Retired 14. Liam Jones

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Does it really matter? Jones has made a decision not to get the jab.

Have any of your loved ones, close friends, decided not to get vaccinated?
The issue is if he has refused the jab for no good reason other than his "beliefs" he has made an objectively wrong decision. I personally don't know any rational people who have decided not to get vaccinated.

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Really not sure what to say, admire his resolve, doesn't matter what the postulators think it's 100% his call, and it's cost him significant coin so that should end any speculation. Time to leave Liam to his decision and move onto who steps up? Hand made for another resurrection, the Gov.......
Spewing about this, huge loss! Hun reporting 'cultural beliefs', part of me is curious what they are, the other part thinks it doesn't really matter because it isn't going to change anything.

Hope this can turn into a bit of 1 door closing and another 1 opening but I just can't see who we have who is a likely replacement
I hadn't heard about the cultural beliefs. If it is, that's fine. He's entitled to those beliefs, but presumably that's something related to be indigenous. If so, it would be odd for him to be the only indigenous player in the league with those beliefs, but so far, he's the only one reported that has refused the vax.
Like you say, not going to change anything, but the odds would be against him being the only indigenous player refusing the vax for cultural reasons, if that's what it is.
The issue is if he has refused the jab for no good reason other than his "beliefs" he has made an objectively wrong decision. I personally don't know any rational people who have decided not to get vaccinated.
discusses objective decisons then runs with own idea of "rational"............
Will be interesting to see the afl's response. Through no fault of our own our list has been diminished.

I think that we would be able to prosecute the argument that we deserve a compensation pick along the lines of a free agency pick where age, salary etc are taken into account.

Maybe an end of second round pick?
The AFL implemented its vaccination policy after the Trade and Free Agency period, so you would hope we receive some sort of compensation. A State-league pick would make the most sense.

Hope people don't judge Jones on his decision. We recently lost someone from our workplace who wouldn't get the jab. He had a very bad reaction to the flu vaccine in his youth, yet that didn't qualify him for a medical exemption from vaccination. I imagine there's a lot of other people in similar situations - Jones might even be one of them.
discusses objective decisons then runs with own idea of "rational"............
Rational as in values professional medical advice over Facebook conspiracies. Objectively rational people.

Again this is all on the assumption that Liam has refused for no good reason besides his beliefs which would lead me to believe he's more in line with the Facebook conspiracist types as opposed to the medical professionals. Hopefully this isn't the case but would lose all respect to him if it is. Putting others as risk isn't cool.

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Given the vax rates in indigenous communities are lagging well behind the national averages, this is an even more horrendous decision from Jones. If there’s some medical or ultra religious reason behind his decision, he would have made a statement by now. I’m calling BS on the “complex” nature of this.
So much for being an example.
Rational as in values professional medical advice over Facebook conspiracies. Objectively rational people.

Again this is all on the assumption that Liam has refused for no good reason besides his beliefs which would lead me to believe he's more in line with the Facebook conspiracist types as opposed to the medical professionals. Hopefully this isn't the case but would lose all respect to him if it is. Putting others as risk isn't cool.
How is he putting others at risk?
He may not catch the virus, and if he did, with the system the AFL have in place it would be dealt with fairly quickly.
You do realise over 6 m Vics haven’t caught the virus?
The AFL implemented its vaccination policy after the Trade and Free Agency period, so you would hope we receive some sort of compensation. A State-league pick would make the most sense.

Hope people don't judge Jones on his decision. We recently lost someone from our workplace who wouldn't get the jab. He had a very bad reaction to the flu vaccine in his youth, yet that didn't qualify him for a medical exemption from vaccination. I imagine there's a lot of other people in similar situations - Jones might even be one of them.
We can make judgements on the facts.
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Given the vax rates in indigenous communities are lagging well behind the national averages, this is an even more horrendous decision from Jones. If there’s some medical or ultra religious reason behind his decision, he would have made a statement by now. I’m calling BS on the “complex” nature of this.
This. Can totally see why indigenous people who may be less informed, less accessible or in general from lower socio-economic families might be distrusting of this vaccine after terrible things such as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Locally the virus was unfortunately spread quite a bit by indigenous families who were refusing testing/vaccines and our local indigenous human services/medical organization and indigenous elders put huge effort into informing these families and individuals in making them feel comfortable with making good decisions. Again assuming it's all down to his beliefs it's really disappointing Liam has made an objectively poor and dangerous decision let alone choosing to retire because of it.
Really not sure what to say, admire his resolve, doesn't matter what the postulators think it's 100% his call, and it's cost him significant coin so that should end any speculation. Time to leave Liam to his decision and move onto who steps up? Hand made for another resurrection, the Gov.......
Has it cost him coin or is he getting paid out?
Think I am more at risk of affliction reading this thread and others than I am because a player isn't vaxxed. It does my head in some of the utter crap that gets written.

I dont see Liam in an anonymous forum canning other people about their myopic self entitled views.

With respect, in an anonymous forum you wouldn't recognise him anyway. :D

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