AFL Player #23: Harrison Jones - Adds wing to resume - 23/6

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Tired Fed Up GIF by DefyTV
So, season done with that injury I'd say.

Poor kid.

Look at out big bodies: Reid 6 week's, Stewart and Wright 9....Jones possibly the season. SMH.

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I feel like us and Freo are cursed with KPFs ever since Lloyd/Pav ... theirs are always shit and ours keep breaking
That's his career for me.

On very thin ice . You could understand if they did not offer another contract.
I suspect they will given how highly they rate him but then they could give him two years and not get him on the park.
On very thin ice . You could understand if they did not offer another contract.
I suspect they will given how highly they rate him but then they could give him two years and not get him on the park.
At best I'd offer a rookie contract.

Though ideally I'd let him stay with us via the VFL and if someone else wants to risk it I'd let them.

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