2005 Brownlow Leak Number...

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coffee man said:
If Johnson and West get 21 votes each thats 42 votes out of a possible 66 for their club and their opposition! Considering they only won 11(?) games it doesnt seem likely!! Same with Ricciuto and Goodwin with 20 votes EACH

Ah, you're a genius at maths, I see. Multiply 66 by two and you will find the correct answer.

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Sorry about the formatting. Someone may well have too much times on their hands... If anyone can be bothered doing the maths to see if the below is even possible. Enjoy!

Round 1
Bris d Stk 3 M.Voss
2 N.Dal Santo
1 L.Power
Kang d Carl 3 S.Grant
2 A.Koutoufides
1 D.Petrie
Melb d Ess 3 B.Green
2 B.Moloney
1 A.Yze
Fre d Port 3 M.Carr
2 J.Carr
1 K.Cornes
Syd d Haw 3 D.Jolly
2 P.Williams
1 B.Hall
Geel d Rich 3 C.Ling
2 C.Enright
1 P.Chapman
Wce d Ade 3 B.Cousins
2 C.Fletcher
1 T.Edwards
Bul d Coll 3 L.Darcy
2 B.Johnson
1 A.Cooney
Round 2
Carl d Ess 3 L.Whitnall
2 S.Lucas
1 N.Stevens
Melb d Bul 3 C.Bruce
2 B.Green
1 S.West
Kang d Syd 3 G.Archer
2 S.Grant
1 C.Bolton
Wce d Geel 3 D.Cox
2 A.Embley
1 C.Fletcher
Port d Bris 3 W.Tredrea
2 A.Kingsley
1 L.Power
Stk d Fre 3 L.Hayes
2 P.Bell
1 J.Longmuir
Rich d Haw 3 N.Brown
2 K.Johnson
1 S.Mitchell
Ade d Coll 3 A.Mcleod
2 P.Licuria
1 B.Johnson

Round 5
Geel d Port 3 B.Ottens
2 C.Ling
1 P.Chapman
Kang d Haw 3 D.Wells
2 S.Grant
1 S.Rocca
Fre d Carl 3 M.Pavlich
2 M.Carr
1 H.Black
Bul d Ade 3 S.West
2 L.Darcy
1 B.Johnson
Melb d Syd 3 B.McLean
2 A.Yze
1 J.Bolton
Wce d Bris 3 T.Stenglein
2 A.Embley
1 D.Chick
Stk d Rich 3 S.Milne
2 A.Jones
1 N.Dal Santo
Ess d Coll 3 J.Hird
2 A.Lovett
1 R.Shaw
Round 6
Carl d Haw 3 L.Hodge
2 J.Waite
1 M.Osborne
Fre d Melb 3 M.Pavlich
2 P.Bell
1 J.Farmer
Ade d Kang 3 S.Goodwin
2 H.Skipworth
1 A.Simpson
Bris d Ess 3 J.Brown
2 N.Lappin
1 C.Scott
Wce d Syd 3 B.Cousins
2 C.Judd
1 D.Cox
Geel d Bul 3 P.Chapman
2 B.Ottens
1 L.Gilbee
Stk d Coll 3 N.Dal Santo
2 F.Gehrig
1 R.Harvey
Rich d Port 3 N.Brown
2 M.Richardson
1 K.Pettifer

Round 9
Ade d Stk 3 M.Ricciuto
2 A.McLeod
1 B.Burton
Coll d Wce 3 B.Caracella
2 P.Licuria
1 C.Fletcher
Melb d Carl 3 R.Robertson
2 T.Johnstone
1 C.Bizzell
Rich d Bris 3 S.Tuck
2 M.Coughlan
1 M.Voss
Port d Ess 3 W.Tredrea
2 K.Cornes
1 B.Lade
Syd d Bul 3 M.O'Loughlin
2 B.Hall
1 B.Kirk
Geel d Kang 3 J.Bartel
2 C.Enright
1 G.Ablett
Haw d Fre 3 S.Crawford
2 L.Hodge
1 S.Mitchell
Round 10
Melb d Rich 3 A.Yze
2 T.Johnstone
1 B.Green
Coll d Haw 3 S.Mitchell
2 S.O'Bree
1 L.Hodge
Fre d Geel 3 P.Bell
2 P.Hasleby
1 J.Farmer
Kang d Bris 3 J.Brown
2 D.Wells
1 T.Makepeace
Stk d Syd 3 F.Gehrig
2 N.Riewoldt
1 S.Milne
Ade d Carl 3 S.Goodwin
2 N.Stevens
1 M.Lappin
Ess d Bul 3 S.West
2 B.Johnson
1 D.Giansiracusa
Wce d Port 3 B.Cousins
2 A.Embley
1 K.Cornes

Round 13
Port d Haw 3 W.Tredrea
2 J.Francou
1 K.Cornes
Wce d Melb 3 A.Embley
2 C.Fletcher
1 T.Johnstone
Ade d Rich 3 S.Thompson
2 M.Riccuito
1 I.Perrie
Bul d Carl 3 N.Eagleton
2 L.Gilbee
1 S.West
Bris d Geel 3 J.Akermanis
2 J.Brown
1 J.Leppitsch
Kang d Fre 3 B.Harvey
2 J.Sinclair
1 N.Thompson
Ess d Stk 3 J.Hird
2 J.Murphy
1 L.Hayes
Syd d Coll 3 B.Kirk
2 B.Hall
1 N.Buckley
Round 14
Coll d Port 3 B.Holland
2 S.O'Bree
1 P.Licuria
Rich d Syd 3 W.Campbell
2 A.Krakour
1 N.Fosdike
Wce d Carl 3 C.Fletcher
2 B.Cousins
1 C.Judd
Bris d Melb 3 D.Bradshaw
2 J.Akermanis
1 M.Voss
Kang d Ess 3 S.Grant
2 B.Harvey
1 N.Thompson
Ade d Fre 3 T.Edwards
2 M.Pavlich
1 H.Black
Stk d Bul 3 J.Koschitzke
2 L.Hayes
1 S.Fisher
Geel d Haw 3 C.Ling
2 J.Corey
1 P.Chapman

Round 17
Stk d Coll 3 L.Ball
2 J.Koschitzke
1 B.Guerra
Haw d Carl 3 L.Hodge
2 D.Jacobs
1 T.Croad
Bul d Geel 3 N.Eagleton
2 S.West
1 B.Johnson
Bris d Ess 3 S.Black
2 N.Lappin
1 M.Voss
Port d Rich 3 K.Cornes
2 M.Richardson
1 S.Tuck
Syd d Wce 3 B.Kirk
2 J.Bolton
1 M.O'Loughlin
Ade d Kang 3 M.Ricciuto
2 T.Edwards
1 S.Welsh
Fre d Melb 3 P.Hasleby
2 H.Black
1 B.Green
Round 18
Ess d Geel 3 S.Lucas
2 J.Corey
1 D.Fletcher
Stk d Melb 3 N.Dal Santo
2 J.Koschitzke
1 F.Gehrig
Wce d Haw 3 B.Cousins
2 D.Kerr
1 C.Judd
Bul d Bris 3 B.Johnson
2 S.West
1 S.Black
Ade d Syd 3 A.Goodes
2 B.Kirk
1 T.Edwards
Kang d Port 3 C.Jones
2 K.Cornes
1 D.Wells
Fre d Coll 3 J.Carr
2 M.Pavlich
1 P.Licuria
Carl d Rich 3 A.Koutoufides
2 H.Scotland
1 A.Carrazzo

Round 21
Fre d Stk 3 P.Hasleby
2 R.Harvey
1 J.Longmuir
Geel d Wce 3 S.Johnson
2 J.Bartel
1 C.Ling
Ade d Coll 3 T.Edwards
2 S.Thompson
1 M.Ricciuto
Port d Bris 3 C.Cornes
2 S.Burgoyne
1 M.Voss
Melb d Bul 3 J.White
2 G.Rigoni
1 R.Robertson
Syd d Kang 3 N.Davis
2 B.Kirk
1 B.Mathews
Ess d Carl 3 M.Johnson
2 J.Johnson
1 J.Hird
Rich d Haw 3 S.Tuck
2 M.Richardson
1 B.Deledio
Round 22
Bul d Coll 3 S.West
2 B.Johnson
1 P.Licuria
Syd d Haw 3 B.Kirk
2 A.Goodes
1 R.O'Keefe
Ade d Wce 3 T.Edwards
2 I.Perrie
1 D.Wirrpunda
Stk d Bris 3 S.Milne
2 N.Riewoldt
1 L.Ball
Port d Fre 3 K.Cornes
2 C.Kornes
1 J.Francou
Geel d Rich 3 S.Johnson
2 D.Milburn
1 J.Bowden
Melb d Ess 3 T.Johnstone
2 B.Stanton
1 J.Johnson
Kang d Carl 3 D.Wells
2 S.Grant
1 B.Harvey

Round 3
Melb d Geel 3 C.Bruce
2 D.Neitz
1 B.Green
Kang d Stk 3 S.Grant
2 N.Dal Santo
1 B.Harvey
Coll d Carl 3 P.Licuria
2 T.Lockyer
1 N.Stevens
Syd d Bris 3 J.Bolton
2 B.Hall
1 J.Akermanis
Wce d Fre 3 C.Judd
2 D.Cox
1 J.Carr
Ade d Port 3 M.Ricciuto
2 S.Goodwin
1 T.Edwards
Ess d Haw 3 J.Johnson
2 L.Hodge
1 J.Smith
Rich d Bul 3 M.Richardson
2 C.Hyde
1 D.Giansiracusa
Round 4
Kang d Coll 3 B.Harvey
2 S.Grant
1 J.Sinclair
Haw d Bris 3 S.Mitchell
2 P.Everitt
1 S.Crawford
Wce d Bul 3 B.Cousins
2 C.Judd
1 D.Cox
Geel d Ess 3 C.Enright
2 G.Ablett
1 B.Ottens
Port - Carl 3 B.Fevola
2 K.Cornes
1 R.Houlihan
Adel d Syd 3 S.Thompson
2 A.McLeod
1 B.Kirk
Rich d Fre 3 N.Brown
2 M.Richardson
1 H.Black
Stk d Melb 3 L.Ball
2 F.Gehrig
1 B.Voss

Round 7
Melb d Ade 3 J.McDonald
2 B.Green
1 A.Yze
Rich d Carl 3 M.Coughlan
2 N.Brown
1 M.Richardson
Geel d Stk 3 D.Milburn
2 L.Ball
1 C.Ling
Bul d Bris 3 B.Johnson
2 S.West
1 R.Smith
Syd d Ess 3 B.Kirk
2 B.Hall
1 A.McPhee
Wce d Haw 3 C.Fletcher
2 A.Embley
1 L.Hodge
Port d Kang 3 W.Tredrea
2 J.Francou
1 G.Wanganeen
Fre d Coll 3 J.Carr
2 M.Pavlich
1 M.Carr
Round 8
Geel d Carl 3 J.Corey
2 G.Ablett
1 J.Bartel
Haw d Melb 3 L.Hodge
2 M.Williams
1 P.Everitt
Wce d Stk 3 B.Cousins
2 C.Fletcher
1 L.Ball
Bul d Kang 3 D.Giansiracusa
2 B.Harvey
1 R.Murphy
Bris d Ade 3 S.Black
2 M.Ricciuto
1 L.Power
Syd d Port 3 A.Goodes
2 B.Hall
1 J.Bolton
Rich d Coll 3 N.Brown
2 M.Coughlan
1 K.Johnson
Ess d Fre 3 A.Lovett
2 S.Lucas
1 M.Pavlich

Round 11
Coll d Geel 3 B.Holland
2 J.Clement
1 A.Didak
Wce d Rich 3 C.Judd
2 S.Tuck
1 P.Matera
Syd d Carl 3 J.Bolton
2 B.Kirk
1 B.Hall
Bris d Fre 3 L.Power
2 J.Brown
1 J.Akermanis
Ade d Ess 3 S.Goodwin
2 K.McGregor
1 S.Thompson
Port d Stk 3 S.Burgoyne
2 L.Hayes
1 A.Kingsley
Melb d Kang 3 R.Robertson
2 C.Bruce
1 T.Johnstone
Bul d Haw 3 D.Cross
2 S.West
1 L.Hodge
Round 12
Wce d Ess 3 B.Cousins
2 C.Judd
1 M.Braun
Stk d Haw 3 M.Maguire
2 F.Gehrig
1 S.Mitchell
Bris d Carl 3 J.Brown
2 T.Notting
1 L.Power
Port d Bul 3 K.Cornes
2 C.Cornes
1 S.West
Syd d Fre 3 A. Buchanan
2 B.Hall
1 T.Kennelly
Geel d Ade 3 C.Ling
2 S.Thompson
1 S.Goodwin
Kang d Rich 3 B.Harvey
2 N.Thompson
1 S.Tuck
Melb d Coll 3 A.Yze
2 T.Johnstone
1 C.Bruce

Round 15
Wce d Kang 3 B.Harvey
2 C.Fletcher
1 B.Cousins
Rich d Ess 3 W.Campbell
2 S.Tuck
1 J.Johnson
Port d Melb 3 K.Cornes
2 W.Tredrea
1 S.Dew
Bris d Coll 3 L.Power
2 S.Black
1 J.Akermanis
Syd d Geel 3 B.Kirk
2 B.Hall
1 R.O'Keefe
Ade d Haw 3 S.Goodwin
2 B.Burton
1 K.McGregor
Stk d Carl 3 J.Koschitzke
2 L.Hayes
1 S.Milne
Fre d Bul 3 P.Hasleby
2 H.Black
1 M.Pavlich
Round 16
Ess d Coll 3 M.Lloyd
2 N.Buckley
1 S.Lucas
Stk d Rich 3 J.Koschitzke
2 L.Hayes
1 M.Coughlan
Geel d Port 3 J.Bartel
2 J.Hunt
1 C.Ling
Syd d Melb 3 B.Kirk
2 B.Hall
1 A.Goodes
Wce d Bris 3 B.Cousins
2 M.Braun
1 L.Power
Ade d Bul 3 B.Burton
2 M.Ricciuto
1 B.Johnson
Fre d Carl 3 M.Pavlich
2 J.Carr
1 R.Crowley
Kang d Haw 3 B.Harvey
2 L.Hodge
1 G.Archer

Round 19
Stk d Geel 3 N.Riewoldt
2 A.Hamill
1 N.Dal Santo
Bul d Wce 3 B.Johnson
2 N.Eagleton
1 S.West
Ade d Melb 3 S.Goodwin
2 T.Edwards
1 M.Ricciuto
Syd d Ess 3 B.Hall
2 R.O'Keefe
1 B.Kirk
Fre d Rich 3 P.Hasleby
2 D.Headland
1 J.Bowden
Bris d Haw 3 L.Power
2 D.Bradshaw
1 M.Voss
Port d Carl 3 P.Burgoyne
2 K.Cornes
1 W.Tredrea
Kang d Coll 3 B.Harvey
2 S.Grant
1 G.Archer
Round 20
Wce d Fre 3 D.Kerr
2 C.Fletcher
1 C.Judd
Melb d Geel 3 R.Robertson
2 J.White
1 J.Bartel
Stk d Kang 3 R.Harvey
2 L.Ball
1 J.Sinclair
Carl d Coll 3 A.Bentick
2 N.Stevens
1 A.Koutoufides
Ade d Port 3 M.Ricciuto
2 S.Goodwin
1 S.Thompson
Syd d Bris 3 R.O'Keefe
2 B.Hall
1 C.Bolton
Haw d Ess 3 L.Hodge
2 S.Crawford
1 T.Croad
Bul d Rich 3 B.Johnson
2 D.Cross
1 R.Murphy

S.Goodwin 20
M.Ricciuto 20
T.Edwards 16
S.Thompson 13
A.McLeod 7
B.Burton 6
K.McGregor 3
I.Perrie 3
H.Skipworth 2
S.Welsh 1

L.Power 14
J.Brown 13
S.Black 9
J.Akermanis 8
M.Voss 8
D.Bradshaw 5
N.Lappin 4
T.Notting 2
C.Scott 1
J.Leppitsch 1

N.Stevens 6
A.Koutoufides 6
L.Whitnall 3
B.Fevola 3
A.Bentick 3
J.Waite 2
H.Scotland 2
R.Houlihan 1
M.Lappin 1
A.Carrazzo 1

P.Licuria 10
B.Holland 6
S.O'Bree 4
B.Caracella 3
N.Buckley 3
T.Lockyer 2
J.Clement 2
B.Johnson 1
R.Shaw 1
A.Didak 1

S.Lucas 8
J.Hird 7
J.Johnson 6
A.Lovett 5
M.Lloyd 3
M.Johnson 3
J.Murphy 2
B.Stanton 2
A.McPhee 1
D.Fletcher 1

M.Pavlich 17
P.Hasleby 14
J.Carr 11
P.Bell 7
H.Black 7
M.Carr 6
J.Farmer 2
J.Longmuir 2
D.Headland 2
R.Crowley 1

C.Ling 15
J.Bartel 10
C.Enright 7
J.Corey 7
B.Ottens 6
P.Chapman 6
S.Johnson 6
G.Ablett 5
D.Milburn 5
J.Hunt 2

L.Hodge 21
S.Mitchell 9
S.Crawford 6
P.Everitt 3
M.Williams 2
D.Jacobs 2
T.Croad 2
J.Smith 1
M.Osborne 1

B.Harvey 24
S.Grant 19
D.Wells 9
G.Archer 5
N.Thompson 4
J.Sinclair 4
C.Jones 3
D.Petrie 1
S.Rocca 1
A.Simpson 1
T.Makepeace 1

T.Johnstone 11
A.Yze 10
B.Green 10
R.Robertson 10
C.Bruce 9
J.White 5
B.McLean 3
J.McDonald 3
B.Moloney 2
D.Neitz 2
G.Rigoni 2
C.Bizzell 1

Port Adelaide
K.Cornes 23
W.Tredrea 15
C.Cornes 7
J.Francou 5
S.Burgoyne 5
A.Kingsley 3
P.Burgoyne 3
G.Wanganeen 1
B.Lade 1
S.Dew 1

N.Brown 14
M.Richardson 12
S.Tuck 12
M.Coughlan 8
W.Campbell 6
K.Johnson 4
C.Hyde 2
A.Krakour 2
J.Bowden 2
K.Pettifer 1
B.Deledio 1

St Kilda
J.Koschitzke 13
L.Hayes 12
N.Dal Santo 12
L.Ball 12
F.Gehrig 10
S.Milne 8
N.Riewoldt 7
R.Harvey 6
M.Maguire 3
A.Jones 2
A.Hamill 2
S.Fisher 1
B.Voss 1
B.Guerra 1

B.Hall 21
B.Kirk 27
J.Bolton 10
A.Goodes 9
O'Loughlin 4
A.Buchanan 3
C.Bolton 2
T.Kennelly 1
N.Fosdike 1
R.O'Keefe 8
N.Davis 3
B.Mathews 1

Western B
S.West 21
B.Johnson 21
N.Eagleton 8
L.Darcy 5
D.Giansiracusa 5
D.Cross 5
L.Gilbee 3
R.Murphy 2
A.Cooney 1
R.Smith 1

West Coast
B.Cousins 27
C.Fletcher 18
C.Judd 15
A.Embley 11
D.Cox 7
D.Kerr 5
T.Stenglein 3
M.Braun 3
D.Chick 1
P.Matera 1
D.Wirrpunda 1

Top 12
B.Kirk 27
B.Cousins 27
B.Harvey 24
K.Cornes 23
L.Hodge 21
B.Hall 21
S.West 21
B.Johnson 21
S.Goodwin 20
M.Ricciuto 20
S.Grant 19
C.Fletcher 18
Based on the full count predictions, we'll know by the end of round 1 whether this is a hoax or not. Match off each game, and if its all correct you can probably safely assume the rest is correct too.
Seriously, where is this alleged "leak" supposed to have come from? I'm curious.

I agree that it doesn't look credible - way too many players with 20+ votes. It looks to me like someone has done their own round-by-round count, with a natural bias towards the most prominent players. In real life the umpires often give votes to "fringe" players, there's a surprise or two in amost every game.
No idea where it originally comes from. Was sent to me via email in an excel spreadsheet this morning. Most likely a hoax, and as already stated, we will know after round 1. I'm saving my money at this stage. Though would be happy to see Harvey get 24 votes!

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For what its worth I just looked at the properties listed in the spreadsheet I received and the auther is "ntinst" and the company is listed as "JB WERE".
coffee man said:
If Johnson and West get 21 votes each thats 42 votes out of a possible 66 for their club and their opposition! Considering they only won 11(?) games it doesnt seem likely!! Same with Ricciuto and Goodwin with 20 votes EACH

no, totally wrong. there is more than a possible of 66 votes u dimwitt. u can poll 3,2,1 in a game, therefore: 3x22 + 2x22 +1x22 = 132 possbile votes, meaning that it would be possible for west and johnno to poll 42 votes between them - although i think westy will get the 42 by himself!
coffee man said:
If Johnson and West get 21 votes each thats 42 votes out of a possible 66 for their club and their opposition! Considering they only won 11(?) games it doesnt seem likely!! Same with Ricciuto and Goodwin with 20 votes EACH


bitta maths mate,
22 * 3(BOG) = 66
22 * 2(2nd Best) = 44
22 * 1 = 22

66 + 44 +22 = 132 votes possible for a team over a season
coffee man said:
If Johnson and West get 21 votes each thats 42 votes out of a possible 66 for their club and their opposition! Considering they only won 11(?) games it doesnt seem likely!! Same with Ricciuto and Goodwin with 20 votes EACH


6 * 22 <> 66.
AP70 said:
Sorry about the formatting. Someone may well have too much times on their hands... If anyone can be bothered doing the maths to see if the below is even possible. Enjoy!

Round 1
Bris d Stk 3 M.Voss
2 N.Dal Santo
1 L.Power
Kang d Carl 3 S.Grant
2 A.Koutoufides
1 D.Petrie
Melb d Ess 3 B.Green
2 B.Moloney
1 A.Yze
Fre d Port 3 M.Carr
2 J.Carr
1 K.Cornes
Syd d Haw 3 D.Jolly
2 P.Williams
1 B.Hall
Geel d Rich 3 C.Ling
2 C.Enright
1 P.Chapman
Wce d Ade 3 B.Cousins
2 C.Fletcher
1 T.Edwards
Bul d Coll 3 L.Darcy
2 B.Johnson
1 A.Cooney
Round 2
Carl d Ess 3 L.Whitnall
2 S.Lucas
1 N.Stevens
Melb d Bul 3 C.Bruce
2 B.Green
1 S.West
Kang d Syd 3 G.Archer
2 S.Grant
1 C.Bolton
Wce d Geel 3 D.Cox
2 A.Embley
1 C.Fletcher
Port d Bris 3 W.Tredrea
2 A.Kingsley
1 L.Power
Stk d Fre 3 L.Hayes
2 P.Bell
1 J.Longmuir
Rich d Haw 3 N.Brown
2 K.Johnson
1 S.Mitchell
Ade d Coll 3 A.Mcleod
2 P.Licuria
1 B.Johnson

Round 5
Geel d Port 3 B.Ottens
2 C.Ling
1 P.Chapman
Kang d Haw 3 D.Wells
2 S.Grant
1 S.Rocca
Fre d Carl 3 M.Pavlich
2 M.Carr
1 H.Black
Bul d Ade 3 S.West
2 L.Darcy
1 B.Johnson
Melb d Syd 3 B.McLean
2 A.Yze
1 J.Bolton
Wce d Bris 3 T.Stenglein
2 A.Embley
1 D.Chick
Stk d Rich 3 S.Milne
2 A.Jones
1 N.Dal Santo
Ess d Coll 3 J.Hird
2 A.Lovett
1 R.Shaw
Round 6
Carl d Haw 3 L.Hodge
2 J.Waite
1 M.Osborne
Fre d Melb 3 M.Pavlich
2 P.Bell
1 J.Farmer
Ade d Kang 3 S.Goodwin
2 H.Skipworth
1 A.Simpson
Bris d Ess 3 J.Brown
2 N.Lappin
1 C.Scott
Wce d Syd 3 B.Cousins
2 C.Judd
1 D.Cox
Geel d Bul 3 P.Chapman
2 B.Ottens
1 L.Gilbee
Stk d Coll 3 N.Dal Santo
2 F.Gehrig
1 R.Harvey
Rich d Port 3 N.Brown
2 M.Richardson
1 K.Pettifer

Round 9
Ade d Stk 3 M.Ricciuto
2 A.McLeod
1 B.Burton
Coll d Wce 3 B.Caracella
2 P.Licuria
1 C.Fletcher
Melb d Carl 3 R.Robertson
2 T.Johnstone
1 C.Bizzell
Rich d Bris 3 S.Tuck
2 M.Coughlan
1 M.Voss
Port d Ess 3 W.Tredrea
2 K.Cornes
1 B.Lade
Syd d Bul 3 M.O'Loughlin
2 B.Hall
1 B.Kirk
Geel d Kang 3 J.Bartel
2 C.Enright
1 G.Ablett
Haw d Fre 3 S.Crawford
2 L.Hodge
1 S.Mitchell
Round 10
Melb d Rich 3 A.Yze
2 T.Johnstone
1 B.Green
Coll d Haw 3 S.Mitchell
2 S.O'Bree
1 L.Hodge
Fre d Geel 3 P.Bell
2 P.Hasleby
1 J.Farmer
Kang d Bris 3 J.Brown
2 D.Wells
1 T.Makepeace
Stk d Syd 3 F.Gehrig
2 N.Riewoldt
1 S.Milne
Ade d Carl 3 S.Goodwin
2 N.Stevens
1 M.Lappin
Ess d Bul 3 S.West
2 B.Johnson
1 D.Giansiracusa
Wce d Port 3 B.Cousins
2 A.Embley
1 K.Cornes

Round 13
Port d Haw 3 W.Tredrea
2 J.Francou
1 K.Cornes
Wce d Melb 3 A.Embley
2 C.Fletcher
1 T.Johnstone
Ade d Rich 3 S.Thompson
2 M.Riccuito
1 I.Perrie
Bul d Carl 3 N.Eagleton
2 L.Gilbee
1 S.West
Bris d Geel 3 J.Akermanis
2 J.Brown
1 J.Leppitsch
Kang d Fre 3 B.Harvey
2 J.Sinclair
1 N.Thompson
Ess d Stk 3 J.Hird
2 J.Murphy
1 L.Hayes
Syd d Coll 3 B.Kirk
2 B.Hall
1 N.Buckley
Round 14
Coll d Port 3 B.Holland
2 S.O'Bree
1 P.Licuria
Rich d Syd 3 W.Campbell
2 A.Krakour
1 N.Fosdike
Wce d Carl 3 C.Fletcher
2 B.Cousins
1 C.Judd
Bris d Melb 3 D.Bradshaw
2 J.Akermanis
1 M.Voss
Kang d Ess 3 S.Grant
2 B.Harvey
1 N.Thompson
Ade d Fre 3 T.Edwards
2 M.Pavlich
1 H.Black
Stk d Bul 3 J.Koschitzke
2 L.Hayes
1 S.Fisher
Geel d Haw 3 C.Ling
2 J.Corey
1 P.Chapman

Round 17
Stk d Coll 3 L.Ball
2 J.Koschitzke
1 B.Guerra
Haw d Carl 3 L.Hodge
2 D.Jacobs
1 T.Croad
Bul d Geel 3 N.Eagleton
2 S.West
1 B.Johnson
Bris d Ess 3 S.Black
2 N.Lappin
1 M.Voss
Port d Rich 3 K.Cornes
2 M.Richardson
1 S.Tuck
Syd d Wce 3 B.Kirk
2 J.Bolton
1 M.O'Loughlin
Ade d Kang 3 M.Ricciuto
2 T.Edwards
1 S.Welsh
Fre d Melb 3 P.Hasleby
2 H.Black
1 B.Green
Round 18
Ess d Geel 3 S.Lucas
2 J.Corey
1 D.Fletcher
Stk d Melb 3 N.Dal Santo
2 J.Koschitzke
1 F.Gehrig
Wce d Haw 3 B.Cousins
2 D.Kerr
1 C.Judd
Bul d Bris 3 B.Johnson
2 S.West
1 S.Black
Ade d Syd 3 A.Goodes
2 B.Kirk
1 T.Edwards
Kang d Port 3 C.Jones
2 K.Cornes
1 D.Wells
Fre d Coll 3 J.Carr
2 M.Pavlich
1 P.Licuria
Carl d Rich 3 A.Koutoufides
2 H.Scotland
1 A.Carrazzo

Round 21
Fre d Stk 3 P.Hasleby
2 R.Harvey
1 J.Longmuir
Geel d Wce 3 S.Johnson
2 J.Bartel
1 C.Ling
Ade d Coll 3 T.Edwards
2 S.Thompson
1 M.Ricciuto
Port d Bris 3 C.Cornes
2 S.Burgoyne
1 M.Voss
Melb d Bul 3 J.White
2 G.Rigoni
1 R.Robertson
Syd d Kang 3 N.Davis
2 B.Kirk
1 B.Mathews
Ess d Carl 3 M.Johnson
2 J.Johnson
1 J.Hird
Rich d Haw 3 S.Tuck
2 M.Richardson
1 B.Deledio
Round 22
Bul d Coll 3 S.West
2 B.Johnson
1 P.Licuria
Syd d Haw 3 B.Kirk
2 A.Goodes
1 R.O'Keefe
Ade d Wce 3 T.Edwards
2 I.Perrie
1 D.Wirrpunda
Stk d Bris 3 S.Milne
2 N.Riewoldt
1 L.Ball
Port d Fre 3 K.Cornes
2 C.Kornes
1 J.Francou
Geel d Rich 3 S.Johnson
2 D.Milburn
1 J.Bowden
Melb d Ess 3 T.Johnstone
2 B.Stanton
1 J.Johnson
Kang d Carl 3 D.Wells
2 S.Grant
1 B.Harvey

Round 3
Melb d Geel 3 C.Bruce
2 D.Neitz
1 B.Green
Kang d Stk 3 S.Grant
2 N.Dal Santo
1 B.Harvey
Coll d Carl 3 P.Licuria
2 T.Lockyer
1 N.Stevens
Syd d Bris 3 J.Bolton
2 B.Hall
1 J.Akermanis
Wce d Fre 3 C.Judd
2 D.Cox
1 J.Carr
Ade d Port 3 M.Ricciuto
2 S.Goodwin
1 T.Edwards
Ess d Haw 3 J.Johnson
2 L.Hodge
1 J.Smith
Rich d Bul 3 M.Richardson
2 C.Hyde
1 D.Giansiracusa
Round 4
Kang d Coll 3 B.Harvey
2 S.Grant
1 J.Sinclair
Haw d Bris 3 S.Mitchell
2 P.Everitt
1 S.Crawford
Wce d Bul 3 B.Cousins
2 C.Judd
1 D.Cox
Geel d Ess 3 C.Enright
2 G.Ablett
1 B.Ottens
Port - Carl 3 B.Fevola
2 K.Cornes
1 R.Houlihan
Adel d Syd 3 S.Thompson
2 A.McLeod
1 B.Kirk
Rich d Fre 3 N.Brown
2 M.Richardson
1 H.Black
Stk d Melb 3 L.Ball
2 F.Gehrig
1 B.Voss

Round 7
Melb d Ade 3 J.McDonald
2 B.Green
1 A.Yze
Rich d Carl 3 M.Coughlan
2 N.Brown
1 M.Richardson
Geel d Stk 3 D.Milburn
2 L.Ball
1 C.Ling
Bul d Bris 3 B.Johnson
2 S.West
1 R.Smith
Syd d Ess 3 B.Kirk
2 B.Hall
1 A.McPhee
Wce d Haw 3 C.Fletcher
2 A.Embley
1 L.Hodge
Port d Kang 3 W.Tredrea
2 J.Francou
1 G.Wanganeen
Fre d Coll 3 J.Carr
2 M.Pavlich
1 M.Carr
Round 8
Geel d Carl 3 J.Corey
2 G.Ablett
1 J.Bartel
Haw d Melb 3 L.Hodge
2 M.Williams
1 P.Everitt
Wce d Stk 3 B.Cousins
2 C.Fletcher
1 L.Ball
Bul d Kang 3 D.Giansiracusa
2 B.Harvey
1 R.Murphy
Bris d Ade 3 S.Black
2 M.Ricciuto
1 L.Power
Syd d Port 3 A.Goodes
2 B.Hall
1 J.Bolton
Rich d Coll 3 N.Brown
2 M.Coughlan
1 K.Johnson
Ess d Fre 3 A.Lovett
2 S.Lucas
1 M.Pavlich

Round 11
Coll d Geel 3 B.Holland
2 J.Clement
1 A.Didak
Wce d Rich 3 C.Judd
2 S.Tuck
1 P.Matera
Syd d Carl 3 J.Bolton
2 B.Kirk
1 B.Hall
Bris d Fre 3 L.Power
2 J.Brown
1 J.Akermanis
Ade d Ess 3 S.Goodwin
2 K.McGregor
1 S.Thompson
Port d Stk 3 S.Burgoyne
2 L.Hayes
1 A.Kingsley
Melb d Kang 3 R.Robertson
2 C.Bruce
1 T.Johnstone
Bul d Haw 3 D.Cross
2 S.West
1 L.Hodge
Round 12
Wce d Ess 3 B.Cousins
2 C.Judd
1 M.Braun
Stk d Haw 3 M.Maguire
2 F.Gehrig
1 S.Mitchell
Bris d Carl 3 J.Brown
2 T.Notting
1 L.Power
Port d Bul 3 K.Cornes
2 C.Cornes
1 S.West
Syd d Fre 3 A. Buchanan
2 B.Hall
1 T.Kennelly
Geel d Ade 3 C.Ling
2 S.Thompson
1 S.Goodwin
Kang d Rich 3 B.Harvey
2 N.Thompson
1 S.Tuck
Melb d Coll 3 A.Yze
2 T.Johnstone
1 C.Bruce

Round 15
Wce d Kang 3 B.Harvey
2 C.Fletcher
1 B.Cousins
Rich d Ess 3 W.Campbell
2 S.Tuck
1 J.Johnson
Port d Melb 3 K.Cornes
2 W.Tredrea
1 S.Dew
Bris d Coll 3 L.Power
2 S.Black
1 J.Akermanis
Syd d Geel 3 B.Kirk
2 B.Hall
1 R.O'Keefe
Ade d Haw 3 S.Goodwin
2 B.Burton
1 K.McGregor
Stk d Carl 3 J.Koschitzke
2 L.Hayes
1 S.Milne
Fre d Bul 3 P.Hasleby
2 H.Black
1 M.Pavlich
Round 16
Ess d Coll 3 M.Lloyd
2 N.Buckley
1 S.Lucas
Stk d Rich 3 J.Koschitzke
2 L.Hayes
1 M.Coughlan
Geel d Port 3 J.Bartel
2 J.Hunt
1 C.Ling
Syd d Melb 3 B.Kirk
2 B.Hall
1 A.Goodes
Wce d Bris 3 B.Cousins
2 M.Braun
1 L.Power
Ade d Bul 3 B.Burton
2 M.Ricciuto
1 B.Johnson
Fre d Carl 3 M.Pavlich
2 J.Carr
1 R.Crowley
Kang d Haw 3 B.Harvey
2 L.Hodge
1 G.Archer

Round 19
Stk d Geel 3 N.Riewoldt
2 A.Hamill
1 N.Dal Santo
Bul d Wce 3 B.Johnson
2 N.Eagleton
1 S.West
Ade d Melb 3 S.Goodwin
2 T.Edwards
1 M.Ricciuto
Syd d Ess 3 B.Hall
2 R.O'Keefe
1 B.Kirk
Fre d Rich 3 P.Hasleby
2 D.Headland
1 J.Bowden
Bris d Haw 3 L.Power
2 D.Bradshaw
1 M.Voss
Port d Carl 3 P.Burgoyne
2 K.Cornes
1 W.Tredrea
Kang d Coll 3 B.Harvey
2 S.Grant
1 G.Archer
Round 20
Wce d Fre 3 D.Kerr
2 C.Fletcher
1 C.Judd
Melb d Geel 3 R.Robertson
2 J.White
1 J.Bartel
Stk d Kang 3 R.Harvey
2 L.Ball
1 J.Sinclair
Carl d Coll 3 A.Bentick
2 N.Stevens
1 A.Koutoufides
Ade d Port 3 M.Ricciuto
2 S.Goodwin
1 S.Thompson
Syd d Bris 3 R.O'Keefe
2 B.Hall
1 C.Bolton
Haw d Ess 3 L.Hodge
2 S.Crawford
1 T.Croad
Bul d Rich 3 B.Johnson
2 D.Cross
1 R.Murphy

S.Goodwin 20
M.Ricciuto 20
T.Edwards 16
S.Thompson 13
A.McLeod 7
B.Burton 6
K.McGregor 3
I.Perrie 3
H.Skipworth 2
S.Welsh 1

L.Power 14
J.Brown 13
S.Black 9
J.Akermanis 8
M.Voss 8
D.Bradshaw 5
N.Lappin 4
T.Notting 2
C.Scott 1
J.Leppitsch 1

N.Stevens 6
A.Koutoufides 6
L.Whitnall 3
B.Fevola 3
A.Bentick 3
J.Waite 2
H.Scotland 2
R.Houlihan 1
M.Lappin 1
A.Carrazzo 1

P.Licuria 10
B.Holland 6
S.O'Bree 4
B.Caracella 3
N.Buckley 3
T.Lockyer 2
J.Clement 2
B.Johnson 1
R.Shaw 1
A.Didak 1

S.Lucas 8
J.Hird 7
J.Johnson 6
A.Lovett 5
M.Lloyd 3
M.Johnson 3
J.Murphy 2
B.Stanton 2
A.McPhee 1
D.Fletcher 1

M.Pavlich 17
P.Hasleby 14
J.Carr 11
P.Bell 7
H.Black 7
M.Carr 6
J.Farmer 2
J.Longmuir 2
D.Headland 2
R.Crowley 1

C.Ling 15
J.Bartel 10
C.Enright 7
J.Corey 7
B.Ottens 6
P.Chapman 6
S.Johnson 6
G.Ablett 5
D.Milburn 5
J.Hunt 2

L.Hodge 21
S.Mitchell 9
S.Crawford 6
P.Everitt 3
M.Williams 2
D.Jacobs 2
T.Croad 2
J.Smith 1
M.Osborne 1

B.Harvey 24
S.Grant 19
D.Wells 9
G.Archer 5
N.Thompson 4
J.Sinclair 4
C.Jones 3
D.Petrie 1
S.Rocca 1
A.Simpson 1
T.Makepeace 1

T.Johnstone 11
A.Yze 10
B.Green 10
R.Robertson 10
C.Bruce 9
J.White 5
B.McLean 3
J.McDonald 3
B.Moloney 2
D.Neitz 2
G.Rigoni 2
C.Bizzell 1

Port Adelaide
K.Cornes 23
W.Tredrea 15
C.Cornes 7
J.Francou 5
S.Burgoyne 5
A.Kingsley 3
P.Burgoyne 3
G.Wanganeen 1
B.Lade 1
S.Dew 1

N.Brown 14
M.Richardson 12
S.Tuck 12
M.Coughlan 8
W.Campbell 6
K.Johnson 4
C.Hyde 2
A.Krakour 2
J.Bowden 2
K.Pettifer 1
B.Deledio 1

St Kilda
J.Koschitzke 13
L.Hayes 12
N.Dal Santo 12
L.Ball 12
F.Gehrig 10
S.Milne 8
N.Riewoldt 7
R.Harvey 6
M.Maguire 3
A.Jones 2
A.Hamill 2
S.Fisher 1
B.Voss 1
B.Guerra 1

B.Hall 21
B.Kirk 27
J.Bolton 10
A.Goodes 9
O'Loughlin 4
A.Buchanan 3
C.Bolton 2
T.Kennelly 1
N.Fosdike 1
R.O'Keefe 8
N.Davis 3
B.Mathews 1

Western B
S.West 21
B.Johnson 21
N.Eagleton 8
L.Darcy 5
D.Giansiracusa 5
D.Cross 5
L.Gilbee 3
R.Murphy 2
A.Cooney 1
R.Smith 1

West Coast
B.Cousins 27
C.Fletcher 18
C.Judd 15
A.Embley 11
D.Cox 7
D.Kerr 5
T.Stenglein 3
M.Braun 3
D.Chick 1
P.Matera 1
D.Wirrpunda 1

Top 12
B.Kirk 27
B.Cousins 27
B.Harvey 24
K.Cornes 23
L.Hodge 21
B.Hall 21
S.West 21
B.Johnson 21
S.Goodwin 20
M.Ricciuto 20
S.Grant 19
C.Fletcher 18

Well it appears this is wrong.

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