 'Great Australian musicians' etc I love a good shag, but imo NOTHING beats a good BJ.
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    Movie Documentaries to Download?

    Been on a doco kick recently. A few interesting titles to check out. Tech/Geek Terms And Conditions May Apply (2013) A documentary that exposes what corporations and governments learn about people through Internet and cell phone usage, and what can be done about it ... if anything Downloaded...
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    Do you smoke weed?

    Paid $280 for a bag yesterday :( Anyone else notice it gets a bit dry this time of year? I had the same girl for years but when she moved on, it's been a bit of a headache dealing with different dealers, most of whom are hardened criminals or crackheads. I just want one good connect with that...
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    FTA-TV Big Brother 2013 - Discussion Thread

    That's no mole... That's a space station :eek:
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    Tony Shaw

    Agree 100%. I have no problem with any other commentator but he is just embarrassing. If I wanted to here inane uneducated commentary I would go to the game.
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    Mother****ing Bill Murray!
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    Life Tricks

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    Mega Thread London 2012 - General Discussion

    rhythmic gymnastics is best gymnastics!
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    FTA-TV Dallas

    Step by step Day by day A fresh start over A different hand to play Only time will tell But you know what they say We'll make it better The second time around
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    What upsets you more...

    They made us watch that in primary school in the 80's. ****ing horrific. Also, when the horse dies in The Never Ending Story. I won't watch that movie again because that scene broke me as a child. When humans die it depends on the character, narrative and usually the music for me. When Jenny...
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    Society & Culture Jail

    I hear Loddon Prison (Castlemaine) is a great place to do time. Food is terrible though.
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    Sports Hitting The Wall

    Not sports related but I needed to get to a friends house to pick something up which was about 3km away. Normally I would walk although it was a cold night and I had spotted a bike earlier in front of a garage a long the route. I walked to the house, stole the bike and sped off with haste to my...
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    A toast to Fraser Gehrig

    :thumbsu: I had no interest in football for years until I noticed Gehrig playing for the Saints. I loved his ogrish looks and the way his eyes popped out when he became enraged. I have supported St Kilda ever since.
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    Business & Finance Swearing Fines

    Is this real life? dz4HEEiJuGo
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    Movie Movies That Subtly Reference Other Movies With Same Actor

    R2D2 and C3PO hidden in some hieroglyphics in Raiders of the Lost Ark
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    FTA-TV Embarassing bodies

    I usually catch this show if im flicking channels and its on. I prefer Amazing Medical Stories as I'm intrigued by freaks and stuff like that. On EB few weeks ago that had a lady with a HUGE box. Not her flaps but she had some kind of prolapse or diaphram issue where the inards i.e cervix...
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    Health when a GD poster gets a red card ...

    Why are the innocent punished? Why the sacrifice? Why the pain? There aren't any promises. Nothing's certain. Only some get called. Some get saved. Vale