Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 17: Old Man Yells At Crowds

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Aug 12, 2012
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Trumpy got some explaining to do

Fox News were running some nice interference for the ex-prez on this one.

But he's treated so unfairly :cryv1::cryv1:
Explains a lot
The WH would not say when trump was last tested negative before he went to hospital
he probably was positive at the debate ( came to late to be tested by coincidence , the organisers relied on honour system ) and the bartlett announcement which turned out to be the super spreader event .
Wonder if he was the primary source ? Everyone else there would have had to test negative to get in .

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If I recall correctly he blamed Gold Star families for infecting him, at an in-person event he was whingeing about doing a couple of days prior to reporting the positive test.

“It’s very hard to say, stay back, stay back. It’s a tough kind of a situation. It’s very, very hard when you are with people and they come over to you, and they want to hug you, and they want to kiss you, because we really have done a good job for them. And you get close, and things happen.”

We now know he tested tested positive prior to that event.
“It’s very hard to say, stay back, stay back. It’s a tough kind of a situation. It’s very, very hard when you are with people and they come over to you, and they want to hug you, and they want to kiss you, because we really have done a good job for them. And you get close, and things happen.”

Everything else aside (it wouldn’t surprise me if it was true, but also Meadows doesn’t exactly have a great track record on these things), this remains one of his all time great quotes.
Spready Krueger
Reckless disregard for human life by the POTUS doctor - dereliction of duty in not isolating Trump and getting contact tracing underway ASAP. I recall his smarmy manner when evading questions at the time, so I did a Google.

“I had the distinct DISPLEASURE to serve with Sean Conley, MD from March-September 2014 at a Role 3 combat hospital in Kandahar.

What a train wreck, especially when he put a chest tube in the wrong side of a Marine ....... TWICE”
- US Navy Nurse

So another suckhole that advanced in the public service, despite being hopeless at their job - spend most of their time on study leave and the rest ‘networking’.
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If I recall correctly he blamed Gold Star families for infecting him, at an in-person event he was whingeing about doing a couple of days prior to reporting the positive test.

“It’s very hard to say, stay back, stay back. It’s a tough kind of a situation. It’s very, very hard when you are with people and they come over to you, and they want to hug you, and they want to kiss you, because we really have done a good job for them. And you get close, and things happen.”

We now know he tested tested positive prior to that event.
for a narcissist like trump admitting he was positive before really got sick would be a sign of weakness , throw in the fortunate scotus judge announcement ( which has its repercussions now) and the debate with Biden he was never going to admit his situation until he went to hospital. If he didnt go to hospital we may have never known he had covid .
for a narcissist like trump admitting he was positive before really got sick would be a sign of weakness , throw in the fortunate scotus judge announcement ( which has its repercussions now) and the debate with Biden he was never going to admit his situation until he went to hospital. If he didnt go to hospital we may have never known he had covid .
When he goes to the doctor, I keep imagining the Mr Burns diagnosis with the multiple illnesses cancelling each other out under the 'three stooges syndrome"

Everything else aside (it wouldn’t surprise me if it was true, but also Meadows doesn’t exactly have a great track record on these things), this remains one of his all time great quotes.
Washington Post confirmed it with two former Trump aides.

Trump turned up late for the debate and it was not possible to test him, as required by the rules agreed upon. His ‘word of honour’ was accepted.

Journalist Jonathan Karl: “Some people say you first got -- you got an initial positive test even before the debate. Is that true or is that not true?”

DJT: “No. No, that's not true.”

- Mar-a-Lago March 2021
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Washington Post confirmed it with two former Trump aides.

Trump turned up late for the debate and it was not possible to test him, as required by the rules agreed upon. His ‘word of honour’ was accepted.

Journalist Jonathan Karl: “Some people say you first got -- you got an initial positive test even before the debate. Is that true or is that not true?”

DJT: “No. No, that's not true.”

- Mar-a-Lago March 2021

Oh yeah, he definitely had Covid. But given his lackadaisical political response saw hundreds of thousands of Americans die, it’s not surprising (or indeed, comparatively scandalous) that his personal response was similarly dangerous to those around him.

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Boggles my mind anyone would pay money to listen to Trump crap on. Especially when you know he’s just going to rave on about the stolen election & any other axes he’s currently grinding.
I wouldn’t go anywhere near him if you were paying me. Imagine the slimy grifters that would attend something like this?

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Boggles my mind anyone would pay money to listen to Trump crap on. Especially when you know he’s just going to rave on about the stolen election & any other axes he’s currently grinding.
I wouldn’t go anywhere near him if you were paying me. Imagine the slimy grifters that would attend something like this?

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The same people who pay for Alex Jones brain pills are the se ones who will pay for literally anything Trump does or says.

They aren't low in numbers either.
Someone stole his election and the word Christmas again. It’s just not Donald’s year.
Oh shit are they on the "war on Christmas again"?

This one is a great, talks about Alex Jones getting sued about shit he makes up, so he has to find issues that don't involve him smearing people.

Hence: War on Christmas! THEY are stealing it from you! No living human is accused of anything in this video! Apart from all of THEM!

One of the disappointing outcomes of the Trump era is the inescapable realisation of just how many truly obnoxious people live in our communities.
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As we have seen in Australia with people like Bernard Colleary and Witness K, if these types of people see you as a threat or an opportunity they will tie you up and throw you in a bear pit.
If Russia advances in Ukraine and US resist with military force, I genuinely do not know if the Party of Trump will support Joe Biden or Vladimir Putin.

Shouldn’t everybody who isn’t psychotic oppose the United States and Russia openly engaging in armed conflict with one another? This sounds a little “you’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists” for my liking, except now with the world’s two largest nuclear stockpiles.
Shouldn’t everybody who isn’t psychotic oppose the United States and Russia openly engaging in armed conflict with one another? This sounds a little “you’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists” for my liking, except now with the world’s two largest nuclear stockpiles.
If it happens, Russia will war by salami, and the USA by proxy.
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