Retired 14. Liam Jones

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A number of posters here are going to look like morons for sinking the boot into Liam Jones.

He had a close relative have severe side effects as a result of the vaccine which is possibly linked to a rare condition that LJ has the same genetic markers for. His chances of a serious adverse reaction are much greater than the general person. I say "possibly linked" because there is no way to conclusively prove it. More testing needs to be done. It may turn out not to be linked to the vaccine - but at this stage it is an obvious cause.

The Club offered to pay him 50% of his wage to sit out next year in the belief the AFL will eventually allow non-vaccinated players to train and play by taking a daily test. LJ did not want to put the club or his team in that position and decided to pull the plug. He made this decision 6 weeks ago. The club has been trying to talk him around. They finally accepted two days ago after all the public hysteria that he would not change his mind and accepted his decision.

He has at all times done the right thing by the Club. If you had been through his personal experiences you may think the same way. The playing group is fully behind him.

Now before you pile on and call me an anti-vaxer, I have had both doses of Pfizer and will be lining up for my booster. There is simply (like many things in life) a grey area where some people fall into. On an issue of health - this is one.

Thank you for your service LJ. Anyone else wanting to get on their soap box - get stuffed.

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A number of posters here are going to look like morons for sinking the boot into Liam Jones.

He had a close relative have severe side effects as a result of the vaccine which is possibly linked to a rare condition that LJ has the same genetic markers for. His chances of a serious adverse reaction are much greater than the general person. I say "possibly linked" because there is no way to conclusively prove it. More testing needs to be done. It may turn out not to be linked to the vaccine - but at this stage it is an obvious cause.

If this is the case, (and how would we know other than an unconfirmed rumour) he has an even more urgent need to clarify his stance. Like it or not he’s a role model and given his indigenous background, he has a responsibility to make a public statement ASAP. He’s cleary either getting very poor advice, or he’s just a twit.
It’s not the decision I made, but I’m not a fit 31yo. I respect his and wish him the best. He already put his well-being on the line for our jumper more than once which is more than anyone here can say. I’ll always be proud to remember him in navy blue.

At least I have a free Storm membership next year. Sigh.
Liam I wish all the best. Thank you for your service to our club.
That's right - it relies on those who can get vaccinated getting vaccinated. If what the previous poster said is true hopefully Liam can get a medical exemption.
Have you read up on what constitutes an exemption???????. If you do not personally experience an adverse effect from the first dose then forget it.

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A number of posters here are going to look like morons for sinking the boot into Liam Jones.

He had a close relative have severe side effects as a result of the vaccine which is possibly linked to a rare condition that LJ has the same genetic markers for. His chances of a serious adverse reaction are much greater than the general person. I say "possibly linked" because there is no way to conclusively prove it. More testing needs to be done. It may turn out not to be linked to the vaccine - but at this stage it is an obvious cause.

The Club offered to pay him 50% of his wage to sit out next year in the belief the AFL will eventually allow non-vaccinated players to train and play by taking a daily test. LJ did not want to put the club or his team in that position and decided to pull the plug. He made this decision 6 weeks ago. The club has been trying to talk him around. They finally accepted two days ago after all the public hysteria that he would not change his mind and accepted his decision.

He has at all times done the right thing by the Club. If you had been through his personal experiences you may think the same way. The playing group is fully behind him.

Now before you pile on and call me an anti-vaxer, I have had both doses of Pfizer and will be lining up for my booster. There is simply (like many things in life) a grey area where some people fall into. On an issue of health - this is one.

Thank you for your service LJ. Anyone else wanting to get on their soap box - get stuffed.

Why would we look like morons for sinking the boots in when none of us knew that information ????

If that's the reason then why doesn't he and the club come out and say it.

Besides - I most people are being relatively respectful to his decision.
Rational as in values professional medical advice over Facebook conspiracies. Objectively rational people.

Again this is all on the assumption that Liam has refused for no good reason besides his beliefs which would lead me to believe he's more in line with the Facebook conspiracist types as opposed to the medical professionals. Hopefully this isn't the case but would lose all respect to him if it is. Putting others as risk isn't cool.
can see him being absolutely gutted you might not respect him........
I simply thought you may have been able to provide examples.

In answer to your second part, not that I know of.

So it's possible someone you know has refused to ge vaccinated

The issue is if he has refused the jab for no good reason other than his "beliefs" he has made an objectively wrong decision. I personally don't know any rational people who have decided not to get vaccinated.

A persons beliefs are more important than anything else
I wouldn't know, assume a retirement doesn't automatically trigger a pay out clause.....
But it might be better than the 25% he was going to get, how does this affect our drafting scenario's?
If he isn't getting paid out, then we have space on the cap.

If he is, then I reckon the AFL should allow the payment to be outside the cap because it's the AFL's policy which has forced his retirement.
A number of posters here are going to look like morons for sinking the boot into Liam Jones.

He had a close relative have severe side effects as a result of the vaccine which is possibly linked to a rare condition that LJ has the same genetic markers for. His chances of a serious adverse reaction are much greater than the general person. I say "possibly linked" because there is no way to conclusively prove it. More testing needs to be done. It may turn out not to be linked to the vaccine - but at this stage it is an obvious cause.

The Club offered to pay him 50% of his wage to sit out next year in the belief the AFL will eventually allow non-vaccinated players to train and play by taking a daily test. LJ did not want to put the club or his team in that position and decided to pull the plug. He made this decision 6 weeks ago. The club has been trying to talk him around. They finally accepted two days ago after all the public hysteria that he would not change his mind and accepted his decision.

He has at all times done the right thing by the Club. If you had been through his personal experiences you may think the same way. The playing group is fully behind him.

Now before you pile on and call me an anti-vaxer, I have had both doses of Pfizer and will be lining up for my booster. There is simply (like many things in life) a grey area where some people fall into. On an issue of health - this is one.

Thank you for your service LJ. Anyone else wanting to get on their soap box - get stuffed.

You know this how?
A number of posters here are going to look like morons for sinking the boot into Liam Jones.

He had a close relative have severe side effects as a result of the vaccine which is possibly linked to a rare condition that LJ has the same genetic markers for. His chances of a serious adverse reaction are much greater than the general person. I say "possibly linked" because there is no way to conclusively prove it. More testing needs to be done. It may turn out not to be linked to the vaccine - but at this stage it is an obvious cause.

The Club offered to pay him 50% of his wage to sit out next year in the belief the AFL will eventually allow non-vaccinated players to train and play by taking a daily test. LJ did not want to put the club or his team in that position and decided to pull the plug. He made this decision 6 weeks ago. The club has been trying to talk him around. They finally accepted two days ago after all the public hysteria that he would not change his mind and accepted his decision.

He has at all times done the right thing by the Club. If you had been through his personal experiences you may think the same way. The playing group is fully behind him.

Now before you pile on and call me an anti-vaxer, I have had both doses of Pfizer and will be lining up for my booster. There is simply (like many things in life) a grey area where some people fall into. On an issue of health - this is one.

Thank you for your service LJ. Anyone else wanting to get on their soap box - get stuffed.
How are you privy to this information?

And, if it's true, did you get permission to share it?

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