To be fair I haven't mentioned other candidates before and all information I have provided so far has been positive and about all of the things you mentioned. All I was trying to do is clarify that there are 5 spots available on the board, not 1. I didn't expressly criticise any other candidates, I'm just trying to encourage candidates to use their votes wisely. If what I said came across as off putting I apologise.Two are better than one, if they are right for the job. I was trying to say that Victorian board member/s are not just about representing Victorian members, but also and perhaps more importantly about the opportunity for the club to have stronger representation in Victoria.
Rizzler, I'm just talking for myself here... your readiness to talk about other candidates I find somewhat off putting. I reckon you'd benefit greatly by just focusing on talk about you, your vision, plans to execute them and why you're a great candidate. Keep it positive. There are no other candidates talking here, just you, you have a captive audience.