Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 11: Just Biden His Time

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The level of vitriol and frankly toxic culture in this thread is getting out of hand. As such, the thread will be monitored actively for posters who drag down the quality of posting for all others, and they will have their access to the thread removed.

Further, reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) will no longer be allowed. Much like other tropes of that nature, it serves as a conversational barrier and fall-back point for people to simply sling mud. That's unacceptable.

Anyone else feeling as patriotic as I am after that state of the union speech? I stood up and started singing Waltzing Matilda.

We should ditch the Queen and hitch our wagon to the US of A until 2024.

Oh president my president. Patriotism is a beautiful thing!
I'm not Democrat fan per se but the continuing personal investment around the world of lives who aren't altered in the slightest regardless of who the President......makes me laugh.

Long may you continue with the trolling and petty political point scoring that I see online.


(2 sides to every coin lol)
That's fair....but nah.

Mate I think you are full of malarkey.
Probably......but you gotta take solace in the fact that you come across sane compared to others who feel like the democracy has failed because someone they don't like was elected President.

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So Trump's acquitted yay!

Hope the Democrats find it in themselves to put their childish hate behind them and start standing for something instead of "We Hate Trump."


View attachment 818541
Probably not...

For some of the same reasons that the Trump Cultists didn't stop after he was impeached.

When the Senate was explaining that 'yes he did do what he has been accused of, and we oppose it', but still voted to block all witnesses to a trial, and voted to acquit, everyone should question the process in the House and the Senate.

And no one is surprised that he was acquitted.
The Senate was open about not being an impartial juror.
But you know I'm right.

Say Hilary won the election......the roles wouldn't be reversed so to speak. You'd get some blowback sure re vitriol online, protests etc but not at the extent as to how things have been for the past 4 years.
Mate think about this. All these people saying Trump should be in peach because he showed someone his dick. Didn't happen. Just rumors spread by people who hate Trump and just want to spread malarkey and mayo on him. Will they still vote for him? I reckon not. They've got no arms or legs to stand on like Oscar Pistorius.
This is from a month or so ago but nothing much has changed, slightly different from President Trump's version of the economy. We really are heading for trouble and he's the last bloke you want in charge
So Trump's acquitted yay!

Hope the Democrats find it in themselves to put their childish hate behind them and start standing for something instead of "We Hate Trump."


View attachment 818541

The dems are vindictive, scheming, conniving, corrupt, and downright nasty.

They think they can just ride roughshod over the will of the citizens of America, and regain power.

They have met their Waterloo.


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"The Senate" ? Or "The Democrats" ?


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., dismissed the impeachment process against President Trump as a political proceeding rather than a judicial one.​
"I'm not an impartial juror. This is a political process. There's not anything judicial about it," McConnell told reporters on Tuesday. "The House made a partisan political decision to impeach. I would anticipate we will have a largely partisan outcome in the Senate. I'm not impartial about this at all."
The dems are vindictive, scheming, conniving, corrupt, and downright nasty.

They think they can just ride roughshod over the will of the citizens of America, and regain power.

They have met their Waterloo.

Gawdelpus, Dumkopf as Bludger, sorry, Blucher.
I'm not Trump fan per se but the continuing of crybabies around the world who lives aren't altered in the slightest regardless of who the President is......makes me smile.

Long may you continue with the virtue signalling and petty political point scoring that I see online.

Thats quite ignorant. Our lives over the long run are influenced more by american politics than australian. The western liberal order only exists because of america and with america it could die. The rise of neoliberalism in the 80s happened here because it happened it America. Right wing Populism is now gaining traction here cos its happening in america. Climate change action will only happen here if it happens in america.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., dismissed the impeachment process against President Trump as a political proceeding rather than a judicial one.​
"I'm not an impartial juror. This is a political process. There's not anything judicial about it," McConnell told reporters on Tuesday. "The House made a partisan political decision to impeach. I would anticipate we will have a largely partisan outcome in the Senate. I'm not impartial about this at all."

Move along now before it consumes you.
Amazing all these Trump Lovers choose to ignore certain things.
1:6 times bankrupt
2:Trump University
3:Tax Returns
4:Running a sham charity
5: Paying off pr0n stars
6:Lying about his value to avoid tax
7:Lying to Banks
8:Ripping of contractors
9:Telling people Ukraine hacked the 2016 election and the DNC server is there
10:We are going to fix health care but wait till 2020

The list goes on Airports before planes where invented etc etc
The mans a con artist a snake oil salesman


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., dismissed the impeachment process against President Trump as a political proceeding rather than a judicial one.​
"I'm not an impartial juror. This is a political process. There's not anything judicial about it," McConnell told reporters on Tuesday. "The House made a partisan political decision to impeach. I would anticipate we will have a largely partisan outcome in the Senate. I'm not impartial about this at all."

There was nothing impartial about the House’s process. Witnesses for one side only is farcical. Hence it was given the treatment it deserved.
Thats quite ignorant. Our lives over the long run are influenced more by american politics than australian. The western liberal order only exists because of america and with america it could die. The rise of neoliberalism in the 80s happened here because it happened it America. Right wing Populism is now gaining traction here cos its happening in america. Climate change action will only happen here if it happens in america.
Sounds like Armageddon......I'll make sure to have my umbrella ready.
Limping as they leave the scene, their toes shot off.

After watching the State of the Union I sprinted from one side of Melbourne to the other. Trump has improved the US in so many ways. It gives me hope. The UK and the US are turning the tide and bringing the world back from the brink.

All those trying the derail it over the past few years have political CTE
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