Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 13: Make America Golf Again

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Aug 12, 2012
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The level of vitriol and frankly toxic culture in this thread is getting out of hand. As such, the thread will be monitored actively for posters who drag down the quality of posting for all others, and they will have their access to the thread removed.

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I’m not saying everything is on African Americans themselves, there are clearly obstacles they can be helped with.

So what are you suggesting is done to pull them out of their rut? Can you see a time when African Americans act and behave by and large the same way as other Americans?
The absolute first step (and one the black community can actively contribute to) would be electing in a government that acknowledges these issues. The current Trump administration has done nothing to open a dialogue with protestors and activists, essentially just hoping the BLM support will fizzle out in time, while also actively demonizing them by presenting them all as rioters.

From there the next steps would include funding and guidance towards community improvements, such as better schools and support for black small businesses. Taking that funding from the military weapon and vehicle budgets of the police would be a good start.

There's definitely a future where black culture isn't defined by drugs, crime and battling oppression. Despite all of the outrage, the US and the world is heading in the right direction regarding equality. But just because it's better than it was doesn't mean we should stop striving for better.

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So you’re saying that their entire race is inferior?
Cultures aren’t all equal. It’s probably safe to say that many Asian cultures are more intelligent than your average European.

It’s not racist to point these things out. But it’s controversial and yes uncomfortable too. I don’t think we are evolved enough to really discuss truth at the point, it’s been subverted so much
Cultures aren’t all equal. It’s probably safe to say that many Asian cultures are more intelligent than your average European.
Based on what?

What "Asian cultures" are you talking about?

It’s not racist to point these things out. But it’s controversial and yes uncomfortable too.
What's it based on?

Pulling nonsense out of your arse with no evidence isn't "pointing things out".
I agree not all cultures are equal.

But you asked a dumb question that ignored the legacy of slavery.
How many years since the abolishment of slavery?

I’m not saying that AA’s don’t have it harder, or didn’t have extremely hard and clearly it has left a mark. But you can’t continually allow for their mistakes and put all down to something way in the past. It actually does them a disservice. If they can break the victim hood mentality they’d actually fair far better. You know that from people you meet regardless of ethnicity. We’ve all known people who wallow in themselves thinking they are perpetually hard done by and those people generally fail in life. Candace Owens speaks a lot about this
How many years since the abolishment of slavery?
150 years give or take but the legacy of slavery persisted for generations thereafter. Why pretend otherwise?

I’m not saying that AA’s don’t have it harder, or clearly didn’t have extremely hard and clearly it has left a mark. But you can’t continually allow for their mistakes and putting all down to something way in the past. It actually does them a disservice. If they can break the victim hood mentality they’d actually fair far better. You know that from people you meet regardless of ethnicity. We’ve all known people who wallow in themselves thinking they are perpetually hard done by and those people generally fail in life. Candace Owens speaks a lot about this
You asked a stupid question that ignored the legacy of slavery.
Based on what?

What "Asian cultures" are you talking about?

What's it based on?

Pulling nonsense out of your arse with no evidence isn't "pointing things out".
I would say Chinese, possibly Indian, maybe Japanese and Koreans too.

You only have to look at how they succeed as immigrants really. Chinese and Indians earn more as a demographic than your average white person does in the U.K. Is it down to just being generally brighter? It’s arguable but I’d say it’s more down to having a stronger family unit and a better work ethic than their white counterparts. Being disciplined, focussed and having goals are all things that can be classed as having a high level of intelligence.
I would say Chinese, possibly Indian, maybe Japanese and Koreans too.

You only have to look at how they succeed as immigrants really.
There are other factors aside from "intelligence" at play. And the people from those countries that move to another country aren't necessarily representative of those populations as a whole.

You think some highly educated Indian programmer who goes to work in Silicon Valley is representative of Indians generally?

Google search India and illiteracy. You're talking about 250-300 million people who can't read. Is that because they're not as intelligent or because of others factors?

Chinese and Indians earn more as a demographic than your average white person does in the U.K. Is it down to just being generally brighter?
See above.

It’s arguable but I’d say it’s more down to having a stronger family unit and a better work ethic than their white counterparts. Being disciplined, focussed and having goals are all things that can be classed as having a high level of intelligence.
You'd say this, but with zero evidence. Agreed?
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There are other factors aside from "intelligence" at play. And the people from those countries that move to another country aren't necessarily representative of those populations as a whole.

You think some highly educated Indian programmer who goes to work in Silicon Valley is representative of Indians generally?

See above.

You'd say this, but with zero evidence. Agreed?
Anyone would think you are feeling slightly rattled that I’ve dared challenge the common perception that the white European is the most intelligent? And I’m the racist here?

Indian migration to the US maybe based on intelligence primarily in the tech field but not in the U.K which was my example. You are aware of something called the Commonwealth and all that...
Liberals will not like you saying that Crankitup.

I am thinking of joining them. I may not have it exactly right, but I think the first step is to never offend anyone and always be ready with the magical compassionate PC spellbinding platitudes for those who have been or are right now less fortunate in whatever conceivable way they might imagine. That's all there is to it!

Then .....

I'm likely to fall at that first hurdle. Then again, most of them do the same.
Big surprise: you're accusing me of having no information and yet it was you who was asking the questions.
That's correct.

You wanted to know why people are sceptical of Candace Owens. I told you.

In turn, I asked you what part of her expertise impressed you. And you can't answer.

Can you not see that she has been paid to parrot talking points? It's not a secret.
Anyone would think you are feeling slightly rattled that I’ve dared challenge the common perception that the white European is the most intelligent? And I’m the racist here?
Anyone would think that? Is this the best you can do?

Of course, you can think what you like. I'm just asking about the basis for your claims.

Is that too hard for you? Got nothing?

Indian migration to the US maybe based on intelligence primarily in the tech field but not in the U.K which was my example. You are aware of something called the Commonwealth and all that...
So what is your argument exactly?

You're still talking about an emigre class that are not necessarily representative of the domestic population as a whole.

Is this most basic consideration beyond your grasp?

Why don't you go ahead and give us your top 5 and bottom 5 "cultures" ranked according to "intelligence"?

I'm sure it will be robustly supported by evidence.
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She was a paid shill for Turning Point who couldn't even smuggle climate change denial nonsense past Joe Rogan.

But nah, she's amazing!

Did I say she was amazing? I asked Jatz why he thinks she's a nutjob. It's been established you think she's a shill. Do you also think she's a nutjob?

EDIT: Actually, forget I asked that. I don't really care. Your answer is bound to lead into another scenario akin to arguing on a merry go round and I can't be bothered with that right now.
Anyone would think that? Is this the best you can do?

Of course, you can think what you like. I'm just asking about the basis for your claims.

Is that too hard for you? Got nothing?

So what is your argument exactly?

You're still talking about an emigre class that are not necessarily representative of the domestic population as a whole.

Is this most basic consideration beyond your grasp?

Why don't you go ahead and give us your top 5 and bottom 5 "cultures" ranked according to "intelligence"?

I'm sure it will be robustly supported by evidence.
I think you are acting a wee bit silly now so let’s leave it there shall we
Did I say she was amazing? I asked Jatz why he thinks she's a nutjob. It's been established you think she's a shill. Do you also think she's a nutjob?
I think that even when judged according to the standards of RW shills, as opposed to honest debaters, she's deeply mediocre at regurgitating spoonfed talking points, which is her raison d'être.

How bad at your job do you have to be to get worked over by Joe Rogan?
Did I say she was amazing? I asked Jatz why he thinks she's a nutjob. It's been established you think she's a shill. Do you also think she's a nutjob?

EDIT: Actually, forget I asked that. I don't really care. Your answer is bound to lead into another scenario akin to arguing on a merry go round and I can't be bothered with that right now.
Say something that goes against their carefully crafted principles and yeah, you’re a nut job!

It’s the way the left debate these days. Shut you down at the earliest opportunity possible!
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