Player Watch #23: Shane McAdam – traded from Adelaide

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ah *, is danster on the Smith bandwagon now?
I'm on whichever player stepped up for us in finals when our season was on the line. When our whole team was kicking behinds, what was Joel Smith doing? Kicking snags and not gifting the ball back to the oppo by missing easy shots.

Fancy people potting a player who was our best forward in our last final. A guy coming back from years of being consistently injured. A guy being moved around from backline to forward. It's a great effort. And then having the audacity to quote a backmans career goal tally 🙄
I'm on whichever player stepped up for us in finals when our season was on the line. When our whole team was kicking behinds, what was Joel Smith doing? Kicking snags and not gifting the ball back to the oppo by missing easy shots.

Fancy people potting a player who was our best forward in our last final. A guy coming back from years of being consistently injured. A guy being moved around from backline to forward. It's a great effort. And then having the audacity to quote a backmans career goal tally 🙄
A great effort? He might have just thrown away his career because he couldn't wait for the off season to get on the gear.

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A great effort? He might have just thrown away his career because he couldn't wait for the off season to get on the gear.
huh? I'm talking about his performances, not his off-field decisions. I'm not condoning his off-field decisions obviously. I'm not even sure why we're talking about it.
huh? I'm talking about his performances, not his off-field decisions. I'm not condoning his off-field decisions obviously. I'm not even sure why we're talking about it.
Your commending him for turning his career around while he's serving a drug ban.
But the two are connected, the drugs that he'll be investigated are considered to be performance enhancing.
he's investigated for being on coke right? Or is there other performance enhancing drugs in his system too? Coke is not a performance enhancing drug and no-one is suggesting that it is. Research suggests that it's more detrimental to health than performance enhancing regardless of what lists the afl has. Hell, paracetamol has proven to increase endurance if used in the right way and at the right time. That's probably on the list too. If he is caught taking steroids or something like that, then its career over but this is not what I'm led to believe was caught in his system.
I see Smith as a legit forward option for us, but I'm not expecting the world due to his inconsistency over the years, let alone the drugs stuff. I actually think he's a great sub option too.

I think it's hyperbole to say 'we can't win a flag with him' and at the other end, talk him up as if he's one of our very best options.

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The 2 are seperate. I'm commending him for his on field performance. Astonishing that you can't seperate the 2. It's like saying Oliver is terrible because he bent some windshield wipers.
They really aren't. Getting a positive result for drugs on game day shows he's not taking his career that seriously. Having a not shit final doesn't change that
They really aren't. Getting a positive result for drugs on game day shows he's not taking his career that seriously. Having a not s**t final doesn't change that
Yeah it's painfully obvious one of the reasons smith is always injured is because he doesn't take his career seriously at all
He is our 20-26th best player. Way too much chat for someone who's career is basically over. Never been fit, gonna miss pre-season because of a drugs ban, coach isn't speaking to him. Will be a good effort to play after the byes.

McAdam on the other hand I'm hoping is a revelation who brings some excitement.
One thing is for sure - this is the year that Smith will have to deliver on the field and no injuries or hard luck or whatever will save him.

If he doesn’t have a decent year on the field in 2024 then I suspect he’s toast.

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They really aren't. Getting a positive result for drugs on game day shows he's not taking his career that seriously. Having a not s**t final doesn't change that
and what about Oliver? Or does his conduct off the field mean that he isn't one of the MFC greatest of all time? if you're going to apply that to Smith then you've gotta apply that to Buddy, Carey, Ablett Senior, Cousins, Dane Swan, Dusty, Oliver etc. Hell even Ryan Crowley was a decent player and tested positive to a banned substance on game day.

What about Angus Brayshaw? 10 years in the system and still has no muscle tone on him. Clearly he doesn't take his dieting and nutrition seriously. But sure, pick and choose which players to suit your narrative.

Embarrassing by you to say 'not s##t final'. A clear attempt to trivialise a good performance which only shows you simply don't have it in you to credit our leading goal kicker in the biggest game for the year. He was our best forward on the night and listed 4th best on the night. Good job.
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But there's not much in it. Both are quick and a threat in the air. Both are pretty good defensively. McAdam is probably slightly better on a lead. Both are frustratingly injured a lot, but if it came to a choice, McAdam gets the nod. Smith is a good sub option though as he can play both ends. Depending on when he's back, I'd have no problem setting him as sub for awhile. Make him earn a spot.

But there's not much in it. Both are quick and a threat in the air. Both are pretty good defensively. McAdam is probably slightly better on a lead. Both are frustratingly injured a lot, but if it came to a choice, McAdam gets the nod. Smith is a good sub option though as he can play both ends. Depending on when he's back, I'd have no problem setting him as sub for awhile. Make him earn a spot.
I do agree. I think McAdam is going to be a real weapon for us.
and what about Oliver? Or does his conduct off the field mean that he isn't one of the MFC greatest of all time? if you're going to apply that to Smith then you've gotta apply that to Buddy, Carey, Ablett Senior, Cousins, Dane Swan, Dusty, Oliver etc. Hell even Ryan Crowley was a decent player and tested positive to a banned substance on game day.

What about Angus Brayshaw? 10 years in the system and still has no muscle tone on him. Clearly he doesn't take his dieting and nutrition seriously. But sure, pick and choose which players to suit your narrative.

Embarrassing by you to say 'not s##t final'. A clear attempt to trivialise a good performance which only shows you simply don't have it in you to credit our leading goal kicker in the biggest game for the year. He was our best forward on the night and listed 4th best on the night. Good job.
Whataboutism is a crap line of argument. Not going to address the other players you've mentioned, many of whom I've been critical of for the issues you're alluding to.

We're talking about Smith. Who like any player is the sum of his parts. That is, he's a fringe player who has been injured for the majority of his career, spent most of the season as a sub and had a good, not great finals series only to be subsequently banned from the sport by the anti-doping body once he finally found a position in the best 22.

Not the resume of a player who should be celebrating for resurrecting his career.
Whataboutism is a crap line of argument. Not going to address the other players you've mentioned, many of whom I've been critical of for the issues you're alluding to.

We're talking about Smith. Who like any player is the sum of his parts. That is, he's a fringe player who has been injured for the majority of his career, spent most of the season as a sub and had a good, not great finals series only to be subsequently banned from the sport by the anti-doping body once he finally found a position in the best 22.

Not the resume of a player who should be celebrating for resurrecting his career.
we're not. what I'm saying is he was our best forward in the most important match of the year. I would say he had a great finals series. Finals form is worth so much more than home and away. He stood up much more than JVR did who was like a deer in the headlights.

No idea why you can't separate off field from on field. It's like saying Oliver is no good due to his off field antics and having a complete inability to acknowledge what he's done on field.

Yes, Smith is fringe. I'm not saying he isn't. But this Fringe player actually stood up when it counted. When Fritsch and Pickett were spraying the ball and JVR was nowhere to be seen, Smith actually contributed. That's what should be acknowledged regardless of his off field choices.
like I said. it was really 4 goals without the free kick reversal. In a low scoring game. Not to mention the 0 behinds which is massive.

But lets look at JVR. what did he have? 6 possessions, 0 goals and a stupid suspension. That's hardly the mark of a proven forward either. Not to say he won't improve but Joel Smith deserves extreme credit for his finals performances. Both of his finals. He stood up when few others did.

You were literally kicking and screaming last years finals series demanding that JVR should have been playing instead of Ben Brown and that the coaching staff made a huge selection blunder. Everyone on here remembers those meltdowns very evidently.

Fast forward 12 months and JVR's finals performance warrants you to completely put a line through his career already.

Seriously, you change opinions on players more quicker then the average girls changes tampons.

Pick which side on the fence you want to sit on bud.
You were literally kicking and screaming last years finals series demanding that JVR should have been playing instead of Ben Brown and that the coaching staff made a huge selection blunder. Everyone on here remembers those meltdowns very evidently.

Fast forward 12 months and JVR's finals performance warrants you to completely put a line through his career already.

Seriously, you change opinions on players more quicker then the average girls changes tampons.

Pick which side on the fence you want to sit on bud.
Huh? when did I put a line through his career? show me. How ridiculous that you take what I say and bend it and stretch it and turn it into the complete wrong direction.

Do you know what literally means? 'Literally, Kicking and screaming'. Incorrect.

I think JVR will be a decent player. What I said was his finals game was trash. Do better.
And let's be frankly honest. Smith was legitimately only playing during the finals series because we had two of our best forward Melksham and Petty out.

Those two play and Smith is doing lines in the stands that night.
Completely irrelevant. He played and he played well. His defensive work is also elite. Something our other key forwards don't do. I'm waiting for you to show me where I put a line through JVR's career. I'll wait.
Huh? when did I put a line through his career? show me. How ridiculous that you take what I say and bend it and stretch it and turn it into the complete wrong direction.

Do you know what literally means? 'Literally, Kicking and screaming'. Incorrect.

I think JVR will be a decent player. What I said was his finals game was trash. Do better.
You were having the biggest sook last year regarding this. Had he played and not performed you would have had an even bigger sook.

Your unrealistic expectations on a 20 year old young key forward in a finals series up against a seasoned campaigner who's been in the AFL system for 8 years now and delivered very little to date. JVR has already performed far more great to the MFC in one year then Smith has had in 8 years. The fact that you're saying his performance was trash speaks more volume on you and your inability to judge a players performance.

If you really want to talk about having trash finals games then why don't you point the finer at your love child in Clayton Oliver who had one of the all time worst finals performances against Collingwood. Time and time after again he continued to cough up the footy directly to Collingwood players with his ridiculous dump kicks. This was reviewed hard on On The Couch on Monday night who were scathing of his performance as a so called senior player.

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