Player Watch #43: Brynn Teakle

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He looks very mobile for his size. His lack of establishing an ongoing AFL career to date is moot. Hope we play around with his roles and see what sticks.

Most 203cm state rucks move like Lurch. This guy looks really agile but still strong. Some of his marking highlights were a bit Combenesque.
At ruck knocks Teakle is often the one who ends up chasing down the ball and kicking forward because the East Fremantle mids are heavily tagged/scragged

He's mobile, fast and a good kick
We have almost nothing to lose. The only potential negative of course, is the fact he's on 18 months deal (along with Payne) which means we've just added two extra blokes onto the list who will at least stay on next season, which means we have two extra blokes to delist at the end of this season (in addition to trimming our rookie list numbers back in line with other clubs IIRC)

But it's not like our list is in great shape and we are struggling to find who to cut.

I know I am stating the obvious, but due to a bunch of previous list management fukk ups we have an extremelely unbalanced list. To think that a season ending injury to one player (CCJ who was hardly a gun mind you) has pretty much rendered our tall forward and ruck stocks nearly unplayable is an indictment on our club. But it's a fact non the less.

Therefore we absolutely had to pick someone who can plug that hole for half a season at least. Were there any better options to pick in this draft, in terms of ready made players? I have no idea, but I doubt it, given the nature of the MSD

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Announce his ‘club’ debut for the weekend pls and thanks
from the outside looking in. no point recruiting a mature player, if not going to play. would like to see it….
not sure of his fitness levels however.
we need to be straightened up with a marking target. brings cz etc into the game.
He looks very mobile for his size. His lack of establishing an ongoing AFL career to date is moot. Hope we play around with his roles and see what sticks.

Most 203cm state rucks move like Lurch. This guy looks really agile but still strong. Some of his marking highlights were a bit Combenesque.

Combenesque, whose marking highlights are said to be Careyesque. There were have it, folks, confirmed that Teakle is the next Carey.
Straight into the team please. Saves Larkey being triple teamed and their third tall might have to go to Zuhaar too.
Anyone who is writing off BT (that's what me and my 67 mates call him), will end up with an egg on their face.
Let me tell you a story: I grew up near the Thunderdome and I was good mates with Bob Jane T Marts. We were best mates at eachother's weddings. But his career was at the crossroads in the late '80's until one day I had a puncture on my road bike - A Malvern Star Skidstar that I'd won matching up the Paddle Pop sticks. This was all before the internet was invented by Bill Gates, so I wrote Bobby a letter explaining my predicament. He then rang me, pleading with me to take the bike over to his joint, where thankfully he had a roll of dove tape. We proceeded to use that tape to strap the puncture and I then proceeded to do a PB (Personal Best) for the Strava segment "Hello There Honey Child" and the rest I guess, is history.
“Matching up the paddle pop sticks” is gold!!!

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