2019 fixture (news, requests and leaks)

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Great for the bottom line, but not great for our on-field chances.

Very tough start, and we play WC, Richmond and Melbourne twice....and Essendon who are tipped to be a force next year.

We don't get any of the easybeats like Gold Coast, Carlton or St.Kilda twice.

Looks a very tough draw. But if we are good enough, we'll do well.

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Fixture difficulty according to champion data, based on double-up opponents:

Why do always seem to play a home game at Docklands against a Docklands tenant?? (North R15)
Yeah shits me too. Thought the AFL’s need for the big dollar crowd there would have ended when they purchased the ground. Now Queens birthday is shared McGuire’s next fight should be to stop this annual home game giveaway.

Round 1 = Collingwood v Geelong (MCG) - Friday, March 22 2019 (7:50pm)
Round 2 = Richmond v Collingwood (MCG) - Thursday, March 28 2019 (7:20pm)
Round 3 = Collingwood v West Coast (MCG) - Saturday, April 6 2019 (7:25pm)
Round 4 = Collingwood v Western Bulldogs (MCG) - Friday, April 12 2019 (7:50pm)
Round 5 = Brisbane v Collingwood (Gabba) - Thursday, April 18 2019 (7:35pm)
Round 6 = Essendon v Collingwood (MCG) - Thursday, April 25 2019 (3:20pm)
Round 7 = Collingwood v Port Adelaide (Marvel Stadium) - Friday, May 3 2019 (7:50pm)
Round 8 = Carlton v Collingwood (MCG) - Saturday, May 11 2019 (1:45pm)
Round 9 = Collingwood v St Kilda (MCG) - Saturday, May 18 2019 (1:45pm)
Round 10 = Sydney v Collingwood (SCG) - Friday, May 24 2019 (7:50pm)
Round 11 = Collingwood v Fremantle (MCG) - Saturday, June 1 2018 (1:45pm)
Round 12 = Collingwood v Melbourne (MCG) - Monday, June 10 2019 (3:20pm)
Round 13 = BYE
Round 14 = Western Bulldogs v Collingwood (Marvel Stadium) - Sunday, June 23 2019 (3:20pm)
Round 15 = Collingwood v North Melbourne (Marvel Stadium) - Saturday, June 29 2019 (7:25pm)
Round 16 = Hawthorn v Collingwood (MCG) - Friday, July 5 2019 (7:50pm)
Round 17 = West Coast v Collingwood (Optus Stadium) - Friday, July 12 2019 (8:10pm)
Round 18 = GWS v Collingwood (Spotless Stadium) - Saturday, July 20 2019 (4:35pm)
Round 19 = Collingwood v Richmond (MCG) - Friday, July 26 2019 (7:50pm)
Round 20 = Collingwood v Gold Coast (MCG) - Sunday, August 4 2019 (1:10pm)
Round 21 = Melbourne v Collingwood (MCG) - Saturday, August 10 2019 (1:45pm)
Round 22 = Adelaide v Collingwood (Adelaide Oval) - Saturday, August 17 2019 (4:35pm)
Round 23 = Collingwood v Essendon (MCG) - TBA

All times are EST.



West Coast
Western Bulldogs


Thursday Afternoon (3:20pm) = 1
- 1). Round 6 = Essendon v Collingwood

Thursday Night (7:20pm or 7:35pm) = 2
- 1). Round 2 = Richmond v Collingwood
- 2). Round 5 = Brisbane v Collingwood

Friday Night (7:50pm) = 7
- 1). Round 1 = Collingwood v Geelong
- 2). Round 4 = Collingwood v Western Bulldogs
- 3). Round 7 = Collingwood v Port Adelaide
- 4). Round 10 = Sydney v Collingwood
- 5). Round 16 = Hawthorn v Collingwood
- 6). Round 17 = West Coast v Collingwood
- 7). Round 19 = Collingwood v Richmond

Saturday Afternoon (1:45pm or 2:10pm) = 4
- 1). Round 8 = Carlton v Collingwood
- 2). Round 9 = Collingwood v St Kilda
- 3). Round 11 = Collingwood v Fremantle
- 4). Round 21 = Melbourne v Collingwood

Saturday Twilight (4:35pm) = 2
- 1). Round 18 = GWS v Collingwood
- 2). Round 22 = Adelaide v Collingwood

Saturday Night (7:25pm) = 2
- 1). Round 3 = Collingwood v West Coast
- 2). Round 15 = Collingwood v North Melbourne

Sunday Early (1:10pm) = 1
- 1). Round 20 = Collingwood v Gold Coast

Sunday Afternoon (3:20pm) = 1
- 1). Round 14 = Western Bulldogs v Collingwood

Sunday Twilight (4:40pm) = 0

Monday Afternoon (3:20pm) = 1
- 1). Round 12 = Collingwood v Melbourne


MCG = 14
Marvel Stadium = 3
Gabba = 1
SCG = 1
Optus Stadium = 1
Spotless Stadium = 1
Adelaide Oval = 1


Day = 8
Twilight = 2
Night = 11


6 Days = 8
- Round 1 to 2
- Round 3 to 4
- Round 4 to 5
- Round 9 to 10
- Round 14 to 15
- Round 15 to 16
- Round 18 to 19
- Round 20 to 21

7 Days = 4
- Round 5 to 6
- Round 8 to 9
- Round 16 to 17
- Round 21 to 22

8 Days = 4
- Round 6 to 7
- Round 7 to 8
- Round 10 to 11
- Round 17 to 18

9 Days = 3
- Round 2 to 3
- Round 11 to 12
- Round 19 to 20

10 Days = 0

11 Days = 0

12 Days = 0

13 Days = 1
- Round 12 to 14 (ROUND 13 BYE)


Home (MCG) = 9
- 1). Round 1 v Geelong
- 2). Round 3 v West Coast
- 3). Round 4 v Western Bulldogs
- 4). Round 9 v St Kilda
- 5). Round 11 v Fremantle
- 6). Round 12 v Melbourne
- 7). Round 15 v North Melbourne
- 8]. Round 19 v Richmond
- 9). Round 23 v Essendon

Home (Etihad) = 2
- 1). Round 7 v Port Adelaide
- 2). Round 15 v North Melbourne

Away (MCG) = 5
- 1). Round 2 v Richmond
- 2). Round 6 v Essendon
- 3). Round 8 v Carlton
- 4). Round 16 v Hawthorn
- 5). Round 21 v Melbourne

Away (Etihad) = 1
- 1). Round 14 v Western Bulldogs


1). Round 5 v Brisbane = Gabba
2). Round 10 v Sydney = SCG
3). Round 17 v West Coast = Optus Stadium
4). Round 18 v GWS = Spotless Stadium
5). Round 22 v Adelaide = Adelaide Oval



1). Round 1 v Geelong
2). Round 2 v Richmond
3). Round 3 v West Coast
4). Round 4 v Western Bulldogs
5). Round 5 v Brisbane
6). Round 6 v Essendon
7). Round 7 v Port Adelaide
8]. Round 10 v Sydney
9). Round 12 v Melbourne
10). Round 16 v Hawthorn
11). Round 17 v West Coast
12). Round 19 v Richmond


1). Round 8 v Carlton
2). Round 9 v St Kilda
3). Round 11 v Fremantle
4). Round 14 v Western Bulldogs
5). Round 15 v North Melbourne
6). Round 18 v GWS
7). Round 20 v Gold Coast
8]. Round 21 v Melbourne
9). Round 22 v Adelaide

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Wow really? Wonder why I thought we played them twice.

What about before that? I know we had a stretch there where we had been playing them twice a year for a looooooooong time.

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2019 fixture (news, requests and leaks)

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