USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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What’s all of this fear mongering about Trump winning? He’s already presided over the country between 2017-2021. Did the world blow up? Explain exactly what he did in 4 years already that you denounce. What was so bad about those 4 years during his presidency. Extra points for not replying with “he lied”.

The above is what their plan is, you make think it’s cool, which it is, if you’ve had enough of democracy.

Then there’s the whole refusing to accept the result of an election, riling up and angry mob Jan 6, fake elector schemes etc.

Make no mistake it’s not just Trump, just his cult have allowed many of peoples worst impulses who would normally keep quiet (religious freaks, racists, xenophobes etc) to let their freak flag fly.

They have no positive vision for the country or the world, they will be worse on income equality, health, education etc (the usual republican stuff, but this time with fascist plans).
The criticism of Biden is not about his content, but his cognition. His performance makes him look like he's incapable of being a good President, even though he means well.

Trump has more energy, but you know he's a moron and will do stupid stuff.

Next time somebody from the US says they have the greatest constitution in the world, just show them this Presidential debate, AIPAC and the NRA gloating about how much they own Congress, and the corruption of the Supreme Court. They don't just need reformed parties, they need a new constitution.

The US is genuinely undermining capitalist democracies for those countries in which they try to impose these types of systems.

It's kind of what the GOP and Trump have been steering the country towards. "Well, the system is broken so why don't you just let us lead you and forget about all that democracy stuff, which is over-rated"

Yep, the freedumb idiots in the Republican house of reps just want to blow everything up, they don’t want government to work, so try to prevent it from working.

I do think they have been trying to normalise authoritarian rule, hence much of the American rights love for Russia.

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A lot of people are racist, a lot of people are sexist, and some people are both.
Obamas skin didn’t stop people from voting for him, but I’m not surprised the racism line is thrown out..

To the person who asked why Kamala is a bad candidate- the woman is less likeable than Biden. She often cackles like a witch when asked a seriously question by the media. She’s completely tone deaf. Just YouTube Kamala laughing.

Here she is responding to a journalist asking about Ukrainian refugees

Mod Edit: Politifacts
Harris laughed during the March 10 news conference in Warsaw — as did Duda — but the headline mischaracterizes why she was laughing.

Harris and Duda "were laughing about who would speak first amidst simultaneous translations — they were certainly not laughing about refugees," Herbie Ziskend, deputy communications director for Harris, said in a March 10 tweet. He noted that Harris also had announced funding to support Ukrainian civilians.
This post rises to the level of misinformation.
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What a waste of time.

This is not "executing babies after birth".

Stop wasting everyone's time with this garbage.
It's the same shit they pulled with the Death Panels and Obamacare.
It's a real test of stupid if you still believe these people and/or like and repost it.
A dead Biden would still be a better choice than Trump but I agree they need to change as the US voluntary voting system means yoi need to motivate the base to vote and Biden doesnt anymore.

The answer is probably obvious, governor of Michigan - Gretchen Whitmer

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Anecdotally I've heard she's highly regarded within the party, especially for 2028. Maybe she could be the one to emerge in an open convention. I'd take her and an international affairs experienced Senator or Representative as veep. Like getting Gore to go with Obama.
It was a strategic error by the Dems that Trump seized on.

Biden won in 2020 only because he wasn't Trump. You can't run that campaign again as people have had 3+ years to see how bad Biden has been as a President.
What exactly has he or his admin gotten wrong? Yes we know Israel is not popular, but what actual policies or legislation?
The thing is if Biden is as far gone as some people say how has he managed to run the country for four years?

Is he a good delegator? Sounds like a good attribute
I've said it before, one he has chosen some good people. Two, ee also doesn't have to perform when sitting in Oval Office meetings. He can listen, give his opinion, make a decision and it gets done. He's been in and around the OO for a long time, and knows how the sausage gets made in (a normal) Congress. Apparently he's killing it with the oil reserve business, he got the infrastructure (that's so popular with deplorables) passed, got a handle on inflation (which was inevitable to get the economy back after covid) better than any other country IIRC. And I think there were some other things in his plus column.
No monkeying about like the previous guy.
Oh, but he is divisive! I don't get this one. What, he doesn't cave to MAGA nuts, or J6 crims? Immigration, didn't he substantially keep the old policy? Not my area, but he did cave to the GOP demands for a new policy with their terms and they refused it. Is that the divisive thing? I'd really like to know this one.
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Obamas skin didn’t stop people from voting for him, but I’m not surprised the racism line is thrown out..

To the person who asked why Kamala is a bad candidate- the woman is less likeable than Biden. She often cackles like a witch when asked a seriously question by the media. She’s completely tone deaf. Just YouTube Kamala laughing.

Here she is responding to a journalist asking about Ukrainian refugees

She is also loathed by sections of the black community because of her conduct as a judge.
Ok someone break it down for me - why is Kamala Harris NOT a good candidate?
I don't actually know, it's feel thing I guess. She was 2 term AG of CA, 1 term Senator, then VP. Similar to Obama except that he was civil rights lawyer, state senator, US senator, then POTUS.
I couldn't feel any inspiration watching her in the primaries. She not charismatic. She's a bit like Haley in that way, a bit plastic. I don't feel she's a natural leader from what I've seen. But its a small sample size, which is part of the problem.
She is the establishment's choice for sure.

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I really want nothing to do with the USA moving forward. They are a sinking ship if I’ve ever seen one.

Biden is cooked but if Trump is elected, they are heading straight for a corrupt dictatorship.

Agree with the sentiment but the problem is that Australia will be weakened by a weakened US, so as desirable as it is, we can't actually have nothing to do with the US going forward.

It's something that the cookers here (and geez, aren't they out in force today) fail to realise. If you think it will make no difference to your life, then you might be surprised by what happens if Trump is elected. Everyone here is a member of a superannuation fund. If there is a shock to the US markets, a genuine possibility if he gets in, that will flow through to Australia and your superannuation balance ...
Here's the thing. We all know that being POTUS isn't a youngsters' game. We've seen how it aged Obama from an energetic man with nary a grey follicle to a man that looked completely drained of vigor and a head full of grey hair. But there also needs to have an upper age limit. Two guys who should not be the candidates running the country. One is a megalomaniac who's more unhinged than a bag of rats in a meth lab, the other is so incoherent that he makes two former presidents from the south sound intelligent.

Just to be clear I am not suggesting lock both of them in nursing homes, but they should not be the candidates to one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful position in not only USA but the world.

I said before "Good luck USA" but really it should also be brace yourself and gird your loins to the rest of the world.

Not even God can help us now.
Ok someone break it down for me - why is Kamala Harris NOT a good candidate?
Because a lot of Americans just aren't ready for a woman president. Especially if they sub her in for Biden this late. If they had set this up so that Biden would be a one term president and then transitioning to Kamala it might have worked, but if they swap Biden out now unless they have someone exceptional in mind they will get smashed.
Both Biden and Trump failed. Bidens job was to not appear too old, he failed. Trumps was not to be a lying campaigner, he failed.

This is not Trump vrs Biden, but Trump vrs Not Trump. Trump has rusted on support that would vote for him if he bashed a puppy to death on national TV. Biden has no support, just those who would vote for anybody but Trump.

There is a vast group of voters between these two extremes, from disgruntled republications though independents to annoyed democrats who might just decide not to vote. Their votes were left on table by both.

A draw? No, Trump has the advantage if Biden cannot get some positive attraction. If this was Australia, the democrats would sack Biden this week. But for various reasons which in the end amount to money, not likely in the US.
Because a lot of Americans just aren't ready for a woman president. Especially if they sub her in for Biden this late. If they had set this up so that Biden would be a one term president and then transitioning to Kamala it might have worked, but if they swap Biden out now unless they have someone exceptional in mind they will get smashed.
Kamala manages to impressively have little support on both sides of politics.

She won't get much of the conservative vote as a woman of colour.

But the left don't exactly love her either (identity politics aside), mainly due to her empty middle of the road stance of a lot of issues, her history as a prosecutor and her general presence being seen by most as insincere and dull.

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