Non Tigers will have to forgive us banging our drum this week but this week belongs to us and I don't think any true fan will begrudge us the thrill of looking forward to the weekend. Oh my days....if the MCC members show we could have a sell out in name and in fact with upwards of 80,000 barracking for one team.
Now looking like not only the most one sided MCG finals game ever but also almost certain to be the biggest one club turn out of all time at a game in any code in Australian sporting history.
There has never been anything like this. Going into a prelim as favourites with the biggest ever support any team has ever had.......gentlemen this is a wet dream made real for the long suffering soldiers of the Tiger Army. Please please please let us win in a tight game and let's feel the grand old stadium shake.
Tiger or not if you can beg borrow or steal a ticket do so. This is history.
Now looking like not only the most one sided MCG finals game ever but also almost certain to be the biggest one club turn out of all time at a game in any code in Australian sporting history.
There has never been anything like this. Going into a prelim as favourites with the biggest ever support any team has ever had.......gentlemen this is a wet dream made real for the long suffering soldiers of the Tiger Army. Please please please let us win in a tight game and let's feel the grand old stadium shake.
Tiger or not if you can beg borrow or steal a ticket do so. This is history.