NFL 2017 NFL - Week 9

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What? 160 points in his past 4 games? Handcuffed?

Watson and RGIII are no comparison. Watson studies, can read defences, better in the pocket and a better throw. Has thrown nearly as many TDs in 7 games as RGIII did in a whole season.

If he was white, Watson would be compared with Rodgers. Of course still needs to prove it over a few years.

Who cost you the game lastweek?
It will Bill O'Brien. he was too scared to let Watson win the game. which cost you the game. that 2nd last drive, Run, Run, Run, Punt. When Watson has been making plays all day.
Everyone could see that it was the coach that cost you the game lastweek.

Lets see how Watson comes back from his knee. and how he plays against defenses who have found new ways to shut him down. Athletic QB's struggle to comeback better after serious injuries. but he will never win anything with B OB as head coach.
Athletic QB's have a struggle against teams the next year. or even when a team gets to play them the 2nd time.

Bringing race into this. wow. Rodgers doesnt play like Watson. and Race would of worked against him more pre-draft He would of been put against Tebow and Johnny Football. just like race worked against McCaffrey in college and a bunch of NFL scouts.
And i think you dont remember just how good RG3's first season was. he was the start of a new era. returning Washington to the promise land.
Eagles ABC running game (Ajayi, Blount, Clement - yes I thought of that one all by myself) worked surprisingly well I thought.
What about them being "Sky High" they have Ajayi and a Blount
Its opinion mate. do you not understand what that means?

i could go point/counterpoint. but its not worth it and you have proven you dont what to see opinions that are different to yours. i have seen enough pointless fights over the years.

So you don't base your opinion on any defensible logic? Simply waving your little wand and declaring something opinion does not make it infallible.

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Eagles ABC running game (Ajayi, Blount, Clement - yes I thought of that one all by myself) worked surprisingly well I thought.
And it is a lot of the little things that the Iggles seem to be getting right too - like Wentz repeatedly drawing one of the better defenses into offsides by varying his cadences and snap counts.

But God help us if we ever have to rely on Foles for anything substantial. He had that one great year, but jeebus he is bog ordinary.

Though he'd still be the best starting QB in Denver by a mile and a half.

One last note - so good to see a team really go after that douche Talib, really showed him up for the no class braggart that he is.

Now to enjoy bye week, and await the fines and suspensions from the other footbrawl matches this week. What was Winston thinking with that fingerpress to the back of Lattimore's helmet? Was he looking for an off switch on the helmet?? For such a talented QB he behaves like a spoilt brat. And what is up with the Giants?? McAdooooooozy must wake up every morning thanking his lucky stars that the Circus in Cleveland exists to keep everyone distracted from his incompetent performance. Worst first year coach I have ever seen in the NFL, way worse than the likes of Kotite or Tomsula. And it almost (almost) makes me feel sad for Eli.

Harsh on Foles I thought. The strip sack was the result of Seumulo (a guard) trying to play RT against the best defender in football. Otherwise, I thought he was ok in limited need. The throw to Agholor was spot on.

Foles is good enough to start in this league when you look at some of the guys that are currently getting starts. Is he going to star? Maybe not. But he's good enough to start. And he could be a guy who could make a run in the right circumstances (dominant defence for instance).

Incidentally, Mcadoo isnt a first year coach.

Speaking of which, anyone seen Dagless lately? Seemed like you couldnt get rid of him when they were winning superbowls.
Thought AJ should have gone and Evans should have got a few weeks for his cheap shot.

Did anyone see Rams’ Woods TD? They showed it at half time of late game and Eli Apple just completely backed off tackling Woods. I know quite a few CBs don’t like tackling but this was something else. Giants should suspend him.
So the lesson kiddies, if you're going to do something stupid make sure it's stupid enough to have you automatically ejected.

Personally I'd prefer players to get ejected rather than later suspensions (like in the AFL). It should cost the team in the contest where the incident happened. If it's worth more than just an ejection then fine, apply that later, but post-game suspensions make it easy for officials to do what they did with Evans.
Dog hits deserve suspensions, imo Evans hit to Lattimore who wasn't looking was worse than Green's.

Having said that, Winston also deserves a team suspension for being a ****ing idiot while "injured" and getting Evans suspended. If he doesn't walk out onto the field and touch Lattimore, Evans doesn't do what he did.
Thought AJ should have gone and Evans should have got a few weeks for his cheap shot.

Did anyone see Rams’ Woods TD? They showed it at half time of late game and Eli Apple just completely backed off tackling Woods. I know quite a few CBs don’t like tackling but this was something else. Giants should suspend him.

The Giants should shoot Ben McAdoo out of a cannon and as far away from the organisation as possible. Talk about the "inmates running the prison".... he can't control his team, they have no respect for him whatsoever, from the incident above to trips to Florida night clubs to see Beiber in the lead up to playoff games in Green Bay.

Some people just aren't cut out for head coaching gigs and he is one of them.
Dog hits deserve suspensions, imo Evans hit to Lattimore who wasn't looking was worse than Green's.

Having said that, Winston also deserves a team suspension for being a ******* idiot while "injured" and getting Evans suspended. If he doesn't walk out onto the field and touch Lattimore, Evans doesn't do what he did.
Has a player ever been suspended for initiating a melee?

Lattimore got into the head of Winston & Evans yesterday by giving them a beat down on the field. After the flare up he didn't miss a beat either.

Frankly I couldn't give a toss what penalties they give out now. Tampa are done.

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One last note - so good to see a team really go after that douche Talib, really showed him up for the no class braggart that he is.

Looked to me the Eagles had decided to target Talib & if it worked, well why not keep going there. Smart coaching move.

& an interesting stat for those long suffering Eagles fans (who should all be saying a silent prayer to the Browns when they lay their heads on the pillow each night, just sayin:()


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NFL 2017 NFL - Week 9

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