Player Watch #43: Brynn Teakle

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you literally have port fans saying every single game he played his opponent was best on ground and you're all expecting a good ruckman. it's comical and typical of this board.

we are the worst side of the AFL era for a reason. we continually make stupid decisions like this.

the same people here are positive every time and every single time they're proven wrong.

this forum rarely has any semblance of objectivity and realism when it comes to the decisions we make. the amount of ridiculous contracts we have given to shit footballers keeps growing.
this board is so ****ing negative about literally everything that happens that it's almost welfare check levels of concern. I'm not kidding. And no, it's not a "venting is helpful" kind of negativity, because it is without structure, or checks, or practical use to move through emotion. It's an undening spiral that feeds into itself into the oblivion of shit takes.

Being positive about something happening, or the potential of something, isn't counter to "realism". Every person I've ever met that describes themselves as a "realist" is actually just a person that uses negativity as an overly active defence mechanism, because the "real" take is ALWAYS worst case scenario, without fail.

He may be good, he may not, i hope he is.

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this board is so ****ing negative about literally everything that happens that it's almost welfare check levels of concern. I'm not kidding. And no, it's not a "venting is helpful" kind of negativity, because it is without structure, or checks, or practical use to move through emotion. It's an undening spiral that feeds into itself into the oblivion of shit takes.

Being positive about something happening, or the potential of something, isn't counter to "realism". Every person I've ever met that describes themselves as a "realist" is actually just a person that uses negativity as an overly active defence mechanism, because the "real" take is ALWAYS worst case scenario, without fail.

He may be good, he may not, i hope he is.
I'm not checking your post history but I assume you're a Rawlings apologist?

Anyone who has faith in any decision the club makes is doing so blindly. Look how shit we are. It's not for no reason. It's because we keep making shit decisions.
I'm not checking your post history but I assume you're a Rawlings apologist?

Anyone who has faith in any decision the club makes is doing so blindly. Look how shit we are. It's not for no reason. It's because we keep making shit decisions.
lol it's just so amazing how it can only be one thing or the other, only extremes. even the SLIGHTEST MENTION OF HOPE gets you and the others immediately to "oh you're an apologist and you are bLiNd tO tHe TrUtH". that must be rough.
lol it's just so amazing how it can only be one thing or the other, only extremes. even the SLIGHTEST MENTION OF HOPE gets you and the others immediately to "oh you're an apologist and you are bLiNd tO tHe TrUtH". that must be rough.
But you’re arguing against evidence. It’s not being negative when it’s evidence based.
this board is so ****ing negative about literally everything that happens that it's almost welfare check levels of concern. I'm not kidding. And no, it's not a "venting is helpful" kind of negativity, because it is without structure, or checks, or practical use to move through emotion. It's an undening spiral that feeds into itself into the oblivion of shit takes.

Being positive about something happening, or the potential of something, isn't counter to "realism". Every person I've ever met that describes themselves as a "realist" is actually just a person that uses negativity as an overly active defence mechanism, because the "real" take is ALWAYS worst case scenario, without fail.

He may be good, he may not, i hope he is.

Yes well it's been a long time since we were any good. So I get it, I would like to think the majority of posters can and do separate real world from BF. Not to say you shouldn't be your real self.

From what I've of *Brimstone , he looks ok. I do enjoy watching a tall fella mark overhead. I think he was a good choice, doesn't mean he makes it but a good choice for us.

We needed someone with CCJ injured etc.

*Was going to call him Mary Poppins, but thought that a stretch for people to understand.

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this board is so ****ing negative about literally everything that happens that it's almost welfare check levels of concern. I'm not kidding. And no, it's not a "venting is helpful" kind of negativity, because it is without structure, or checks, or practical use to move through emotion. It's an undening spiral that feeds into itself into the oblivion of shit takes.

Being positive about something happening, or the potential of something, isn't counter to "realism". Every person I've ever met that describes themselves as a "realist" is actually just a person that uses negativity as an overly active defence mechanism, because the "real" take is ALWAYS worst case scenario, without fail.

He may be good, he may not, i hope he is.
I vote you for Chairman of the Club.

Last great chairman we had said we realistically (realism being the theme of the day) got 2-3 years to be competing in the top 4.

We need hope.
Hope makes us live for tomorrow.
We're becoming a little bit too attached to 'ohhh we're wasting time' and 'ohhh it's a waste of resources and Port reckon he's shit'. There is a role for him and that's to relief ruck + give Larkey some form of freedom because whether we like to hear it or not, Larkey cannot take a grab unless it's lace out. Even then he has been down on form from last season. We have to maximise the likelihood of scoring with the few opportunities we get. We also need a second target so the ball movement isn't always second-guessing and hesitation. I have lost count of how many times we look messy and disorganised simply because there are not enough options ahead of the ball or our talls system has broken down. It's too hard for some of these blokes to pinpoint passes and we're being scored heavily against as a result.

Either we try to rectify the problem by taking a low-risk punt in the MSD, or we twiddle our thumbs waiting for an unlikely win banking on luck. Gotta force our way through.
this board is so ****ing negative about literally everything that happens that it's almost welfare check levels of concern. I'm not kidding. And no, it's not a "venting is helpful" kind of negativity, because it is without structure, or checks, or practical use to move through emotion. It's an undening spiral that feeds into itself into the oblivion of shit takes.

Being positive about something happening, or the potential of something, isn't counter to "realism". Every person I've ever met that describes themselves as a "realist" is actually just a person that uses negativity as an overly active defence mechanism, because the "real" take is ALWAYS worst case scenario, without fail.

He may be good, he may not, i hope he is.
100% this. The only genuine Realists were 19th century painters. Anyone today claiming to be a realist is almost certainly a chronic pessimist.
100% this. The only genuine Realists were 19th century painters. Anyone today claiming to be a realist is almost certainly a chronic pessimist.
I like to think im a realist because im generally a very fact driven person. I will however totally admit without facts or at least heavy evidence then im generally a glass half full type as well. I prefer to give benefit of the doubt.

For example, with Teakle i really like the selection. He doesn't cost much and at worst replaces Free who sadly just lacks mobility to make it at AFL.

Teakle however, i look at those highlights and see a guy bombing em from 50 with a style not to dissimilar to Tex Walker. His movement is outstanding for a guy his size and appears to be a solid over head mark. Ruck work seems the weakest link, but the other traits are everything you could want from a 203cm forward/ second ruck.

The realist in me fights back, that hey they're just highlights, the Tex Walker like kick was only 1 and theres got to be reasons he's not made it yet. But still the realist in me says those traits are definitely there, who'd have to be blind not to see them. Which in turn leaves me glass half full and hopeful.
I'm not checking your post history but I assume you're a Rawlings apologist?

Anyone who has faith in any decision the club makes is doing so blindly. Look how shit we are. It's not for no reason. It's because we keep making shit decisions.
The fact he did a preseason with Collingwood and although he wasn't added to their list, they were considering him again this time round. Not sure if this is any indication but it's something.

I am not expecting him to be a long term player necesserily, but he could well be that CCJ replacement for a couple of years if he can play forward at all. Port was using him as a ruckman. We need him to play a smart role in the forward line without necessarily taking 10 marks a game. Just compete and stay out of Larkey's way. And play ruck for 5 minutes a quarter. He may just be able to do that.
Na f**k it. I’m joining the woe is me crowd. The old ‘the bloke is s**t until he proves otherwise’ group.

It’s the best spot to be. Cause if he does turn out terrible, you can be like ‘I told ya he was s**t’.
But, if he turns out decent, you can pull the old ‘I didn’t say I didn’t want him to be good. I was just saying that Port got rid of him for a reason. I’m a north supporter first so of course I’m happy he is doing well’.

Can’t lose.
Na f**k it. I’m joining the woe is me crowd. The old ‘the bloke is s**t until he proves otherwise’ group.

It’s the best spot to be. Cause if he does turn out terrible, you can be like ‘I told ya he was s**t’.
But, if he turns out decent, you can pull the old ‘I didn’t say I didn’t want him to be good. I was just saying that Port got rid of him for a reason. I’m a north supporter first so of course I’m happy he is doing well’.

Can’t lose.
Or you could just give an honest analysis on a player you have seen play multiple times last season?

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