Forward We Go
The 60 hours a week includes appearances for club/sponsors etc. There is no doubt that an AFL footballers life is exciting, but I also have no doubt that most people think their life is an easy one which is wrong in plenty of ways. Given that the average carreer of an AFL footballer is just over 6 years, the $ they earn (although good) is a long way away from setting them up for life. Therefore they need another career after footy. In the past, plenty have done Uni courses throughout their footy season but that was when they were not spending 60 hours a week in their job. There is only a small few that have the ability to study while playing AFL at the highest level these days. Think most people assume an AFL footballers life is one that's easy & full of good times but really its not much different to any other job that has its good times but also has responsibilities & pressures to perform week after week.Then there’s sponsership commitments, club commitments going to local clubs and community engagement.
The fact you’d never be able to let your hair down without some ****head and a video camera catching your every move. (Hogan’s cigarette).
Stressful life. Not all can hack it or enjoy it. The fact you can’t just piss off with ya mates on any given weekend and get away from life. It’s an extremely controlled stressful full on environment.
As more money enters the sport the standards get higher and the lifestyle tougher. I’d love for the lions to make a video showing just how many hours the boys put in in a given week. I think it would be really insightful a week in the life following a couple of the boys.
I feel a lot of supporters don’t actually understand just how hard these guys are working.