Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 17: Old Man Yells At Crowds

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Aug 12, 2012
sv_cheats 1
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* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

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Joe Biden, 46th President Thread is over there ->

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I am in two minds about this.

Should CNN have given a nationally televised platform for everyone to see and judge the man who could quite possibly be the Republican nominee for the 2024 US President? Or is the alternative - for him to secure that candidacy on the back of his own friendly media outlets, effectively keeping his obnoxious lies 'in house' - a worse outcome?

By means of a BF analogy, we have a certain poster in the Port Adelaide politics thread who has posted what I think are some pretty offensive and bigoted views on Indigenous issues over time. But I have refrained for reporting them for removal because, even though I think they breach BF rules, they deserve to be seen and to get reactions - especially at a time when racist abuse of AFL players continues to get the headlines. It forces those of us with more moderate views to react and respond and takes the debate out of the shadows and echo chambers.

I think Cooper puts it best:

It may also help the more apathetic democrat leaning voter to see what trump does and motivate to vote

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It may also help the more apathetic democrat leaning voter to see what trump does and motivate to vote

This is the reason he lost in 2020; not so much people jumping off (though some moderates did); rather more casual democrat and independent voters being motivated enough to come out and vote against him. His base will vote for him no matter what, they don’t care what he says or does, it’s a cult. But they aren’t big enough to get him to victory should enough democrats turn out to vote. Trump running is the best gift the GOP could give Biden/Dems to land of a second term.
This is the reason he lost in 2020; not so much people jumping off (though some moderates did); rather more casual democrat and independent voters being motivated enough to come out and vote against him. His base will vote for him no matter what, they don’t care what he says or does, it’s a cult. But they aren’t big enough to get him to victory should enough democrats turn out to vote. Trump running is the best gift the GOP could give Biden/Dems to land of a second term.
Democrats have won 7 of the last 8 popular votes. All by a few million. Just shows...

1. How flawed the American electoral system is
2. Democrat voters are like a bandwagon football supporter base, If they actually show up in those key swing states, they will win most elections regardless who is running on both sides.

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How can he become irrelevant if he receives the Republican Presidential nomination m8? You make no sense.
Trump lost the 2020 election because people jumped off the 2016 Trump train as they realised that four years of Trump in power is four years too many.
Basically he got found out. That's what you do to phonies. You shine a light on them. You don't let them hide.
That CNN show was brilliant.
What's that old saying?
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
I say give Donald Trump a microphone every day until election day.
Welcome to the "people who don't understand that any publicity is good publicity" group of people whom the Simpsons have been mocking since the 80s. I have faith that you'll catch on one day.
Just put the odious turd on Ignore. Life's much nicer.
You post this after every post of mine. What's the point in having me on ignore (which mods has confirmed that you do not) if you're going to respond to every message still? Trying opening that mind up son. Or at least stop lying lol.

Trump running is the best gift the GOP could give Biden/Dems to land of a second term.

See above. You're engaging in all the same talking points that were proven to be false in 2016.

No Way Wtf GIF by Harlem
Democrats have won 7 of the last 8 popular votes. All by a few million. Just shows...

1. How flawed the American electoral system is
2. Democrat voters are like a bandwagon football supporter base, If they actually show up in those key swing states, they will win most elections regardless who is running on both sides.

Yeah, or maybe Democrat voters are the majority? Ie democracy - How is that flawed? I agree the American system is broken but the only broken part of it is the GOP
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Yeah, or maybe Democrat voters are the majority? Ie democracy - How is that flawed? I agree the American system is broken but the only broken part of it is the GOP
Its flawed when millions more voted in favour of Dem, yet saw Bush and Trump get into power. In the case of Bush, one single state at a questionable recount. At least with our system, the election results is often in line with the majority of voters. Which is why Trump and co will always have a chance. Doesn't need to win the majority of people over, just needs to convince a small handful of swing states.
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Welcome to the "people who don't understand that any publicity is good publicity" group of people whom the Simpsons have been mocking since the 80s. I have faith that you'll catch on one day.
Is there any other world wisdom I can also glean from watching say Gilligan's Island oh wise one of television?
Is there any other world wisdom I can also glean from watching say Gilligan's Island oh wise one of television?
Well since you asked, if you listen to the theme song of Gilligan's Island backwards, it quite clearly states:

"George Santos is innocent and represents Long Island with integrity and distinction. May he overcome this witch-hunt. God Bless Him."
Its flawed when millions more voted in favour of Dem, yet saw Bush and Trump get into power. In the case of Bush, one single state at a questionable recount. At least with our system, the election results is often in line with the majority of voters. Which is why Trump and co will always have a chance. Doesn't need to win the majority of people over, just needs to convince a small handful of states.
And then holds the whole country to ransom.
Its flawed when millions more voted in favour of Dem, yet saw Bush and Trump get into power. In the case of Bush, one single state at a questionable recount. At least with our system, the election results is often in line with the majority of voters. Which is why Trump and co will always have a chance. Doesn't need to win the majority of people over, just needs to convince a small handful of states.
I think the key difference is that somehow or another, the organisation that runs our elections, the AEC, is widely agreed to be completely impartial and uncorruptable.
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