Past #26: Tarryn Thomas [Part III] - 18 week suspension confirmed; ineligible to play in '24 season; NMFC has officially sacked Tarryn.

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posting history that you choose to inbterpret with the worst of intentions....
Posting history with consistent stance of placing blame on the "crazy ex" trying to ruin TT's career and continuing to look for context to somewhat excuse TT's behaviour.

I don't have any of these "worst of intentions" you claim outside of pointing out the fact that TT is responsible for his own behaviour for anybody trying to excuse his actions.
Posting history with consistent stance of placing blame on the "crazy ex" trying to ruin TT's career and continuing to look for context to somewhat excuse TT's behaviour.

I don't have any of these "worst of intentions" you claim outside of pointing out the fact that TT is responsible for his own behaviour for anybody trying to excuse his actions.
Noones excusing the actions

He’s wrong regardless

But context is important

Cheating on him with his friend was claimed by TT for the initial complainant

Now the new complaint was the ex (single mother not initial complainant) from the snippets released after the break up with TT said something and Tt responded back about the initial complaints that he would do those texts again
Posting history with consistent stance of placing blame on the "crazy ex" trying to ruin TT's career and continuing to look for context to somewhat excuse TT's behaviour.

I don't have any of these "worst of intentions" you claim outside of pointing out the fact that TT is responsible for his own behaviour for anybody trying to excuse his actions.
having a nuanced discussion doesn't mean people are denying TT isn't responsible. things are usually never binary and their is no doubt a lot of factors that are invovlved in this instance.

unfortunately we'll never know them as the AFL and the club don't trust anyone else to evaluate the evidence themselves.

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Noones excusing the actions

He’s wrong regardless

But context is important

Cheating on him with his friend was claimed by TT for the initial complainant

Now the new complaint was the ex (single mother not initial complainant) from the snippets released after the break up with TT said something and Tt responded back about the initial complaints that he would do those texts again
Yes and the AFL Integrity Unit with the context gave him an 18 week suspension with enough context to Tarryn's actions.

The nitty gritty details don't need to be made public, that's the sort of information that trashy gossip style journalism reports.
having a nuanced discussion doesn't mean people are denying TT isn't responsible. things are usually never binary and their is no doubt a lot of factors that are invovlved in this instance.

unfortunately we'll never know them as the AFL and the club don't trust anyone else to evaluate the evidence themselves.

not that interested to be honest.
If TT has any issues with his treatment, I'm pretty sure he would have legal recourse available.

Im just very frustrated that an extremely talented player has the brain of a peanut
Knowing he was doing it while in the middle of the course work last year is enough for me. Whether he was 'baited' into it or not doesn't bother me, he did it multiple times so either he's dumb enough to get baited every single time with zero reflection in between, or this is just who he is. I also don't care if she went to the AFL for revenge (plenty of other potential reasons she went there and not the police fwiw). Her motives simply don't matter in this, the only context that matters is what the dumbass said and when he said it. If she hadn't of gone to them I'm pretty certain a future partner of his would have eventually, but hey that might have worked out better actually seeing as the flog was looking at every opportunity to leave the club, so maybe it would have been someone else's mess to clean up.
Yes and the AFL Integrity Unit with the context gave him an 18 week suspension with enough context to Tarryn's actions.

The nitty gritty details don't need to be made public, that's the sort of information that trashy gossip style journalism reports.
The number of weeks is fairly arbitrary god knows how they came up with it. They could have said 4 weeks and in the end it wouldn’t have mattered

They didn’t deregister him

What this does come down to is him not learning as opposed to the actual message back itself “I’d do it again” etc

bottom line is he’s an idiot, once you break up with someone there’s no reason to engage in back and forth arguments but TT with his ego doesn’t get that and takes it too far verbally
not that interested in what the texts or behaviour was.

if it was trivial then TT would have legal recourse
the fact that I haven't read anything from anyone going to his defense seems to suggest he didnt have a leg to stand on

doesn't mean my points above aren't valid either.
The number of weeks is fairly arbitrary god knows how they came up with it. They could have said 4 weeks and in the end it wouldn’t have mattered

They didn’t deregister him

What this does come down to is him not learning as opposed to the actual message back itself
Well in that case it seems like we are on the same page that the context of the messages doesn't really matter.
Context matters in terms of how he’s viewed

But the end result it doesn’t matter
It really doesn't matter about what he's done here in terms of how he's viewed, that ship has long sailed.

He is going to have to sell people through his behaviour and actions from now going forwards in order to win people over and even then some people will never change their view.

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doesn't mean my points above aren't valid either.
Not much point having a confidential complaints system ..if it's not like confidential

if this lady complained using such system, then joe public have no rights to know what went on.
TT has the right to protect himself through legal means, doesnt need public airing to do that for him

pretty simple I would have thought
Oh, he re-offended while doing his course? Well I for one refuse to make judgement untill I see his course schedule. Could be he just wasn't up to that module yet? Curious minds want to know.

I remember once I was a 2yr tiling apprentice and I was laying bluestone outdoors in changing weather conditions with rapid glue and bowy tiles. It was a shitshow and half the tiles popped off later on. Turns out I just wasnt up to that module yet so.. it was all good.

I think TT should only have been assessed on his skills post graduation.

I did an accounting degree one time, never got C.A/CPA. If you contact me to talk numbers and you know I'm not accredited.... hmmm makes you think. eh?

Not much point having a confidential complaints system ..if it's not like confidential

if this lady complained using such system, then joe public have no rights to know what went on.
TT has the right to protect himself through legal means, doesnt need public airing to do that for him

pretty simple I would have thought
like i've said in 10+ posts now, redact the names, pretty simple i would have thought....
Out of curiosity has anyone been cheated on by their partner and with one of their friends

And how did you respond if so?

Never happened to me but I don’t imagine taking it too well. I’d like to think I wouldn’t threaten violence but I also wouldn’t take it lightly and there would be some insults thrown at the friend and ex

Now if I got baited after the fact ideally I’d take the high road but I could see others not
Out of curiosity has anyone been cheated on by their partner and with one of their friends

And how did you respond if so?

Never happened to me but I don’t imagine taking it too well. I’d like to think I wouldn’t threaten violence but I also wouldn’t take it lightly and there would be some insults thrown at the friend and ex

Now if I got baited after the fact ideally I’d take the high road but I could see others not

How would you partner react is she knew you were sliding in T4tiddies Dm's?

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Past #26: Tarryn Thomas [Part III] - 18 week suspension confirmed; ineligible to play in '24 season; NMFC has officially sacked Tarryn.

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