USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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No they'll just fire up the race divisions and use the black community like they did with the BLM riots to cause billions of dollars of damage, looting, and destruction to private and government property and vehicles, with 14,000 arrests and 25 deaths in what CNN described as "mostly peaceful protests". But, yeah Jan 6.

Here's Kamala gleefully eggin that on: “They’re not going to stop,This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not going to stop and everyone beware, because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before Election Day in November and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that on both levels. They’re not going to let up and they should not and we should not.”

Absolutely nothing to do with what I said, or your comment about not accepting the results of an election.

Man, you are really craving attention these past few days?
Everything going ok?
It depends on who he pisses off.

Here's your facts ( Just before COVID decimated the world economy)

The debt increased more under Biden.

Probably about the same increase from what I can see, there are a number of slightly different figures depending on source/calculation. Both affected by Covid. .
2016 19 trillion
2020 27 trillion
2024 35 trillion
If you think about it, the big tax cuts done by Trump they will increase the debt every year, they are ongoing into the Biden administration. It was a terrible time to cut taxes as Covid struck and government spending increased massively.

Here are Biden numbers from the same site. 15.7 million jobs to July, much, much better than Trumps 6 million. in fact just about everything is better other than inflation.

Added - Wapo did a comparison
I don't think there is any evidence Trump was better with the economy than Biden, in fact looking at the figures the opposite is likely to be true.
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Like child sniffer Biden?
This is where we have a major difference

Firstly to address the allegation. So what? Yes its an odd look but come on man its not a crime to sniff hair

Then there is the major difference. If Joe had been accused of a smidgin of Trumps pedo activities I wouldnt be giving him a moments support

But you sit here pretending DonOld doesnt walk into teenager changerooms , DonOld hasnt spoken about his daughter like a sex object since she was 13 , DonOld wasnt on Epsteins island 74 times

But Biden

Take your whataboutism and check yourself - you support a pedo with no qualms or remorse because he triggers lefties

The system was mostly working until 2016 with usually a single vote majority either way. That allowed for serious debates within the chambers for justices on either side to be persuaded or not. There have been justices that have could be swayed with convincing arguments against their perceived leanings.
An absolute majority of 6-3 tosses all that out.
The manner in which that situation came about was a perversion of the system. That alone is the reason why expansion of the court is being floated, or even being taken half-seriously. It would be a power move to combat the upending of norms perpetrated by the Federalist/Heritage/GOP and McConnell. Had they held off on the Barrett nom, it would not have come to that. Maybe some grumblings but nothing more. The shitstains that are MAGA or Christo-Nationalists bleat about civil war. The SCOTUS capture is actual action taken to grab power. That IS something that stir up the divisiveness necessary for conflict.
Lifelong tenure has its problems, but I feel it is mostly when a justice hangs on too long. There maybe should be a better mechanism there. I don't know what unintended consequences term limits would give birth to.
The corruption of the present court is also probably not a new thing. But it does put the imbalance into more stark relief. There absolutely needs some code of ethics at the least. Imposed by whom, I don't know.

The story begins in 2003, when Bush nominated Judge Janice Rogers Brown to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Biden and his fellow Democrats filibustered her nomination, along with several other Bush circuit court nominees, all of whom had majority support in the Senate. Columnist Robert Novak called it “the first full-scale effort in American history to prevent a president from picking the federal judges he wants
What Biden threatened was unprecedented. There has never been a successful filibuster of a nominee for associate justice in the history of the republic.


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Democrats are applying a double standard to judicial nominee Miguel Estrada and blocking his nomination for "purely political reasons," President Bush charged Wednesday.

Estrada, 42, was nominated for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia by Bush in May 2001. If approved, the former Honduran would be the first Hispanic to serve on the D.C. appeals court.

Last week, Republicans were unable to stop a Democratic filibuster that blocked a vote on the nomination.

Revenge is sweet when served cold.
Hasn’t sent anyone nuts.

Guy’s a grifter. That’s all she wrote.

And you’ve been gulled.
If anything Harris and Walz now have his number and are driving him nuts. Just look at all the crazy meltdown shit he is saying and posting every day since Biden stepped aside. His childish schoolboy name calling are having no effect. Like Harris said, same old tired playbook, next question please.
Probably about the same increase from what I can see, there are a number of slightly different figures depending on source/calculation. Both affected by Covid. .
2016 19 trillion
2020 27 trillion
2024 35 trillion
If you think about it, the big tax cuts done by Trump they will increase the debt every year, they are ongoing into the Biden administration. It was a terrible time to cut taxes as Covid struck and government spending increased massively.

Here are Biden numbers from the same site. 15.7 million jobs to July, much, much better than Trumps 6 million. in fact just about everything is better other than inflation.

Added - Wapo did a comparison
I don't think there is any evidence Trump was better with the economy than Biden, in fact looking at the figures the opposite is likely to be true.

Under Trump, the employment growth limitation was too many jobs and not enough people to fill them! This is fact.

If you think about it, the big tax cuts put money into the hands of people to spend, which stimulates the economy creating jobs, so Biden owes Trump for that policy.
This is where we have a major difference

Firstly to address the allegation. So what? Yes its an odd look but come on man its not a crime to sniff hair

Then there is the major difference. If Joe had been accused of a smidgin of Trumps pedo activities I wouldnt be giving him a moments support

But you sit here pretending DonOld doesnt walk into teenager changerooms , DonOld hasnt spoken about his daughter like a sex object since she was 13 , DonOld wasnt on Epsteins island 74 times

But Biden

Take your whataboutism and check yourself - you support a pedo with no qualms or remorse because he triggers lefties



The story begins in 2003, when Bush nominated Judge Janice Rogers Brown to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Biden and his fellow Democrats filibustered her nomination, along with several other Bush circuit court nominees, all of whom had majority support in the Senate. Columnist Robert Novak called it “the first full-scale effort in American history to prevent a president from picking the federal judges he wants
What Biden threatened was unprecedented. There has never been a successful filibuster of a nominee for associate justice in the history of the republic.


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Democrats are applying a double standard to judicial nominee Miguel Estrada and blocking his nomination for "purely political reasons," President Bush charged Wednesday.

Estrada, 42, was nominated for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia by Bush in May 2001. If approved, the former Honduran would be the first Hispanic to serve on the D.C. appeals court.

Last week, Republicans were unable to stop a Democratic filibuster that blocked a vote on the nomination.

Revenge is sweet when served cold.

on Brown:

"The test of a qualified judicial nominee is also not whether that person has their own political views. Every jurist surely does. The test is whether he or she can effectively subordinate their views in order to decide each case on the facts and the merits alone. That is what keeps our judiciary independent in America. That is what our Founders intended."
"Unfortunately, as has been stated repeatedly on this floor, in almost every legal decision that she has made and every political speech that she has given, Justice Brown has shown she is not simply a judge with very strong political views, she is a political activist who happens to be a judge."

She was renominated to the court in June, 2005, and this time was confirmed in a 56-43 vote after seven Democrats and seven Republicans signed a pact pledging not to filibuster judicial nominees except in “extraordinary” circumstances.

Estrada appears to be caught up in some political warring, some arising from the disputed election of 2000. Also before that, GOP giving Clinton nominations a hard time. So some tit for tat crap going on.

So this seems political business as normal. It is different from McConnell's flat out blocking hearings because it's an election year (almost a full year), and then ramming through an appointment two months before. THAT is the argument. I stated that Gorsuch would not have been as big a deal if not for the Barrett BS.
The fact that he's sent the Democrats and the left nuts says you're wrong.
Of course, the fact that you think he has "owned the libs" is all that matters right?
on Brown:

"The test of a qualified judicial nominee is also not whether that person has their own political views. Every jurist surely does. The test is whether he or she can effectively subordinate their views in order to decide each case on the facts and the merits alone. That is what keeps our judiciary independent in America. That is what our Founders intended."
"Unfortunately, as has been stated repeatedly on this floor, in almost every legal decision that she has made and every political speech that she has given, Justice Brown has shown she is not simply a judge with very strong political views, she is a political activist who happens to be a judge."

She was renominated to the court in June, 2005, and this time was confirmed in a 56-43 vote after seven Democrats and seven Republicans signed a pact pledging not to filibuster judicial nominees except in “extraordinary” circumstances.

Estrada appears to be caught up in some political warring, some arising from the disputed election of 2000. Also before that, GOP giving Clinton nominations a hard time. So some tit for tat crap going on.

So this seems political business as normal. It is different from McConnell's flat out blocking hearings because it's an election year (almost a full year), and then ramming through an appointment two months before. THAT is the argument. I stated that Gorsuch would not have been as big a deal if not for the Barrett BS.

She was highly qualified, having served for seven years as an associate justice of the California Supreme Court — the first Black woman to do so. She was the daughter and granddaughter of sharecroppers, and grew up in rural Alabama during the dark days of segregation, when her family refused to enter restaurants or theaters with separate entrances for Black customers. She rose from poverty and put herself through college and UCLA law school as a working single mother. She was a self-made African American legal star. But she was an outspoken conservative-so Biden set out to destroy her
Under Trump, the employment growth limitation was too many jobs and not enough people to fill them! This is fact.

If you think about it, the big tax cuts put money into the hands of people to spend, which stimulates the economy creating jobs, so Biden owes Trump for that policy.

Trickle down economics hey?

I think you’re just saying deliberately stupid things as a way to entertain yourself when people engage and then you will go “aha gotcha for thinking I was serious!”

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She was highly qualified, having served for seven years as an associate justice of the California Supreme Court — the first Black woman to do so. She was the daughter and granddaughter of sharecroppers, and grew up in rural Alabama during the dark days of segregation, when her family refused to enter restaurants or theaters with separate entrances for Black customers. She rose from poverty and put herself through college and UCLA law school as a working single mother. She was a self-made African American legal star. But she was an outspoken conservative-so Biden set out to destroy her
Yes, she has an incredible background. One that would suggest she would lean towards civil rights and helping the poor etc...

Here is a letter sent to US senators during her second nomination to the appeals court. It was sent by the
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights "The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights is the nation's oldest, largest, and most diverse civil and human rights coalition." " an umbrella group of American civil rights interest groups"

Brown’s record as a California Supreme Court justice demonstrates a strong, persistent, and disturbing hostility toward affirmative action, civil rights, the rights of individuals with disabilities, workers’ rights, and the fairness of the criminal justice system.
Janice Rogers Brown has often been the lone justice to dissent on the California Supreme Court, illustrating that her judicial philosophy is outside the mainstream. Not only does she show an inability to dispassionately review cases, but her opinions are based on her extremist ideology and ignore judicial precedent, even that set by the United States Supreme Court.

Brown’s opinions on civil rights and discrimination cases are perhaps the most troubling part of her record, revealing a blatant disregard for judicial precedent and a desire to limit the ability of victims of discrimination to sue for redress. In Aguilar v. Avis Rent A Car Systems, Inc. 980 P.2d 846 (Cal. 1999), the trial court found that the employer had violated the California Fair Housing and Employment Act by creating a hostile work environment through the use of racial slurs directed at Latino employees. On appeal, the California Supreme Court upheld the lower court’s remedy that prohibited the use of racial slurs in the future, holding that prevention of such speech was not a violation of the employer’s First Amendment rights. Brown dissented, arguing that the First Amendment protects the use of racial slurs in the workplace, even when it becomes illegal race discrimination. Brown’s dissent virtually ignored several Supreme Court precedents. Her opinion also went so far as to suggest that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination, violates the First Amendment and is therefore unconstitutional.

Here's a letter for the first nomination, but it substantially the same as the other.
What is it even revenge of?

I've posted previously two examples where the Democrats were the first to block Presidential Judicial appointments because they didn't think the Judge aligned with Left wing political values. They broke convention and decorum. The Democrats can't later complain when the Republicans return the favour or appoint Judges with conservative political leanings.
Yes, she has an incredible background. One that would suggest she would lean towards civil rights and helping the poor etc...

Here is a letter sent to US senators during her second nomination to the appeals court. It was sent by the
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights "The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights is the nation's oldest, largest, and most diverse civil and human rights coalition." " an umbrella group of American civil rights interest groups"

Here's a letter for the first nomination, but it substantially the same as the other.

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR) is a civil-rights-focused left-of-center organization based in Washington, D.C. It serves as an umbrella organization for over 200 mostly left-wing organizations which lobby and advocate before Congress and other federal agencies on legislation and Presidential appointments to the executive departments and judiciary.

Its leadership consists of a committee of members of affiliated organizations that make up its board, which are made up of some of the biggest names on the professional left and the Democratic Party.
The guy is a genius. Goes off-script, thinks on his feet, speaks his mind, is hated by the political class, is unpredictable does not **** about internationally and he really pisses the woke left. The economy did great under him. The stock market did great. Minorities did great. No wars were started. What's there not to like?

Listen- Trump is the biggest F- YOU from those left behind by previous governments and the pretentious, insincere, wealthy, inner city and privileged middle class whites, in political history. If he takes them down-even just a bit- then that's a good thing.
This is the clearest case of mistaken identity I’ve ever read. LOL.
Of course, the fact that you think he has "owned the libs" is all that matters right?
There's only so many times you can be humiliated online in front of everyone before it breaks something in the brain.

Literally the entire birth of maga came from being laughed at

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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