Retired 14. Liam Jones

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I'll say this. I was told by a former Carlton player not to go hard on Liam a couple of days ago. I don't have specifics but was told if and when the entire story comes out the court of public opinion would well and truly turn in Liam's favor.

I had already decided before then against railing on him.

We all have decisions to make regarding the vaxx or otherwise. There may well have been much more to it than a stance on the vaccine. There's a whole lot of racing to conclusions without knowing the facts. Way too many assumptions being made.

Liam was a helluva player for us and deserves our respect and appreciation for what he brought to the club. As a collective fan base we death rode him harder than any player that I can remember ever doing. Then he and Josh Fraser turned him around and he gave us several years of the best combinaton KPD's we've had since Silvagni.

All the best Liam. Thanks for your years of service. Whether all of your story gets aired is on you and I hope the infestation of maggots in the industry let you, and yours, reach that decision.
Jordan Russell?

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Weiters just broke out in a cold sweat.
Late 2019 believe it or not Levi was nearly an elite kpd. Not saying he is the answer but if young goes from first reserve to starting and omac is still injury prone then we quickly need to find some back up options along with drafting a long term option.
Situation no win!

Congratulations on the courage of your convictions Jonesy. If more individuals were willing to sacrifice so much on/for a principle this planet would be a better place. Those begrudging your decision, with a selfish outlook should think about the fact you have probably given up a million dollars and the chance of the ultimate reward for a footballer.

Like everyone else, I don’t know the full details of your stand and ultimate sacrifice so will not judge your decision. I simply respect and admire your courage to make an almost impossible choice.

I am sad you will not have the opportunity to meet and speak with your mates, your second family to discuss or explain your stance. I am certain your brothers in arms will respect your decision and miss you profoundly. I hope they gain some motivation from your example. It would have been a far easier decision to compromise your beliefs to appease the masses.

Thank you for the service Liam. Congratulations on the well documented high regard you are held in by your team mates. It is a testament to your character. The very best of wishes to you for your future and trust you will be warmly welcomed back in the inner sanctum of our club when circumstances allow.
Will be interesting to see the afl's response. Through no fault of our own our list has been diminished.

I think that we would be able to prosecute the argument that we deserve a compensation pick along the lines of a free agency pick where age, salary etc are taken into account.

Maybe an end of second round pick?

Football has been Liam's entire life for as long as he can remember.

He's worked incredibly hard since 2015 to resurrect his career and made enormous sacrifices along the way to get to where he is today. He's about to walk away from all that hard work, all those sacrifices, the game he's loved his entire life and about $500,000 because he's standing up for what he believes is right for him and his family. Yes, courageous.
But it could have equally applied to Jones.

He doesn't seem to have thought about, or understand, anyone else but himself here.

For a start, he's taken a huge dump on an awful lot of Blues supporters.
Always back self interest…it wins every time.
A fact most on here refuse to acknowledge.
Every single person on this forum will put themselves ahead of others at some stage of their life.

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I don't agree with his philosophy on the vaccine but respect when respect is due; everyone has a right to decline being vaccinated and stand up for what they believe in.

Congrats on a great career and for getting the most out of himself.
It depends on the reason for his philosophy.

The trouble is without people knowing that reason, it's just going to cause endless speculation.
I'll put my thoughts out here before reading what others have said.
I respect his choice but I'm disappointed.
He obviously has his reasons and has weighed up what's right for him. So as far as what it means for Jones, his career and his friends and family, I don't care about that. That's something that only he needs to be comfortable with.
My disappointment is purely selfish. He's best 22, was borderline AA this year and plays a position that we have the least coverage for.
It's great that there's an opportunity for Marchy, Young, Kemp, McDonald, Parkes or Gov if he makes a switch, but none of them are like for like or guaranteed to have as much impact from round 1.
Let's say it takes 5-6 weeks for us to find the right balance/replacement, that could make or break our season, which is huge for a team expected to give the 8 a shake.
I'm not angry at him and wish him well. His story is a great one, from scrap heap to best 22 in a foreign position, but I won't hide my disappointment.
It's laughable to think that refusing to be vaccinated is a courageous decision.
So giving up a career, half a mil, every basic right in 'society' and no doubt facing an onslaught from government & highly opinionated public opposition is not courageous?
Has more guts than 92 % the nation I reckon.
It's laughable to think that refusing to be vaccinated is a courageous decision.

To think you are so narrow minded that you can't understand it may not have anything to do with said vaccination itself.

Keep running with the masses, it will serve you well, not having your own opinion
So giving up a career, half a mil, every basic right in 'society' and no doubt facing an onslaught from government & highly opinionated public opposition is not courageous?
Has more guts than 92 % the nation I reckon.

Misguided? Absolutely.
Stupid? Likely.
Selfish? Yeah.

Courageous? Not in the slightest.
Misguided? Absolutely.
Stupid? Likely.
Selfish? Yeah.

Courageous? Not in the slightest.
says so much more about you than him.........
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But it could have equally applied to Jones.

He doesn't seem to have thought about, or understand, anyone else but himself here.

For a start, he's taken a huge dump on an awful lot of Blues supporters.

A supporter base who were happy to shit can him week on week for years.

I don’t think he owes us anything and I’ve seen enough of him on field to understand the type of person he is.
To think you are so narrow minded that you can't understand it may not have anything to do with said vaccination itself.

Keep running with the masses, it will serve you well, not having your own opinion
What would it be in relation to then?
I’m going to miss Liam Jones. Far from perfect but at least you always knew he was trying to have a crack and his transformation into a quality key defender is something he should be very proud of. I’m not even going to bother to speculate on why he’s come to the decision he has as ultimately it’s his decision and it’s done now so we all need to move on.

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