USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.
Harris is not an option that would or should be entertained. America isn't ready for a female president, let alone a black female president, let alone a black female president they've inherited by default. Right, wrong or indifferent, the best chance the Democrats have from here is to find a strong white male they can parade in front of people. They've had four years to sort this out.

PS. I'm aware this sounds terribly racist and misogynistic but the Democrats have to win approximately half of undecided voters and have to somehow appeal to as many people as possible in a short space of time.

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"America isn't ready for a <insert race/gender here> president" is an incredibly shallow statement based on nothing.

This is the country that voted overwhelmingly for a black dude named Barack Hussein Obama 15 years ago, and then re-elected him.

I agree that Harris is a bad option but it's not because of her identity.
"America isn't ready for a <insert race/gender here> president" is an incredibly shallow statement based on nothing.

This is the country that voted overwhelmingly for a black dude named Barack Hussein Obama 15 years ago, and then re-elected him.

I agree that Harris is a bad option but it's not because of her identity.
It's a terrible statement but I don't see it happening. Put her up. I'm sure she would do a fine job but I don't think 50% of American people would get behind her at this point in time. I think the Dems are in between a rock and a hard place of their own making.
It's a terrible statement but I don't see it happening. Put her up. I'm sure she would do a fine job but I don't think 50% of American people would get behind her at this point in time. I think the Dems are in between a rock and a hard place of their own making.

Well, 50% of the American people don't have to. Only about 60% of their population actually vote.

My issue isn't that it's a "terrible" statement, it's just that it's not based on anything, other than you implying half of their population is racist.
Well, 50% of the American people don't have to. Only about 60% of their population actually vote.

My issue isn't that it's a "terrible" statement, it's just that it's not based on anything, other than you implying half of their population is racist.
Half is a stretch. Using your numbers, 40% are apathetic and of the remaining 60%, approximately 40% of those are Republican voters and 40% are Democrat voters. That leaves approximately 12% of the population, of which half of those are required to get your candidate over the line, whatever side of the line you sit on. There's a LOT of variation in that 12% and you have to get enough of them on the same page to vote for you.
Half is a stretch. Using your numbers, 40% are apathetic and of the remaining 60%, approximately 40% of those are Republican voters and 40% are Democrat voters. That leaves approximately 12% of the population, of which half of those are required to get your candidate over the line, whatever side of the line you sit on. There's a LOT of variation in that 12% and you have to get enough of them on the same page to vote for you.

I understand pretty well how US political demographics sit, I was just going off your original statement. My original point stands, we just disagree.
wouldn't surprise me. I remember when Dore was on, interesting takes, but he went as you say, the grifter route.
I've been watching them since their first move out of Cenk's basement :laughv1:. They've all gotten more and more preachy and screechy. I like the actual news reporting but often turn away when they do their 'analysis'. Cenk is good on the nuts and bolts of media, government and corporate corruption.

Yeah Cenk I like but can get a bit preachy and angry etc but overall far more good than bad.

His takes are usually pretty good of predicting what will happen and ends up happening.

He said he thinks Biden will def drop out and I still agree. My bet is behind the scenes Dems are working out how they are going to go about getting a successor.
I watched a video of Newsom debating DeSantis and even Fox (it was on their YouTube, first result) had to concede Newsom had run circles around DeSantis.

He’d absolutely obliterate Trump’s lies in real time, but I suspect being Californian he wouldn’t necessarily appeal to those swing state voters that are going to be crucial.

He’d certainly do better than Biden there, but ideally I’d like it to happen between the candidates at the convention, and make a thing of it with the different candidates in the weeks coming up to the convention.

That way you get a lot of publicity and get to spread a positive message of candidates saying why they should be the president, rather than trying to scare voters by “if you don’t vote trump will be president!”.
Agree with you that the decision should have been made months ago (longer - Joe should have indicated he wasn't going for a 2nd term and had a proper primary).

But Lara Trump I think it was has been doing the rounds on conservative outlets since the debate saying stuff like "betrayal of democracy" or similar if Biden doesn't run. Trump wants to run against him - that should tell you everything you need to know. As bad as it will be, it will be worse if he stays, they need to make the change.

Lol betrayal of democracy, how? I mean it’s not like people won’t know who they’re voting for come November.

But yes republicans as usual contracting themselves saying Biden too old to be president but at same time should remain as president.
Now with Clooney and the big donor base jumping off Biden it's hard to see if he stays on. The longer it drags out the worse it will get for them.

I assume the reason the decision to officially tap him on the shoulder is there isn't a real stand out candidate to take over. Kamala Harris isn't at all popular in the polls so they would most likely look elsewhere.

By all means she can be a candidate, but no one should be anointed.

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He’d certainly do better than Biden there, but ideally I’d like it to happen between the candidates at the convention, and make a thing of it with the different candidates in the weeks coming up to the convention.

That way you get a lot of publicity and get to spread a positive message of candidates saying why they should be the president, rather than trying to scare voters by “if you don’t vote trump will be president!”.

The DNC won't want that. Far too unpredictable, open and fair.

They'll want to anoint someone.
I think the left-wing media in the US needs to stop trying to catch Trump bungling speeches. Any time they do, conservatives get a perfect moment to say, "have you seen the other guy?"

It’s not just trump being incoherent there is also dangerous rhetoric (unless you chalk that up to him being incoherent which kind of contradicts the point)
It's not like these are new problems. Biden didn't deteriorate that badly in 3 weeks

People have gone from telling the world he's fine and endorsing/sponsoring him then he publicly shits the bed so they change their tune. They knew he was cooked 3 weeks ago. Hypocrites

Well they can just drive off the cliff or fix the mistake now, I know what I’d choose.

Democrat leadership have been negligent letting it get this far, but as there is time to change course they should.
Seder is good. Cenk has an annoying schtick. He does it because he is the boss there and they need the clicks. I hate it when they lose it over stories, just histrionics sometimes. And a lot of what they do is just read some story off the web and talk about it. I've said before, I usually have clicked away when they start that part of the story. But they do cover a lot of stuff you don't see elsewhere. And it does me a dose of what the hard progs are doing.

Seder is good, far more sober with his takes even though him and Cenk would be fairly similar politically.

Cenk gets super angry at the progressive Dems which is often justified,

Ana seems to have a nihilistic view of things which is why I think she will soon do a “why I left to left” turn to just grift cash as she no longer believes she can make a difference.
It's not that complicated - Trump isn't the media focus at the moment, regardless what he does, because the President is a walking corpse and has his own party fleeing him.

As soon as he goes, and is replaced, it will resume - CNN/MSNBC and co. will praise the Democrats and rip Trump, and Fox will praise the Republicans and dig dirt on the new Dem candidate.

Until Biden goes, that won't happen.
New evidence lol

Your view shifts as your team tells you to. Bidens been gone for ages but you (blue maga) said he was fine. Now the celebs like Clooney etc are saying he's showing your age, the tune of his supporters turns against him. How weird

The consistent thing was people telling you for a long time he was blitzed. "oh no, he's sharp as a tack"

I wanted him gone before the debate and want him gone now.

Blue maga are still circling the wagons around Biden, saying it was just a bad night etc.
I don't think Biden can be removed legally from the Democrat ticket anyway.
The only way he stops running is if he resigns or the VP and the Senate use the incapacitated clause to remove him. And in both scenarios it means Harris has to assume the ticket. So its lose-lose.

For the Democrats that debate was just all sorts of disaster. They had somewhat succeeded in keeping Biden out of the public eye (no mean feat given he is in the most important position in the world) but now the cat is out of the bag and there is no going back now.

The only way out I think is keep Biden and give him a brand new VP as his running mate. Then hope and pray Trump blows up and Biden wins the election. Then force him out in 2025 with the new shiny toy taking over.

Nah donor money will dry up.
By all means she can be a candidate, but no one should be anointed.

This close to the election they need to have everything lined up so there’s a clear candidate, any lack of unity is just more ammunition for the GOP.

Since we know the GOP will very deliberately not make any policies that can be discussed or debated.

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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