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  1. wally funk

    If you had to swear on a book...

    Is this the thread where we nominate the most ridiculous book on which to swear? In that case, I'll go with Drew Carey's autobiography Dirty Jokes and Beer.
  2. wally funk

    Religion Pope stepping down

    A good list, Nightrain. The only chap who could possibly be pope other than these is surely the Ghanaian Peter Turkson. Am already sick of people who somehow believe George Pell is a chance. I'm not a betting man, but my guess is a battle between Oullett and Turkson, with the Italian Scola as a...
  3. wally funk

    Politics Fiji change flag...when will we follow?

    Since when is facing right facing 'forward'? Because we read from left to right? I like the original version better, with the roo facing left (and not 'backwards') and Southern Cross on the right side (arguably where it belongs, if it's going to remain on our flag). I love the state flags of...
  4. wally funk

    Politics Fiji change flag...when will we follow?

    I don't mind these designs, Goon, though I reckon it might look better if the white/yellow border around the red was deleted in favour of a slightly wider red. Still, they're better than most alternative designs I've encountered.
  5. wally funk

    Politics Fiji change flag...when will we follow?

    Green and gold are fine as our 'national colours' (used pretty much nowhere outside of national sports uniforms), but as flag colours, they suck. There's a reason red, white and blue are used so many times around the world - they look awesome together. If we were to change the flag (which I'm...
  6. wally funk

    Society/Culture should bars and clubs be closed or banned from serving alcohol after 2am?

    I actually agree with your first point in that post about starting earlier leads to earlier violence etc. Sorry, I should have clarified. Cheers
  7. wally funk

    Society/Culture should bars and clubs be closed or banned from serving alcohol after 2am?

    Ooh, strongly disagree with your comment, Happy. The only times I've seen big fights or brawls is when plenty of liquor has been consumed. When some people are 'proper smashed' I'd say they're more likely to lash out at someone (even a mate) for no good damn reason at all.
  8. wally funk

    Society/Culture should bars and clubs be closed or banned from serving alcohol after 2am?

    Bars and other venues shouldn't be barred from serving booze after 2am. Some people just need to take more responsibility for themselves (and a lesser extent, the people they're with). If everyone did that, and most do, there would be no f***ing problem. The bar I work at usually only gets...
  9. wally funk

    Society/Culture Dinner with...

    Seriously good thread and responses. A possible seven guests of my own... 1. Jeff Bridges 2. Keith Richards 3. Shaun Micallef 4. Stephen Fry 5. Fidel Castro 6. Any one of Whitlam, Hawke or Howard 7. Rose Byrne. She can sit next to me. Quite hard to name just seven. Definitely feel I ought to...
  10. wally funk

    Religion Religious lessons in State Schools. I don't get it.

    a good idea, chief. no reason for christianity lessons to take up proper school hours. before/after school lessons sounds perfectly acceptable to me - kids who are already keenly religious would surely quite happily spend the extra time at school. that way kids who don't want the lessons aren't...
  11. wally funk

    Society/Culture Che-the man and the myth.

    forty bucks at jb hifi for both films in a boxset, along with one of the che shirts. not bad value
  12. wally funk

    Politics Chinese woman forced to abort eight-month foetus for violating one-child policy

    i was sure the one child policy was recently relaxed? maybe not come into effect though...
  13. wally funk

    History Greatest Australian ever?

    he's got a university named after him... what are his actual achievements? i don't know
  14. wally funk

    Victorian Minister Tim Holding Missing

    would you ask the families of the kokoda tragedy to pay for the bodies' retrieval? would you ask stuart diver to pay for his rescue? it was an accident - accidents happen. it's not as though he went out thinking 'hmm, the taxpayers aren't spending enough money on me'. you idiot.
  15. wally funk

    Victorian Minister Tim Holding Missing

    would be a tragedy if he's not found alive. of course, the same would apply if he weren't a public figure.
  16. wally funk

    Is Buddhism a religion?

    i have heard people say that it's a philosophy or a lifestyle choice rather than a religion. what's the definition of religion or a religion, though?
  17. wally funk

    10 most poweful countires in the world

    where's luxembourg?:D
  18. wally funk

    Australia to bid for World Cup

    to further your point even more, melbourne had the olympics fifty years ago, when our population was probably less than half what it is now, a decade after WW2. very small population, yet the games are/were regarded by most as the best games ever, perhaps until sydney came along. in any case...
  19. wally funk

    Australia to bid for World Cup

    considering we've only made the world cup twice in the eighty year history of world cups, perhaps we should concentrate on developing our game like we have been the last couple of years. if it gets to the point where hosting the damn thing is the only way we'd qualify, i'd roll my eyes in the...
  20. wally funk

    Steve Bracks - going, gone?

    yeah. bracksie and thwaitsie were the ones pushing the water issue for all its worth really. really hope brumby stands up to the federal govt.
  21. wally funk

    Steve Bracks - going, gone?

    the people in the williamstown electorate will get who they vote in because surely there will be a byelection. same goes for albert park, thwaites' electorate. as for policy, there are a heck of a lot of people who wouldn't give a stuff about policy and just vote for one or the other, likely...
  22. wally funk

    Boris Yeltsin dead

    RIP one of the world's greatest drinkers :P in all seriousness however, a truly great politician who steered russia, after the fallout of the soviet union, towards where they are today. i know i'd rather live in russia today than the russia of 20-40 years ago "We can't ever forget that...