Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 20: The Decline of Donald

When will Trump be finished?

  • Right now. Bloke's a dickhead.

    Votes: 24 51.1%
  • We'll let him run, we'll wipe him out after the election. Be way funnier that way!

    Votes: 14 29.8%
  • At some point, Trump will wipe out all options except for him. Send him to jail.

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • Needs to be next president of the ICC.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clean the swamp, Trump2025!

    Votes: 3 6.4%
  • It's not enough to just elect him, him ahead of anyone else!

    Votes: 1 2.1%

  • Total voters

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Aug 12, 2012
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Joe Biden, 46th President Thread is over there ->

< - Trump 19 is back there.
UPDATE: Trump Shooter named.
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Thighland makes so much more sense now.

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Yep, those that do not remember the past and all that.
And people wonder how Hitler happened.
Early 80's, I was looking to take a sickie from school, reckon I was in year 8.

Pretty sure mum could tell I was not crook, but she let me stay home but made me watch some midday TV movie called 'The Wave'. Gist of it is high school history teacher's class could not understand how only 10% of Germans were in the Nazi party but the rest of them stood by and let it all happen, and could not understand how those 10% got caught up in Nazism, so he did this experiment without their knowledge to teach them.

Mum passed away few years ago; wish I got the chance to thank her for that life lesson.

Just made my 17 year old daughter suffer through it, is on Youtube and is only 41 minutes. Watching it again now it is very poor acting, very obvious where it was headed, and has that 90210 thing where the high school kids are 29, but the lesson is still valid. I still feel sorry for the outcast Robert at the end.

This sums up the whole Republican campaign. Ill-informed and with no actual facts, just stupid people with no interest in policy just buzzwords and slogans thinking MAGA is the greatest movement in history. It is a movement, a bowel movement.
A well written piece looking at Trumps failure to land a blow on KH that starts with a comparison to mad King George III, an important character in US history.

"Always just a series of distorted projections, the campaign against Biden is missing its object. The screen has suddenly gone blank. Trump is exposed standing naked on the stage. His negative campaign is self-indicting. Everything he accused Biden of being, he manifestly embodies. His malicious characterizations describe only himself. He is the crook, the cheat, the liar; he is the worst president in history. Biden is gone, but Trump can’t escape him. Biden haunts him as a ghost. Trump is left as the oldest man ever to run for the office, whose babbling incapacity is on display."

After reading that para, I got a vision of Trump as Scrooge, haunted by President of the Past. In November he will be haunted by President of the Future.
A well written piece looking at Trumps failure to land a blow on KH that starts with a comparison to mad King George III, an important character in US history.

"Always just a series of distorted projections, the campaign against Biden is missing its object. The screen has suddenly gone blank. Trump is exposed standing naked on the stage. His negative campaign is self-indicting. Everything he accused Biden of being, he manifestly embodies. His malicious characterizations describe only himself. He is the crook, the cheat, the liar; he is the worst president in history. Biden is gone, but Trump can’t escape him. Biden haunts him as a ghost. Trump is left as the oldest man ever to run for the office, whose babbling incapacity is on display."

After reading that para, I got a vision of Trump as Scrooge, haunted by President of the Past. In November he will be haunted by President of the Future.
Felt more like Hamlet or King Lear

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But he also hates them, too.

The poor and middle class ones, at least.

They think they are in on the act when they are the main mark.
Yes he hates them, and has contempt for them, but his cult members would be the same if they were in Trump's position, so think thats just how everyone is.
I had a chuckle about this. Grok, the AI Musk is developing which already has upset folks by giving woke answers has now speculated about Donald Trump using dentures after the Musk/Trump mutual love fest.

Grok hits another home run for this:
Another Grok post summarized criticism of Musk’s performance as an interviewer on Monday night, noting many users have “described him as a terrible, weak, or bad interviewer.” The post also included user comments about Musk’s “lack of engagement, inability to control the conversation, and poor communication skills,” and his public speaking skills, “with some suggesting he is one of the worst they have heard.”
So now he could be wearing dentures along with his diaper and laying under a sun lamp and dying his hair orange 🤣

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Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 20: The Decline of Donald
