Player Watch #32 - Corey Ellis

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Don't be misled by the Herald Sun.

He's currently fine. Has never had a navicular issue like Trengove. He had an issue with a different bone which is much easier to heal - so if it does flare up a second time (no signs yet) then it's a short-term recovery time and he's back straight away with no long-term issues. So he could potentially miss a few weeks and then done, no more problem.

Media scare tactics.

Exactly, he is slotted to do the full first years traing next week and not in a rehab group

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I never said compiling the list would be easy, however, with the time available prior to draft day to list players of similar standing, you should know who you are going to pick in the event that two players of similar rating and need are available. Before you shoot of mouth declaring 'some of you haven't got a clue', what makes you a expert? Why does your opinion hold anymore weight than others genius?

You certainly implied the selection is easy, "tick them off as they fell. When it's our turn we'd just have to call the name of the highest rated player left" well to me that sounds pretty damn easy.

You called our recruiters absolute amateurs so I assume you think you could do as well or better yet your asking what makes me an expert, maybe it is a question you should ask yourself?

Nowhere in my post did I claim to be an expert on anything nor that my view is any better than yours or anyone elses, it was purely my opinion, who's opinion is right or wrong is for others to decide.

I don't know you personally so you may be very insightful normally but in the post I responded to you came across to me as a bit clueless.

As for shooting my mouth off drop the BS agro act, I gave it plenty of thought before responding and my response was nothing more than my opinion on that post, if you didn't like it well sorry but I didn't like your post either, that's the way these forums work
From what I can gather our recruiting staff as a minimum start profiling these guys from under 16 's . I'm pretty sure I saw that in an interview with FJ.... Happy to be corrected by others more informed though like Tiger71 ...
I attribute this to the draft being incredibly even for talent outside of the first 5 or so picks all the way to 40.
That would explain if a number of clubs were taking the time to discuss our next pick, but not sure how it explains how we were the only ones constantly using up our full 2 mins.
That's not what I saw. Plenty of clubs debated who to pick.
Maybe at a few selections, but we were the only ones consistently doing it, which is a reversal of how we usually have selected
The last time I remember us pausing was when we were deciding between S Selwood & Rance
The Saints were the main one outside of us. They were awful last year asking for extra time every pick.
So was Hawthorn when they were heavy in the draft in years gone past.

It's a important decision so how anybody can be critical for using the time they are entitled to is beyond ridiculous.
That would explain if a number of clubs were taking the time to discuss our next pick, but not sure how it explains how we were the only ones constantly using up our full 2 mins.

Did we actually come close to using our 2 minutes? I'm pretty sure they give a verbal warning at 1min 30 or something and I don't remember that once.
This and the draft thread have been really bizarre and amusing reads. It's been thoroughly enjoyable and illuminating. It seems that people that aren't impressed by Ellis (I'll admit I'm somewhat underwhelmed by his highlights) have gone seriously coco bananas at our recruiting team and pretty much everything they do, and those that have faith in the recruiters are pretty adept at turning Ellis into Simon Black or Scott Pendlebury.

Personally, I would've liked to have seen a little more sparkle in his play, and liked the cut of Weller's jib. That said, I've seen about 4 minutes play of each bloke, so I have pretty much know right to talk about who is better.

While the above concept I believe to be strongly true, it doesn't preclude the recruiters from getting it wrong. They are spending their time and effort attempting to make the best decision for our club that they can, but in the end it is still a judgement call.

I sure hope he plays like Simon Black, but I'd be happy if he forged a solid career in a successful team. Yep, I would be a little dirty if Weller turned out to be a jet in that situation, and probably outrageously filthy if he was a jet and Ellis a complete spud.

Still, the recruiters are employees and will be replaced if inept. At this stage, our club continues to invest in that department, and our list has seemed to steadily improve.

I think the point is that we all probably need to take more of a middle ground. Ellis is the player selected by the professionals hired to do the job, and we should give him the acceptance he deserves. We shouldn't have "faith" in the recruiters, as that is a nonsensical position to take. We should simply accept that they are doing the best they can with the resources available and have a lot more of an idea than us. Not faith, but acceptance of the situation in which we, the supporter, are powerless.

Welcome to Tigerland Corey Ellis, I look forward to watching you try your best in our famous jumper.

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Ranked 11th by champion data points in the whole draft, and that's taking into account his poor kicking at tac cup level when he got injured. His coach also said he was the best of the keilor boys, didn't he?

I think we have a good player on our hands, but will reserve judgment for 2 or 3 years yet.
I had a look at 2013's list too: Lennon was 10th
I saw Matty White at the airport at season's end and he maintained that there was no offer put on the table from Richmond. Can't blame a bloke for moving to a club with a good offer on the table...

That's weird he would offer up that information to a random person at the airport. Never heard of a stranger being so intrusive about someone's work contract and a person responding so honestly.
Hey Elgreedo I was the Simon Black poster.
Trust me, it's not about faith in recruiters, it was totally down on my knees hoping and praying the kid is one out of the box.
I wouldn't know shit about who to pick and who not to. Not really interested because you can only be disappointed and then get all out of shape with the club again.
But I'm totally pissed off with the delay they took while discussing. Disgraceful.o_O
the way i see it the alloted time is there to be used,use it.i'd hate for one of our players not to compose himself and rush a shot on goal in a crucial game and stuff it up.just the way i see things.
Agreed. Though I thought the Saints came across as disorganized last year when they kept asking for extra time every pick. Nothing wrong with using up the 2 minutes.
the way i see it the alloted time is there to be used,use it.i'd hate for one of our players not to compose himself and rush a shot on goal in a crucial game and stuff it up.just the way i see things.
Yeah. Seems like we had a plan for our second rounder and were surprised the two Connors were still on the board. So all of a sudden we had a choice of two better ranked players.

Seems like some of the posters on here were hoping we were more decisive at this time and ignored these guys to go with the original less fancied pick. I get what they are saying here - look professional and let the better players go right?

That would have ended well.
Hey Elgreedo I was the Simon Black poster.
Trust me, it's not about faith in recruiters, it was totally down on my knees hoping and praying the kid is one out of the box.
I wouldn't know shit about who to pick and who not to. Not really interested because you can only be disappointed and then get all out of shape with the club again.
But I'm totally pissed off with the delay they took while discussing. Disgraceful.o_O

Haha, how funny was the hysteria the delay in picking caused? Come to think of it, a more moderate view by all would lead to a much less entertaining read.

Carry on, folk, carry on.

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Player Watch #32 - Corey Ellis

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