Player Watch 2. Dylan Grimes

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RJK the bitter gift that keeps on giving

Righto - the same bunch of mouth breathers just parroting and clapping whatever crap decision we have made now & next

Not sure why that makes me bitter - would rather us be making winning moves than me getting to tell a bunch of idiots "i told you so" constantly. I would say i am frustrated and disappointed - but not bitter, honestly have no idea how i could be bitter over any of this ?

Re-signing a 32 year old, declining backman with 14 weeks left in the season that NO ONE is just dumb. Even someone whose head is firmly planted inside a set of butt-cheeks can surely see that. There is absolutely no need to re-sign him at this point
Cant believe he writes so much rubbish that never gets read

This explains a lot.

maybe you should give reading ago sometime. You surely need the practice.

Your opinions are pure tripe btw. You are the type of fan that only looks good when we are winning. The rest of the time you look pretty ignorant, especially when it comes to footy.
Righto - the same bunch of mouth breathers just parroting and clapping whatever crap decision we have made now & next

Not sure why that makes me bitter - would rather us be making winning moves than me getting to tell a bunch of idiots "i told you so" constantly. I would say i am frustrated and disappointed - but not bitter, honestly have no idea how i could be bitter over any of this ?

Re-signing a 32 year old, declining backman with 14 weeks left in the season that NO ONE is just dumb. Even someone whose head is firmly planted inside a set of butt-cheeks can surely see that. There is absolutely no need to re-sign him at this point
Would have been a tough weekend for after that win. You come on here shit canning every decision made by people way more educated than your fine self. Like you’d bitch about the sun coming up of Richmond said it was a good thing
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As Jack said last year on AFL360, the club prefers to have a staggered approach to its retirees.

Lambert, Edwards last season.

Riewoldt, Cotchin and Tarrant all likely end of this season.

Grimes next season.

Think it’s a combination of not losing leaders and experience players at the club in swoop, but also list management at the same time.

Suspect we may see Grimes rested on occasion back end of this season and through next season as well.
It's the right approach you can't have all that experience walk out the door in 1 hit
Onfield leadership is vital for the next generation coming through
This explains a lot.

maybe you should give reading ago sometime. You surely need the practice.

Your opinions are pure tripe btw. You are the type of fan that only looks good when we are winning. The rest of the time you look pretty ignorant, especially when it comes to footy.
I dont bother reading rubbish

You are the biggest hypocrite of all if you believe what you write as since 2020 premiership all you have done is bag and lay crap on all aspects of my great club and i have defended them so i fail to see how i am the person that looks good whilst Richmond are winning.
YOU on the other hand have been TROLLING since 2020 and everybody is awake to it and called you out numerous times.

How Daniel Rioli going do you still believe he is a sh!t defender ?
How Daniel Rioli going do you still believe he is a sh!t defender ?

Nothing more pathetic than watching a dog do the same old trick.

Anyone who thinks its a smart decision to re-sign a 32 year old defender to an extension, in a season where you are bottom 4, the player is showing clear signs of age decline - in ROUND EIGHT - even though there is no one even really chasing his services....... Its really poor list management. Incredibly poor.

Grimes does an Achilles, MCL or a serious hammy this week, OR, he continues to play poorly, Gibcus returns & tears it apart in the same role, Grimes finishes the year playing in the VFL - & we now owe him approximately $400k for 2024.

Why make the call in round 8? Whats to gain Vs what we can clearly lose?

Why would you take that risk when you could have just as easily re-signed him at the end of the season? You can crap on about the same Rioli shit from last year all you like & it still wont be at all relevant to this topic, which you clearly have no answer to.
Nothing more pathetic than watching a dog do the same old trick.

Anyone who thinks its a smart decision to re-sign a 32 year old defender to an extra year contract, in a season where you are bottom 4 and they are showing clear signs of age decline - in ROUND EIGHT - even though there is no one even really chasing his services....... Its really poor list management. Incredibly poor.

Grimes does an Achilles, MCL or a serious hammy this week, OR, he continues to play poorly, Gibcus returns & tears it apart in the same role, Grimes finishes the year playing in the VFL - & we now owe him approximately $400k for 2024.

Why would you take that risk when you could have just as easily re-signed him at the end of the season? You can crap on about the same Rioli s**t from last year all you like & it still wont be at all relevant to this topic, which you clearly have no answer to.

You really are on another planet FMD
Nothing more pathetic than watching a dog do the same old trick.

Anyone who thinks its a smart decision to re-sign a 32 year old defender to an extension, in a season where you are bottom 4, the player is showing clear signs of age decline - in ROUND EIGHT - even though there is no one even really chasing his services....... Its really poor list management. Incredibly poor.

Grimes does an Achilles, MCL or a serious hammy this week, OR, he continues to play poorly, Gibcus returns & tears it apart in the same role, Grimes finishes the year playing in the VFL - & we now owe him approximately $400k for 2024.

Why make the call in round 8? Whats to gain Vs what we can clearly lose?

Why would you take that risk when you could have just as easily re-signed him at the end of the season? You can crap on about the same Rioli s**t from last year all you like & it still wont be at all relevant to this topic, which you clearly have no answer to.

Where is the $400k coming from?

I suspect it’ll be closer to the figure that Jack and Cotchin re-signed for which I think is closer to $250-$300k.

You do it now because Grimes’ worth as a leader on and off the field is equally - if not more - important than his play on the field. So any big injury (which is a risk for every player) doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things.

His manager was on the Gettable podcast the other day and basically said the club wanted him to go around next year as did he. If that’s the case and as above, you rate him as an important cog of the club almost regardless of on-field performance, why wait to extend his contract?
Where is the $400k coming from?

I suspect it’ll be closer to the figure that Jack and Cotchin re-signed for which I think is closer to $250-$300k.

You do it now because Grimes’ worth as a leader on and off the field is equally - if not more - important than his play on the field. So any big injury (which is a risk for every player) doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things.

His manager was on the Gettable podcast the other day and basically said the club wanted him to go around next year as did he. If that’s the case and as above, you rate him as an important cog of the club almost regardless of on-field performance, why wait to extend his contract?

You simply don't seem to grasp exactly how good a list manager RJKTiger is Jobster. We are talking elite here, and that is from his loungeroom. Can you even imagine how good a list manager he would be if he watched players train and conduct themselves around the club, had the opportunity to get to know them personally, was privy to unpublished stats and behind the goals footage, had the inside track on their fitness at all points and so on. It would blow you away how good a list manager rjk could be if he actually knew anything about the players. :)
I really cannot believe these fools want to delist Dylan Grimes as a 32 year old
He has played all 8 games this year and these fools talk about him getting injured all of 2024

Maybe he can go and give the Geelol board some list management advice as he has 15 players that he can discuss there

You really are on another planet FMD

Yes. I would not re-sign him at the end of his contract. Especially as we own our picks again, & i'd use the cap space to secure longer term interest.

Why would you re-sign him? What would you think it will achieve in regards to results?
Didn't realise the
seriously - what kind of theory is that? "Sure he has been bad, but so has the whole team". And its just not accurate. The whole team is not playing bad. And if it is, then surely you must, finally, concede that has to be a reflection of Dimma is doing a poor job.

You continue to hold opinions that are just massively inconsistent. And to be honest, i see your support of any moves that the club is making as a "kiss of death" - as all your support so far for the concept of getting in Tarrant, trading for both Hopper & Taranto - re-signing Cotchin & Riewoldt..... they are all causing this club to fall further & furher into the abyss. Being a "Yes" man/woman does not make you "more loyal" - it just makes you more "compliant"

When you Captain is playing bad & the entire team is playing bad - that is not an excuse for form. ever. The Captain should be leading by example. We know Grimes is about as solid a player for form, ever. He has been incredibly consistent in his career. He is going to be 33 mid-next season and the team is falling off a cliff & so is his form. Considering his form has always been incredibly consistent, you have to believe that the drop in performance is 100% due to an aging body & unless we have some Sith like medical divisions, nothing is going to change that.

Dimma's romance with the golden era is as much of our current problem than the team "playing s**t". He is enabling older players who are in career worse form while also alienating young players like Cumberland. While he bags out Cumberland and blames young players for losses, he is also supporting Dustys really poor, wasteful game - re-signing Grimes.... he is showing nil signs of being able to accept that we are in a different stage of the clubs journey. Re-signing a 32 yo in career worse form in round 8 sends a terrible message to the young backman on the list. It was moves like this that made Chol & CCJ leave too. I honestly would have much rather us put Gibcus in that role and let him grow into it.

This strategy will fail, it has to. It has been failing for 3 years & continues to fail. There is no way Dylan Grimes is winning another GF - so what is the point here? How is it a "great move"

There is NIL signs so far that Tarrant was a good signing either. He has not played this year & last season was ordinary & ultimately did not change our results in any meaningful way - we finished 7th which "meh". If this continues this club will be back to Ninthmond incredibly quickly - especially once Peggy, Ben, Balme, Dimma leave ......and they all will once the wheels fall completely off in 2024. It could be 3 years at the bottom before we make another finals run.

As poorly as this year is going, it will likely be our best year for wins between 2023-2025. Let that sink in
Wow, I didn't realise the Melbourne comedy festival was still in town,, please let me know where I can get front row tickets
Didn't realise the
Wow, I didn't realise the Melbourne comedy festival was still in town,, please let me know where I can get front row tickets

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Righto - the same bunch of mouth breathers just parroting and clapping whatever crap decision we have made now & next

Not sure why that makes me bitter - would rather us be making winning moves than me getting to tell a bunch of idiots "i told you so" constantly. I would say i am frustrated and disappointed - but not bitter, honestly have no idea how i could be bitter over any of this ?

Re-signing a 32 year old, declining backman with 14 weeks left in the season that NO ONE is just dumb. Even someone whose head is firmly planted inside a set of butt-cheeks can surely see that. There is absolutely no need to re-sign him at this point
Holy **** shut up
Then you are just a fool and know SFA about football

Why would you keep him then? Whats your explanation? What will it achieve that we cannot live without?

I have pointed out the massive risk in re-signing a aging player mid-year. What is the benefit that i am missing to re-signing him now & not at the end of the season, that makes me such a problem to you?
Why would you keep him then? Whats your explanation? What will it achieve that we cannot live without?

I have pointed out the massive risk in re-signing a aging player mid-year. What is the benefit that i am missing to re-signing him now & not at the end of the season, that makes me such a problem to you?

The fact that you would even ask that question indicates your lack of football knowledge

Grimes has not missed a game in 2023
He is our captain and offers leadership and experience
Tarrant Retiring we will have nobody but Vlastuin and Broad with any experience , leadership and Broad is yet to sign on
Where is the Depth in defence if we lose Broad or Vlastuin
The Man has not even turned 32 yet

Can i get you to do a list of the players you would get rid of at Geelol dues to age ?
You have absolutely 0 credibility left by making stupid statements like you have and am convinced you are now the biggest troll on this board and have taken over from the legend troll Dopey
Why would you keep him then? Whats your explanation? What will it achieve that we cannot live without?

I have pointed out the massive risk in re-signing a aging player mid-year. What is the benefit that i am missing to re-signing him now & not at the end of the season, that makes me such a problem to you?
Why do you have two accounts and posting with both in the same thread?

1683824319653.png 1683824351664.png
The fact that you would even ask that question indicates your lack of football knowledge

Grimes has not missed a game in 2023
He is our captain and offers leadership and experience
Tarrant Retiring we will have nobody but Vlastuin and Broad with any experience , leadership and Broad is yet to sign on
Where is the Depth in defence if we lose Broad or Vlastuin
The Man has not even turned 32 yet

Can i get you to do a list of the players you would get rid of at Geelol dues to age ?
You have absolutely 0 credibility left by making stupid statements like you have and am convinced you are now the biggest troll on this board and have taken over from the legend troll Dopey
Grimes appointment as captain coincided with a New look backline, almost a reduced role for Grimes and a return of injuries. This captaincy reign won't be a long one. Maybe the club could have gone a younger player for captain role. Vlas, Short, Graham Baker?

Had those injuries continued this year Grimes would likely have retired and Broad being a required player. Broad is playing the better footy and I guess we get a new look back line if he leaves. Unfortunately WC are a basket case I don't know if Freo are interested.
Bauer now being played in defence and Gibcus close to a return could cover Broad
Grimes appointment as captain coincided with a New look backline, almost a reduced role for Grimes and a return of injuries. This captaincy reign won't be a long one. Maybe the club could have gone a younger player for captain role. Vlas, Short, Graham Baker?

Had those injuries continued this year Grimes would likely have retired and Broad being a required player. Broad is playing the better footy and I guess we get a new look back line if he leaves. Unfortunately WC are a basket case I don't know if Freo are interested.
Bauer now being played in defence and Gibcus close to a return could cover Broad

Grimes has been playing a key role because of injury and suspension. These players coming back will allow him to become a back pocket smaller defender playing on the 4th or 5th forward as opposed to the 1st or 2nd. We’ll see a better output. No surprises since Broad came back Grimes and Vlaustin played better. Who says Broad is going anywhere. He has as many commercial interests in Melbourne as he does playing footy in Perth.
Cheers hopefully you will be performing 🎭

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