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  1. Z

    Resource Geelong guernseys and memorabilia

    A Geelong NAME A GAME DVD Collection from the Golden era. 14 games in all.
  2. Z

    Traded Jaidyn Stephenson [traded with Bosenavulagi and #39 to North for #26, #33 and 2021 R4]

    Wait till the Cats hear about this. I’d be staggered if Chris Scott hasn’t already hit up Jaidyn’s voicemail. He’s the perfect upgrade for Rohan.
  3. Z

    Resource Geelong guernseys and memorabilia

    A friend has listed some magazines, newspapers, AFL records, etc from the 07, 09, 11 Premierships. Thought i‘d post here as some may be interested. Thanks...
  4. Z

    Rumour GFC 2019 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists.

    I don’t have Twitter, Insta or any of that stuff. Can someone who does just msg Danger and ask him if he offered Goldy 3 or 4 years? Thanks in advance
  5. Z

    Coach Chris Scott re-signs to 2022 (aka the Chris Scott discussion Part IV)

    Whoa, not so fast champ! First we need Cookie Monster to conduct another “health check”. In all seriousness though, I used to be sooo invested in the Cats. Forked out for premium memberships for a decade plus, upgraded seats at away games, watched every min of every footy show. Hardcore. I...
  6. Z

    Ablett/Danger/Selwood best midfield trio since Cousins/Judd/Kerr?

    Little off-topic, but one thing that might prove interesting is who plays more games from here on, O'Meara or Ablett? If bookies were framing a market you'd suspect it would be short odds O'Meara, but I'd have more than some sneaky money on the little master!
  7. Z

    Traded Gary Ablett [traded to Geelong]

    I know that as a Hawks fan you probably haven't glanced at the draft order preceding the 40's. If you had, you would've seen the Cats actually have 22 as well as the 24 they got from the Suns. There is no conspiracy here. There were enough parts to get it done without the 19. That is FACT. I can...
  8. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    That's true.
  9. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    Happy enough with Ablett deal. Ideally, 35 this year would've been perfect, because value/risk is fixed. With THE actual deal we take on the variability of our own/GC 2018 ladder positions, which is always a risk. In all probability, though, the value falls between 30-40, so risk is on the lower...
  10. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    I reckon Wellsy's txting Mots as much as the Cats were txting me last week for raffle tickets...Ping!
  11. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    Perhaps you see ruthless as a dirty trait, I don't. Nothing wrong with being uncompromising. Its possible to be both fair and ruthless. In fact, I think our 7-11 team epitomised that in many ways. And yes, I want a ruthless List Manager. If you're not operating that way you're always leaving a...
  12. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    I completely respect your viewpoint, and your views may well prove correct. I view it differently, I believe we are within striking distance still, not because we are anything special, but because we have a few special players and thats enough to take you a long way in THIS competition the last...
  13. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    Yes, there is luck in Scarlo and Ablett, but you make your own luck I believe. Luck got them in the door, but luck didn't turn them into the great players they became. The latter point is the most relevant I think. On your second point, I disagree. Drafting isn't suitable for us going forward...
  14. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    Of course, the draft is an inexact science. That is why when you choose the draft as a CLEAR path, you blanket bomb it. Its all a numbers game in reality. You will have busts at the top end, wins in the middle and rookie rounds. That is why, when you go with say picks 10, 28, and 40 in the...
  15. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    You need to go back and read my post a few back. Who isn't attainable in the current environment? It all comes down to how ruthless you wanna be. If you trade to set yourself up for a quick rebound tilt, you need to see it through, and achieve outcomes. Going to the draft with pick 19, 20 etc...
  16. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    Yes, the flip side of that of course is that the 18 team competition has seen an appreciable drop in standard of premiership lists, and quality of football. We don't need a '7-'11 quality team to salute these days either, so by extension, that reflects in just what you need in draft/trade haul...
  17. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    Yes, I agree with you in essence. I'm of the view, though, that we are better off using 20 on say Watts than an 18 y.o. for our "experiment". Because the clock is ticking on our experiments useful life. Now, if Wells is indeed playing a game of brinkmanship with other clubs re targets, all good...
  18. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    I'll wait until the card can be read post trade period. But if we go to the draft with any decent picks its completely counter to what we have built this list seemingly for. And counter to the recruitment of a near 34 year old. Our time is now, and our trade period needs to reflect that. We need...
  19. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    That may be true on a superficial level. For instance, the 7-11 team had say Ottens, Harley, Mooney (trade), Egan (Banker), FA wasn't applicable, and I don't recall a Black hail mary trade equivalent in those sides either. But a deeper analysis suggests otherwise. The notable difference is the...
  20. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    I just want a List Manager committed to a CLEAR PATH in building our next PREMIERSHIP List. That is all. I want him to draft well, trade well and contract well. If he does it with class and integrity whilst delivering a Flag team, GREAT! If he is a complete prick but delivers a Flag team, GREAT...
  21. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    But, you see, this is a confused list management approach. Reading this board, when everyone here thought we were getting Ablett, Stringer, Watts, Smith and more, we were "all in", "have to go hard whilst we have Selwood, Hawk etc next few seasons" etc. And I agree with that. Facts are we have...
  22. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    I am confused by suggestions Watts hinges on the Mots compo. If Wells thinks 20 is too much, then why would 19 be any different? Likewise with 33 or 34. Just because we may get an extra pick surely doesn't mean you value it any differently. That would be terrible list management. Similarly, I...
  23. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    I agree Wells left the door slightly ajar re Watts and also Stringer for that matter. Deals aren't over the line in either case, and suitors are minimal, so that is prudent. To answer your question more broadly I need to address my view on Wells. You see, I think he's an old school head...
  24. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    Are people here really suggesting Wells is playing the media game? Those who believe this are really clutching IMO. As much as I'd probably like Wells to have a bit of car salesman in him, it's simply not in his makeup. He is as pure as the snow is white. As a Cats fan, if there's one thing...
  25. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    Winx odds IMO.
  26. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    Ah silly me, of course it's a black and white formula. It just can't be released publicly. Here's hoping we can get band 1 maybe, like Melb did for a Frawley earning little over 600k. After all, the AFL treat all the clubs fairly and equally, and that secret formula is no doubt applied in that...
  27. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    Oh, I listened to the whole interview alright. I've been listening to this trade radio shit all day since it first started last Monday, so I definitely listen intently to "Geelong content". IMO, Wells should've stayed away from discussing hypothetical compo, Period! Much less raise the idea we...
  28. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    I neither want him back, nor do I care about his trade value. I was just giving my tip, not my hope.
  29. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    My tip. We'll get Band 3 now from the AFL for Mots given our list manager has said he'll be happy with "either" of 19 or 35:huh: I mean talk about PR fail, would've been better to say nothing! 20 for Ablett. 35 for Christensen. That'll be our business IMO.
  30. Z

    Rumour GFC 2017 Player Trading, Drafting, FA, Rumours, and Wish lists - PT2

    With so many outlets now running 24/7 footy "news", PR is critical to your trade armoury. On this front, Wells is a reliably poor performer IMO.