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  1. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

  2. GOAUS!

    Malcolm Turnbull - How long?

    Hung parliament anyone? 6 cross-benchers in the House of Reps is not impossible (Wiilkie, McGowan, Bandt, Katter, possibly Windsor and a 2nd Greens seat).
  3. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

    Jones, Bolt and Price will be near-deafening.
  4. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

  5. GOAUS!

    How will the 2016 Federal Election pan out?

    Might end up having Nick X as their main negotiating hurdle.
  6. GOAUS!

    How will the 2016 Federal Election pan out?

    Sturt is the major one. By all reports Pyne was a bit agitated when he saw the polling for his electorate. "“The two-party preferred results reveal that not only is Mr Pyne facing a massive swing away from him towards Labor (52-48 LIB ALP 2PP, compared with 60-40 LIB ALP 2PP at the last...
  7. GOAUS!

    How will the 2016 Federal Election pan out?

    Libs timed the controversies well with them all appearing whilst the government (and many others) are on holiday. Wouldn't be surprised if the Coalition outdo their TPP % from the 2013 election. Will be very interesting to see how well the Nick Xenephon Team does (could pick up a few seats in...
  8. GOAUS!

    Debt and Deficit - Coalition Budget Emergency

    What should the amount of tax paid be based on? The pure amount of money generated or should they take into account what it takes to generate that money? I mean it's easy to say that it should be based purely on income but what if expenses outweigh the revenue?
  9. GOAUS!

    Budget blowout time

    What you could do is adopt the method used to elect the NSW legislative assembly "optional preferential voting " where voters are able to number as many or as few squares as they wish. To be elected the candidate has to receive a majority of votes, this system does favour first preferences more...
  10. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

    Latest ReachTEL figures Primaries: L/NP: 48.8 (+2.1) ALP: 31.1 (-1.9) GRN: 11.2 (-0.1) Two Party Preferred: L/NP 55 (+2) ALP 45 (-2) Approval/Disapproval: Turnbull: 48.2 (+0.6) / 14.8 (-1.3) Shorten: 20.6 (-2.3) / 47.5 (+1.2) Preferred PM: Turnbull: 71.3 (+2.4) Shorten: 28.7 (-2.4) When...
  11. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

    Interesting reading the state of the polls. Morgan: 56-44 Ipsos: 56-44 Newspoll: 53-47 Essential: 52-48.
  12. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

    Ipsos Primaries: L/NP: 48 (+3) ALP: 29 (-1) GRN: 13 (-1) Two-party preferred: L/NP: 56 (+3) ALP: 44 (-3) Approval ratings (Approve/Disapprove): Turnbull: 69 (+1) / 16 (-1) Shorten: 29 (-3) / 57 (+1) Preferred PM: Turnbull: 69 (+2) Shorten: 18 (-3) Morgan Primaries: L/NP: 46 (-1) ALP: 28...
  13. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

    Back to the polls. Morgan and Essential have been released over the past few days. Morgan Primaries: L/NP: 47 (+0.5) ALP: 28.5 (+1) GRN: 14.5 (-1) Two-party preferred: L/NP: 56.5 (+0.5) ALP: 43.5 (-0.5) Essential Primaries: L/NP: 45 ALP: 34 (-1) GRN: 11 Other/Independent: 9 (+1)...
  14. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

  15. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

    I'm not so sure. Turnbull is a fair bit more popular out there than Abbott ever was. Wouldn't be surprised if the next Newspoll has it at 52 or 53. Shorten might want to watch his back soon enough.
  16. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

    Bit of variation then from Newspoll 50/50 to Morgan 56/44. Hard to get a good read on things.
  17. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

    Well, well, well. Fairfax/Ipsos moving closer to Morgan now. If Essential moves this week again then that Newspoll 50/50 looks a bit awkward, especially for those that like to claim that Newspoll is biased towards the Coalition.
  18. GOAUS!

    Derryn Hinch's Justice Party

    We already have an Animal Justice Party too.
  19. GOAUS!

    Derryn Hinch's Justice Party

    Surprised he didn't put his name in his party. Quite the trend these days.
  20. GOAUS!

    Whats a greater threat to Australia Climate Change deniers or terrorists?

    For the record we are heading for the warmest year on measured record by quite some margin. Yes, there are hiatus decades for global temperatures (which are somewhat...
  21. GOAUS!

    Malcolm Turnbull - How long?

    I think you'd find that most Australians don't follow politics all that closely (especially not to the policy level). I don't see the Liberty Alliance suddenly receiving a surge of votes in 2016.
  22. GOAUS!

    Malcolm Turnbull - How long?

    If Turnbull wins in 2016 expect to see more policy differences. Maybe if Turnbull wins an election the conservatives will warm to him.
  23. GOAUS!

    Malcolm Turnbull - How long?

    Proof will be in 2016. Can't see the Liberal base deserting the party, there's a reason why they're the base.
  24. GOAUS!

    Mark Latham panel show

    Thursday I believe.
  25. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

    Waiting to see whether Morgan is replicated in Newspoll/Essential. Thought Newspoll might already be out by now.
  26. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

    Latest Essential poll is out Two-party preferred Coalition: 52 (+3) ALP: 48 (-3) Primaries Liberal: 44 (+4) ALP: 35 (-2) Green: 11 (steady) PUP: 2 (steady) Other/independent: 9 (steady) Several other questions also asked in the full report...
  27. GOAUS!

    Polls Thread Mk III

    Morgan does tend to move around a bit. Newspoll will be the one to watch, will be out later today/tomorrow. Update: Newspoll says 51-49. Same as the Galaxy poll and similar to the 50/50 ReachTEL one. Morgan appears to be the outlier again.
  28. GOAUS!

    WA By-election

    Overall swing is at 6.1%, which is about what Don Randall's personal vote was at.
  29. GOAUS!

    Marriage equality debate - Part 2

    This. Might have done some back room deals and will press on with the plebiscite idea.