Preview 2010 Brownlow Medal

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Come on Thompson/Watson/Boak/Green-Sylvia/Brown-Risci/Jack/Hayes/Boyd...

Oh, and Swan, but no $$$ there for me.

I've got Goodes, Thompson, Judd, Jack, Ablett and can't remember the others, but its a multi that includes the winner polling over 31 Brownlow votes, so hopefully it goes alright, its paying around $15.
Like others, I want Pendles to win, I've got a couple on him from the start of the year, I wouldn't mind collecting :)

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Second half of the season is where Swan and Pendles will storm home.

Swan from round 12-17 could get as much as 15 votes in that stretch alone, while Pendles last 8 weeks are all possible vote getting games.

If Swan or Pendles are anywhere near it after round 12 (the Melbourne draw) we are going to have a Brownlow winner tonight wearing from the pies.

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WTF I have always thought the umps should give votes.... but after that Not any F more

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