USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.
Sad state of affairs where the media and supporters are putting more pressure and condemnation towards a old guy to step out of the the race , and nothing directed at a felon and rapist

Amazing to witness the Trunp deluded ****wits stand up for a guy that has dated that he will be a dictator on day one …he will burn everything down

Bro are u ok?

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Kamala isn't a perfect candidate by any means, but she is:

a) alive, thus making her a better option than Biden
b) the person who can most easily pick up the mantle without it being too much of a headache.
This is correct, she would be an atrocious candidate though. I would LOVE for this to happen.
Sad state of affairs where the media and supporters are putting more pressure and condemnation towards a old guy to step out of the the race , and nothing directed at a felon and rapist

You’re right - let’s lay off him and let him walk to an election flogging..

Wouldn’t you rather he be pressured to step down, to actually give them a chance at winning?
Kamala isn't a perfect candidate by any means, but she is:

a) alive, thus making her a better option than Biden
b) the person who can most easily pick up the mantle without it being too much of a headache.

Thing is if they are going to switch from Biden, they have to be convinced the replacing candidate has an excellant chance of beating trump, other wise it will just add to the parties division and smash the trust with the population. I dont think they are sold on Kamala's chances of beating trump.
You’re right - let’s lay off him and let him walk to an election flogging..

Wouldn’t you rather he be pressured to step down, to actually give them a chance at winning?
I think the condemnations and pressure should be on the convict dictator rapist wannabe than a competent administration

But that’s just me
I think the condemnations and pressure should be on the convict dictator rapist wannabe than a competent administration

But that’s just me

May i suggest a little less vitriol in your posts ?

Competant is an interesting word. Maybe in comparison to Trump, but in the bigger picture he has been a fairly poor President overall.
Theft. Corruption. Dismantling of rights. Dismantling of the US democratic processes.

None of these are doomsday scenarios. Who, in Australia, gives a **** about any of these things happening in the US.

Doomsday predictions were that of Trump starting WWIII possibly causing the end of the world.
You're joking... right???

We're talking about our closest ally here...
I think the condemnations and pressure should be on the convict dictator rapist wannabe than a competent administration

But that’s just me

There are news articles out there regarding Trumps issues. Why aren’t you looking at them?
The media were never going to ignore the debacle that occurred last week.

Maybe time to get out of fantasy land.
I'm not sure about Harris. Trump is losing his grip too. Women and black voters have actually moved toward Trump while it's the centre-right who Trump is losing.

If Harris was the nominee and Trump went too hard at her and said some sexist and racist stuff (quite likely, given he's been proven in court to be a racist and a rapist), that might turn the tide of some voters going from Dem to GOP.

I think Buttigeig and Newsom are better candidates, but not sure how the mechanics would allow it.

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Amazing to witness the Trunp deluded ****wits stand up for a guy that has dated that he will be a dictator on day one …he will burn everything down
They're fine with dictators, most of the GOP machine too - as long as it's their guy wearing the jackboots.

Not a single principled bone in their bodies.
I'm not sure about Harris. Trump is losing his grip too. Women and black voters have actually moved toward Trump while it's the centre-right who Trump is losing.

If Harris was the nominee and Trump went too hard at her and said some sexist and racist stuff (quite likely, given he's been proven in court to be a racist and a rapist), that might turn the tide of some voters going from Dem to GOP.

I think Buttigeig and Newsom are better candidates, but not sure how the mechanics would allow it.

Was listening to a podcast with Yascha Mounk who said its a bit of a misconception that Black voters will automatically vote for Kamala, and that the black conservative voter base at this point may still vote for trump.
Dems are factoring in the large group of people who don't like Trump but won't vote for Biden. If it's 50,000-80,000 in a handful of swing states then it will be enough.

Whether Harris is the person to do it, I don't think so.
A California candidate won't work, and Harris is a dud it needs to be the Michigan governer with the right VP candidate. Popular in a swing state, would mobilise base, close to Biden, lots of funding,

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