2019 United Kingdom Election CONSERVATIVE WIN

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It certainly doesn’t in the way these new progressive left wing factions of the Labour Party/ALP/Dems etc like to depict it.

Of course there are nuff nuff, street level, rabble organisations led by thugs like Blair Cottrell, and Neil Erikson, but there numbers and real support are minuscule.

But the modern left likes to describe ANYONE who comments on reducing immigration, engages in discussion on issues surrounding Islam etc as being ‘extreme right’. Including the likes of Richard Dawkins, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sam Harris etc.

You may disagree with there views, but to label them as ‘extreme right’ and try and de-platform them is complete bs.

Same as the wisdom of waging an entire political campaign, on portraying your entire traditional voting base, as dumb, uneducated, racists and bigots.
Who has deplatformed Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins.

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Who has deplatformed Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins.

That's the first result for Dawkins.

He is exactly what I would describe as hard-right

...as in firmly-correct on most things. That can be very abrasively-accurate.

I know quite a few men who are abrasively confident of their opinions, I grew up with some of them very close.

This is why I smile when some here try and stir me up.

That's the first result for Dawkins.

He is exactly what I would describe as hard-right

...as in firmly-correct on most things. That can be very abrasively-accurate.

I know quite a few men who are abrasively confident of their opinions, I grew up with some of them very close.

This is why I smile when some here try and stir me up.
A local radio station overreacted and cancelled a sponsored talk.

I thought it would be something serious.

But it is isolated incidents like this that the right picks up on and runs with for years.
Why would an entity feel the need to react?
Sorry, I should have used the Sky News After Dark wording: “Heartless leftists, having seized control of a respectable radio station,... “

It’s isolated incidents like this that make us latte lefties look bad.

Of course this isn’t “the left”, is it?
Sorry, I should have used the Sky News After Dark wording: “Heartless leftists, having seized control of a respectable radio station,... “

It’s isolated incidents like this that make us latte lefties look bad.

Of course this isn’t “the left”, is it?

It isn't the left, it's the culture of being so open to worry of offending anybody at all and the persecution of those who might perpetrate the issuing of that offense to them that is. Especially when the offending comes from someone of the unapproved culture, that is someone who comes from traditional western stereotypes.

The rest of the cultures on the planet need middle class white people leaping to their defense.

This isn't patronising or elitist either when they do it.

This is the root of the cancel culture phenomenon.

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It isn't the left, it's the culture of being so open to worry of offending anybody at all and the persecution of those who might perpetrate the issuing of that offense to them that is. Especially when the offending comes from someone of the unapproved culture, that is someone who comes from traditional western stereotypes.

The rest of the cultures on the planet need middle class white people leaping to their defense.

This isn't patronising or elitist either when they do it.

This is the root of the cancel culture phenomenon.
And it will self-correct.
It will eventually.

Trying to get everyone in the same tent will backfire eventually.
Stamping your feet and shouting "it's teh left!" won't ever help, though.
Add all the knife and acid attacks that currently plague London to the above.

What do you mean by "all the", acid attacks are confined to a handful of cases and knife crime existed long before brown people started immigrating in serious numbers. And literally every event you mentioned is the fault of radical Islam, not immigration as a whole. I have not heard of any people of Caribbean ancestry blowing people up at concerts recently.

IMO radical Islam is an excuse and not the genuine underlying reason for an increase in acid attacks/mass stabbings/mass shootings.

The typical terrorist/mass shooter/stabber would fit most if not all of the below characteristics:
- Young
- Male
- Single
- Little to no (ostensible) prospect of getting a girlfriend/wife, much less forming a family
- Underemployed or unemployed
- Exposed to radicalism (whether that be Islamic extremism or alt-right rubbish)
- Nihilistic/fatalistic worldview

IMO more and more people within the West fit this category - and plenty of people already fit into this category in the Middle East/North Africa.

The solution is to stop people from falling within this category to start off with, or failing that, identify them and get them out of this category. I have my ideas for doing this, but I suspect that many of them will be dismissed as too radical.
IMO radical Islam is an excuse and not the genuine underlying reason for an increase in acid attacks/mass stabbings/mass shootings.

The typical terrorist/mass shooter/stabber would fit most if not all of the below characteristics:
- Young
- Male
- Single
- Little to no (ostensible) prospect of getting a girlfriend/wife, much less forming a family
- Underemployed or unemployed
- Exposed to radicalism (whether that be Islamic extremism or alt-right rubbish)
- Nihilistic/fatalistic worldview

IMO more and more people within the West fit this category - and plenty of people already fit into this category in the Middle East/North Africa.

The solution is to stop people from falling within this category to start off with, or failing that, identify them and get them out of this category. I have my ideas for doing this, but I suspect that many of them will be dismissed as too radical.

I agree, but you're missing what I think is the crucial aspect: drug use. Drugs will be most likely used by people with the above qualities. That is what often changes their psyche to make it possible to want to commit widespread violent crime. But they're also looking for purpose, and then an ideology like Islam comes along which gives them the spark to light that pre-prepared fuse.
I agree, but you're missing what I think is the crucial aspect: drug use. Drugs will be most likely used by people with the above qualities. That is what often changes their psyche to make it possible to want to commit widespread violent crime. But they're also looking for purpose, and then an ideology like Islam comes along which gives them the spark to light that pre-prepared fuse.

I agree that drug use is a factor, but IMO not a crucial one. Also many drugs, like marijuana, don't incline people towards such overtly antisocial behaviour.

Consider that the Middle East/North Africa doesn't have the same tradition of drug use (and abuse) that the West does and yet it has been facing this problem for longer than the West, with far more serious consequences (e.g. - I'm absolutely certain that the GIA, which terrorised Algeria during the 1990's, was in large part made up of people who fit the criteria I outlined previously).

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2019 United Kingdom Election CONSERVATIVE WIN
