USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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To be fair Joes VP wont vote for him either

the dems would have a treasure trove of people going on record saying/writing what they think of bone spurs ... senior well-respected people with long and distinguished careers in public and private life

wont make a jot of difference to MAGA cultists ...... thats the head scratcher about all this
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the wife and i have both said we will not get engaged in political talk for our own safety, but outside of that have zero concerns.

Hope you and your wife enjoy yourself. Probably good timing to slip in just before the post election chaos as well.

As for the last point. Massively agree I would be the same in avoiding political discussion. Americans online though cannot seem to help themselves but to bring up politics in almost every single post.

Like, I can't even look at a picture of a funny looking dog on social media, without some yank being like "that dog is a Democrat" And I am like really? the F**k has this got to do with politics? Makes me want to tell them to F off, c u next Tuesday.

I'm still iffy about traveling to countries with crime and gun issues safety wise. Like I wouldn't visit Cancun in Mexico, or Incan ruins in some Central American and South American countries. Given their gang and drug cartel issues, I'd be too nervous. If visiting the USA, I feel like I'd be selective as with which parts I see, because I just don't trust anyone. I suppose once actually there, I'd realize it isn't all that bad. My experience with Americans that have visited Australia have been very good.

But like I said, the constant exposure to the loud toxic minority online, would skewer the mind of those who little experience around American people, that it may put them off from willing to explore the world more. So its normal for many to have a negative opinion. But I do appreciate the feedback from you and others who have actually experienced the world.
It's true that you should refrain from talking politics though.

I remember talking to a nice boomer couple at a bar in Detroit and they were asking me about my travels so far. I told them I'd been to both California and Florida and preferred Cali as it was basically Florida without the racism and a better climate.

That set them off on all the reasons they don't like Californians :sweatsmile: There really is a divide on ideals there, much more than here.
Interesting read:

Interesting read:

I remember seeing a video a while back talking about why a lot of Americans don't have passports, and there isn't as much a culture of travelling overseas.

I think there is so much difference between parts of their country, that travelling between states can often feel like an overseas trip.
I remember seeing a video a while back talking about why a lot of Americans don't have passports, and there isn't as much a culture of travelling overseas.

I think there is so much difference between parts of their country, that travelling between states can often feel like an overseas trip.
It's probably similar to travelling through Europe, but with a common language.
I remember seeing a video a while back talking about why a lot of Americans don't have passports, and there isn't as much a culture of travelling overseas.

I think there is so much difference between parts of their country, that travelling between states can often feel like an overseas trip.

Americans are very US-centric. They're indoctrinated from birth about how good the US, how it's the best country in the world, etc etc.

Go overseas and ask an Australian where they're from and they'll say "Australia". Ask an American and they'll tell you the City or the State, rarely the country. As though you should simply 'know'. That stereotype of the US traveller going to Europe and complaining how small the accommodation is has also been one I've seen IRL.
Americans are very US-centric. They're indoctrinated from birth about how good the US, how it's the best country in the world, etc etc.

Go overseas and ask an Australian where they're from and they'll say "Australia". Ask an American and they'll tell you the City or the State, rarely the country. As though you should simply 'know'. That stereotype of the US traveller going to Europe and complaining how small the accommodation is has also been one I've seen IRL.
You can always pick the American when you’re on holiday. You don’t need to ask. They announce themselves.
Heading over early October leaving 3 days after the election, for what will be my 5th trip since 2015, i have found the exact opposite with dealing with people, for whatever reason they love Aussies, everyone wants to chat, the interesting thing was what they feared the most about Australia as a rule, it was spiders.

Will be going through Texas / Dallas-San Antonio- Houston, then NOLA -Pidgeon Forge and Nashville finishing in Vegas, the wife and i have both said we will not get engaged in political talk for our own safety, but outside of that have zero concerns.

me too, i visit there usually at least one a year (and often 2 or 3 times). have family there and have been travelling there regularly for 40 years. Love it. Will be there for the election this year, can't wait.
You can always pick the American when you’re on holiday. You don’t need to ask. They announce themselves.
In central America young Americans used to ask me why I didn't talk to them.
Eventually I replied. Because you're obnoxious and hated.
Found that was the easiest way to get rid of them.
Big mouthed know it all's, very similar to WA mine workers that live in Bali
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It's true that you should refrain from talking politics though.

I remember talking to a nice boomer couple at a bar in Detroit and they were asking me about my travels so far. I told them I'd been to both California and Florida and preferred Cali as it was basically Florida without the racism and a better climate.

That set them off on all the reasons they don't like Californians :sweatsmile: There really is a divide on ideals there, much more than here.

It's politicians like Trump who is driving that divide, for his own personal gain.
Hope you and your wife enjoy yourself. Probably good timing to slip in just before the post election chaos as well.

As for the last point. Massively agree I would be the same in avoiding political discussion. Americans online though cannot seem to help themselves but to bring up politics in almost every single post.

Like, I can't even look at a picture of a funny looking dog on social media, without some yank being like "that dog is a Democrat" And I am like really? the F**k has this got to do with politics? Makes me want to tell them to F off, c u next Tuesday.

I'm still iffy about traveling to countries with crime and gun issues safety wise. Like I wouldn't visit Cancun in Mexico, or Incan ruins in some Central American and South American countries. Given their gang and drug cartel issues, I'd be too nervous. If visiting the USA, I feel like I'd be selective as with which parts I see, because I just don't trust anyone. I suppose once actually there, I'd realize it isn't all that bad. My experience with Americans that have visited Australia have been very good.

But like I said, the constant exposure to the loud toxic minority online, would skewer the mind of those who little experience around American people, that it may put them off from willing to explore the world more. So its normal for many to have a negative opinion. But I do appreciate the feedback from you and others who have actually experienced the world.

I get what you are saying on safety and guns, given it is so prevalent over there, and is always in the back of my mind, and will be more so this trip as we are in Texas for a fair bit of the trip, we are certainly careful what areas we visit when we are in different cities, the place we have felt the safest is NYC, police every where.

If not VP (probably not), Pete needs an increased role in the next democrat administration.

The best line there on JD Vance criticising those without children

"He said people who don't have children have no physical commitment to the future of the country… When I was deployed to Afghanistan, especially when there was a rocket attack going on, my commitment to this country felt pretty physical."
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If not VP (probably not), Pete needs an increased role in the next democrat administration.

The best line there on JD Vance criticising those without children

I know I’m biased, but this was a great interview. Did you notice how long the applause went on? I also enjoyed the banter about being vetted, and the mention of Hulk Hogan.

As Stalin said, "It does not matter who votes, but who counts the votes."

Indicative of him being very likely to claim that he will become POTUS even if he doesn't win the election based on the votes.

Sounds like a potential coup upcoming.

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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