MRP / Trib. 2023 - MRO Chook Lotto - Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

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I know we have had good luck with the MRP/Tribunal in the past couple of years, but that clumsy oaf Nankervis only getting 3 weeks is an absolute joke and proves what a farce it is. Same penalty as Sicily (who was very stiff to get 3)

Just really mind boggling.
I know we have had good luck with the MRP/Tribunal in the past couple of years, but that clumsy oaf Nankervis only getting 3 weeks is an absolute joke and proves what a farce it is. Same penalty as Sicily (who was very stiff to get 3)

Just really mind boggling.
Pickett's for me was the worst incident this year and only got the two.

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Yep, that’s crud.
Cerra has a tendency to assist physical contact to draw a free.
Does sprawl forward when contact comes from behind.
Have seen players assist the tackle to draw head contact with the ground now also.
Not a fan of this.
He gets plenty of in the back frees. I just figured it was because he was often at the bottom of packs.
He gets plenty of in the back frees. I just figured it was because he was often at the bottom of packs.
That’s definitely part of it, Cerra hunts the ball and goes every time.
Exaggerating contact, drawing / playing for frees is a personal pet peeve of mine.
Whilst it’s not a large part of his game, and from my perspective, he has a tendency to stop and propel forward under tackle pressure.
Is it warranted to be called out in context of his overall game, probably not.

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I’m very concerned about Boyd’s tackle on Byrne-Jones, I’ll bet that another legitimate part of the game for 150 years will result in being cited to go to the tribunal.
Watching the replay, DBJ was subbed off for concussion post incident

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I’m very concerned about Boyd’s tackle on Byrne-Jones, I’ll bet that another legitimate part of the game for 150 years will result in being cited to go to the tribunal.
Watching the replay, DBJ was subbed off for concussion post incident

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I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t get cited and cop a week. Not to say the tackle warrants the punishment, but given the primary focus seems to be on the end result, it’s hard to see how Boydy won’t escape the firing line.
I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t get cited and cop a week. Not to say the tackle warrants the punishment, but given the primary focus seems to be on the end result, it’s hard to see how Boydy won’t escape the firing line.
Are we completely sure that this caused the concussion
The intelligent MRO will manage to declare causation

The tackle wasn’t reckless, Boyd took him ground to try and stop him kicking at goal.

However DBJ hit the ground with his head so it will be determined as insufficient duty of care.

My issue with this is that a player going for goal would rather be hurt trying to score than to protect themselves in a tackle.

Same as a player willing to hurt them selves flying for a pack mark.
Or as we saw last week with Saady getting kneed in the back of the head.

We can’t prevent these moments in footy regardless of outcome.

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Saw DBJ cop at least two earlier knocks, the Boyd one was the third. Should he have had an earlier concussion test? Was Port at fault by not taking him off sooner(?), is that Boyd's defence?
The tackle wasn’t reckless, Boyd took him ground to try and stop him kicking at goal.

However DBJ hit the ground with his head so it will be determined as insufficient duty of care.

My issue with this is that a player going for goal would rather be hurt trying to score than to protect themselves in a tackle.

Same as a player willing to hurt them selves flying for a pack mark.
Or as we saw last week with Saady getting kneed in the back of the head.

We can’t prevent these moments in footy regardless of outcome.

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just watching the replay (was at Marvel yesterday).

Disagree that his head hit the ground first, his side (of his body) did then was simply a very good tackle imo.
If Boyd goes it probably won't be for a week given the concussion. Could be sent to Tribunal and face 3+.
just watching the replay (was at Marvel yesterday).

Disagree that his head hit the ground first, his side (of his body) did then was simply a very good tackle imo.

Fair enough, I worded it poorly, his head made contact with the ground during the tackle.
I think Boydy will be cited, do I agree with it?
No, but players have been rubbed out all year when that happens.

It must have been tricky doing the concussion test on DBJ, cos he looks pretty dopey all the time!

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Jon Ralph just gave a bewildering take on it. Called Jordan Boyd Josh Honey twice whilst analysing the incident. Then went on to say that because of "precedent" he will be sent straight to the tribunal and it will be 3 weeks.
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