USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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Speaking of wasting taxpayer money, are you upset at the republicans for wasting exorbitant amounts of time and money on that sham impeachment inquiry they quietly closed off when it was no longer politically useful?
Speaker Johnson is a disgrace, as are half the republican party who support that idiot.
According to you she has the Green New Deal, which she managed to implement and get passed through congress without anyone else knowing about. I'd say that makes her fairly shrewd.

Hows her stance on fracking, flip flop, flip flop. Pennsylvania will vote replublican because they see through her rubbish.

Amazing how many Trumpers seem to think that he'll be a strongman dictator who does only good things for them. Idiocy.

Isn't it funny how the left cry that democracy is at threat when election results don't go their way.

Trumpers don't think that dictator stuff at all. Maybe they don't want endless wars, no more money being spent on the Military industrial complex, no trans surgery for kids, no more wide open border. Geez how radical is it to believe in those things.

You are considered MAGA for having those views when in reality most people ideologically probably don't want any of that stuff.
Isn't it funny how the left cry that democracy is at threat when election results don't go their way.

Trumpers don't think that dictator stuff at all. Maybe they don't want endless wars, no more money being spent on the Military industrial complex, no trans surgery for kids, no more wide open border. Geez how radical is it to believe in those things.

You are considered MAGA for having those views when in reality most people ideologically probably don't want any of that stuff.

Trump has told you he admires dictators, he told you he wants to be a dictator on day one, he incited the Capitol Riots and refused to accept the result of a democratic election.

Yes, he's a threat to democracy. You're considered a MAGA because you overlook every single thing that makes him an appalling Presidential candidate.
Remind me what earrings was Kamala wearing.

They almost look identical to the NovaH1 audio earbuds.

So Kamala needed the tag team 3 v 1 with moderators to debate Trump but also potentially being fed a script of how to debate Trump. It’s why I say potentially, there’s no true way of us knowing.

I wonder why she won’t debate him on X or Fox. Hmmm. She knows without the extra help, she will perform worse then Joe
You mean the earbuds that aren’t available to purchase anywhere and the company is being accused on their kickstarter of never delivering? Those earbuds?

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Speaker Johnson is a disgrace, as are half the republican party who support that idiot.

Hows her stance on fracking, flip flop, flip flop. Pennsylvania will vote replublican because they see through her rubbish.

Isn't it funny how the left cry that democracy is at threat when election results don't go their way.

Trumpers don't think that dictator stuff at all. Maybe they don't want endless wars, no more money being spent on the Military industrial complex, no trans surgery for kids, no more wide open border. Geez how radical is it to believe in those things.

You are considered MAGA for having those views when in reality most people ideologically probably don't want any of that stuff.
There no subsidies for trans surgery

Yeah i think that a professor and scientist are reasonably middle class compared to a trust fund baby

Lol. Yeah he gave a stack of money to billionaires. This isn't controversial. They are trying to use a closely defined % reduction rather than total amount

Pretty clear that tariffs across the board are an increase of cost and are form sales tax.

Again, clear that she was saying worst attack on democracy, WW1 and WW2 never threatened the homeland or their form of government. J6 did.

Everyone knows that Project 2025 is on the cards if he wins. He's saying no now because it's toxic but he and the party support everything in there.

That's just the first 5 listed. Nothing remotely like immigrants eating dogs, abortion of babies after born, rubbish that he was saying.
Exactly. Those Federalist Society accusations were disingenuous at best.

Ever heard of Google champ?

Or even ChatGPT. Took all of 20 seconds to ask the question and receive an answer. It’s then up to the reader to discern fact from fiction…

If Kamala Harris were to win the presidency, her policies would likely be shaped by her experience as Vice President, her career as a senator, and her advocacy on key issues over the years. Below are some areas where her presidential policies would likely focus, based on her track record and political views.

1. Healthcare

• Strengthening the Affordable Care Act (ACA): Harris has consistently supported the ACA and would likely work to expand access to affordable healthcare, building on existing legislation. She has previously supported Medicare for All, but in a presidential role, her approach might aim at expanding Medicare and Medicaid options while preserving private insurance.
• Lowering Prescription Drug Costs: Harris has been a vocal advocate for reducing the price of prescription drugs and could push for policies that allow the federal government to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies to lower prices.

2. Climate Change

• Climate Action and Environmental Justice: Harris has championed aggressive action on climate change, often linking environmental issues with racial and economic justice. As president, she would likely support the transition to clean energy, push for the U.S. to achieve net-zero emissions, and ensure that marginalized communities affected by pollution and climate change are prioritized in environmental policies.
• Green New Deal: While she has expressed support for aspects of the Green New Deal, Harris might focus on pragmatic steps toward decarbonization through renewable energy investments, infrastructure development, and job creation in green industries.

3. Criminal Justice Reform

• Police Reform and Accountability: Harris has promoted policing reform, advocating for measures such as banning chokeholds, creating a national police misconduct database, and improving oversight of law enforcement agencies. She would likely focus on reforming policing practices, promoting accountability, and reducing systemic racial disparities in the justice system.
• Ending Mass Incarceration: Harris has called for reforms to reduce mass incarceration, including decriminalizing marijuana, ending cash bail, and reforming sentencing laws, particularly for nonviolent offenses.

4. Economic Policy

• Support for Working Families: Harris would likely focus on policies to strengthen the middle class and address income inequality. This could include raising the minimum wage, expanding access to affordable childcare, paid family leave, and improving worker protections.
• Tax Reform: Harris has supported progressive tax policies aimed at ensuring that wealthy individuals and corporations pay their fair share. Her administration would likely seek to increase taxes on high earners and close corporate tax loopholes to fund social programs and infrastructure.
• Small Business and Entrepreneurship: Harris would likely focus on supporting small businesses, particularly minority- and women-owned businesses, through tax incentives, grants, and access to capital.

5. Immigration

• Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Harris has called for creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, including DREAMers (those brought to the U.S. as children). She would likely advocate for comprehensive immigration reform, including better treatment of asylum seekers, protections for immigrant families, and reforming the immigration courts.
• Ending Family Separations: Harris has been critical of the Trump administration’s immigration policies, especially family separations at the border. As president, she would likely prioritize reuniting separated families and ending harsh enforcement measures.

6. Racial Equity and Civil Rights

• Advancing Racial Justice: Harris has long been an advocate for addressing systemic racism, and her presidency would likely focus on policies aimed at closing racial disparities in education, healthcare, housing, and employment. She has supported initiatives such as increasing funding for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and advancing fair housing policies.
• Voting Rights: Harris would likely prioritize passing laws to protect and expand voting rights, such as restoring key provisions of the Voting Rights Act and fighting against voter suppression efforts.

7. Education

• Free Community College and Lowering College Costs: Harris has supported efforts to make community college tuition-free and lower the cost of higher education, particularly for low- and middle-income students. Her administration might push for expanded Pell Grants and other forms of financial assistance.
• Teacher Pay and School Funding: Harris has previously advocated for raising teacher pay and ensuring that public schools, especially those in underserved areas, receive equitable funding.

8. Foreign Policy

• Multilateralism and Diplomacy: Harris would likely continue the Biden administration’s focus on rebuilding alliances, re-engaging with international institutions, and promoting diplomacy over unilateral action. She has expressed support for international climate agreements, such as the Paris Accord, and could prioritize global cooperation on issues like climate change and human rights.
• Human Rights and Democracy: Harris would likely emphasize human rights and democracy promotion in foreign policy. She has been a vocal critic of authoritarian regimes and human rights abuses, and her presidency could focus on leveraging U.S. influence to promote democratic values globally.

9. Women’s Rights and Gender Equality

• Reproductive Rights: Harris has been a staunch advocate for reproductive rights, including access to abortion and contraception. As president, she would likely support policies to codify Roe v. Wade into law and expand access to reproductive healthcare.
• Gender Pay Equity: Harris would likely push for measures to close the gender pay gap, such as passing the Paycheck Fairness Act and increasing workplace protections for women.

10. Gun Control

• Stronger Gun Laws: Harris has consistently called for stricter gun control measures, including universal background checks, banning assault weapons, and closing loopholes that allow individuals with criminal records or mental health issues to purchase firearms.

In summary, a Kamala Harris presidency would likely focus on expanding healthcare access, addressing climate change, advancing racial and gender equity, reforming the criminal justice system, and promoting economic policies that benefit working families. Her leadership would build on progressive principles, with a focus on pragmatic reforms in key areas of domestic and foreign policy.
That would be a gotcha, if the reason they were fact checking wasn't blatant outrageous inflammatory rediculous lies, of the sort only Trump makes.

Letting these lies through makes the debate moderator, and the hosting network look moronic.

So much so they had to be seen to be doing something about it.

If Trump was doing the normal political spin and gramig politicians, like Harris, have always done, they wouldn't be making a fuss about fact checking.

Trump actually made plenty of lies of the sort Harris made, and wasn't pulled up for those either.

Trump made a career out of being an outrageous liar, so became known as an outrageous liar, and is treated as an outrageous liar.

On SM-A346E using mobile app
And let’s face it, politicians are good at saying things in specific ways that are difficult to fact check. It’s why they don’t often give direct answers to questions.

The problem was Trump was saying things definitively. They ARE eating cats and dogs. They ARE performing post-birth abortions. Those definitive statements are easy to fact check. If he had said something like “There have been reports of immigrants eating cats and dogs” then that’s harder to pull him up on. Those reports could be absolutely full of shit, but so long as they exist he wouldn’t be lying in the strictest sense of the word.
Ending the war in ukraine is a terrible thing if it gives ukraine to russia. Trump wouldnt even say he wants ukraine to win when asked. I mean what is wrong with you? Are you advocating for brtual dictators to take over the world? To have societieis effectively imprisoned and lose all their rights like in china? And lose all their wealth like in russia?
Seeds you're talking to a Russian bot. Of course, he/she's going to be fine with it.
Seems to me that Harris is marked against a higher standard than Trump on the economy especially by the media. Why is this? I am yet to hear anything of substance from DonOld as to what his plans for the economy are. Plus he just pulls numbers out of thin air to make himself look good and his opponents look bad.
Harris is marked to a higher standard against Trump on everything. In fact everyone is. It's called false equivalence. It's particularly popular with climate change deniers too.

Basically as long as Donald speaks English ok (well sort of) and doesn't piss his pants on live TV he gets a pass mark. Meanwhile Harris has to sell her policies in detail else she gets called out even in reputable outlets - even the Aussie ABC did it.

It's particularly obvious when Trump drops a clanger. Imagine Harris had rambled incoherently about immigrants eating dogs. Like with Biden, the headlines would be about the Dems needing a new candidate.
One of my all time heroes is Kris Kristofferson, green beret, actor, sing songwriter, activist, Rhodes Scholar, he's a modern renaissance man. To see him twice do Sunday Morning Coming Down live is one of the privileges of my life.
"Sunday Morning Coming Down" is a work of art.
We've all been there one way or another. That line about the lonely bell ringing somewhere is so poignant.
Whenever someone mentions Kris it always reminds me of that rendition of "Help Me Make It Through the Night"
How he could sing when he is virtually mounting Rita Coolidge is quite impressive.
The bloke could certainly write.
Edit. BTW I am awaiting my girl Angelina's endorsement of Kamala. Should be the coup de grace for the Mango Menace.
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I spent 10 weeks in the US summer last year

Tay Tay is a phenomenon

I was in Cincinnati and saw a Reds MLB game during the day as that night a couple of blocks down at the Bengals stadium she was playing. 3 generations. Kids/moms/grandmas. Even the odd single dad with his daughter/s. There were numerous pre concert parties around town beforehand.

They even re-named the city SWIFT-innati whilst she was there

Not surprised at her influence at all. Might get more blokes to register to vote seeing she's dating Kelce.

Whilst I'm not a huge fan of her music anyone who can sing, write, compose, arrange, play guitar, play piano and have input into her choreography, outfits and music videos = PRETTY DAMN SPECIAL
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No one has answered the question as to what her economic policy is? What is her foreign affairs policy? What will she do about Ukraine and Russia? The Israel in Gaza problem? China? Homelessness? The Drug problem? Illegal Immigration? Law and Order and general civil justice priorities? She was well trained in the debate but gave no real answers to any of these issues. She's not fooling anybody, but i suspect those who just hate Trump just don't care?
The answer is: what she is currently doing. She is effectively POTUS right now so expect no change in the current pro-war approach.

How unlike a Trump fan to lie.
How many votes did Kamala get in the primaries.

Biden got 14 million. Nobody wanted her there. She was the joke of the dems. Biden has 14 million votes now sits on a beach. Yet the person with no votes is a better leader for America and the World then Trump.

Kamala 2IC'd rampant border failures, the Southern border collapsed in Texas just look at El Paso, etc. Rampant inflation, record world high gas prices. Ukraine war (putin invaded under her watch), Afghanistan mess, Nord stream 2, dozens more stuff

She was in the administration that failed Americans and in turn the world.

The hatred for Trump is crazy. She has proven she is beyond incompetent.

Trump doesn't have any of those marks to his name. His not perfect but his reign was much better then the Biden disaster show.
oooohhh, not aware of this can someone bring me up to speed on this? sounds like a heavyweight title fight for the mental short people?
loomer posted a tweet about how the WH was gonna stink of curry if Kamala won, mtg basically told her to get some class then loomer triple'd down
I feel like I say it every time it comes up, but criticising Harris' foreign policy as an endorsement of Trump is braindead given his commitment to withdraw troops was preceded by increasing the presence of troops in the first place and dropping a record number of bombs two years in a row in Afghanistan.


In any case, they're both candidates to be President of the United States, so of course their foreign policies suck. When was the last time a candidate's foreign policies (especially re: war) didn't suck?

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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