Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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Trump pardoned Bannon, Roger Stone and others. Would be hypocritical of him to criticize Biden. But yeah won't stop him.
Heres one
Bill K. Kapri: Kodak Black, whose legal name is Bill Kapri, was sentenced to 46 months in prison on federal weapons charges in 2019 after admitting that he falsified information on federal forms to buy four firearms. The rapper obtained three guns: a 9mm handgun, a .380-caliber handgun and a semi-automatic Mini Draco weapon. He received a pardon.

From whitehouse website
Bill K. Kapri – President Trump granted a commutation to Bill Kapri, more commonly known as Kodak Black. Kodak Black is a prominent artist and community leader. This commutation is supported by numerous religious leaders, including Pastor Darrell Scott and Rabbi Schneur Kaplan. Additional supporters include Bernie Kerik, Hunter Pollack, Gucci Mane, Lil Pump, Lil Yachty, Lamar Jackson of the Baltimore Ravens, Jack Brewer formerly of the National Football League, and numerous other notable community leaders. Kodak Black was sentenced to 46 months in prison for making a false statement on a Federal document. He has served nearly half of his sentence

No mention about obtaining guns thru the false statement

On Jan. 25 and March 1, Kapri completed the Firearms Transaction Record (ATF Form 4473) and answered "no" when asked "are you under indictment or information in any court for a felony, or any other crime for which the judge could imprison you for more than one year?" when he was under indictment for a felony offense, according to court records.
On the form completed by Kapri on Jan. 25, he switched "several digits of his social security number" which allowed him to get three firearms on Feb. 1.
When Kapri went back to purchase a fourth firearm on March 1, he used his correct social security number, which allowed detectives to determine he had lied on his ATF Form 4473. Kapri was not permitted to purchase the fourth firearm, court documents said.
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Since when did everyone start shitting themselves in their pants when they turn 80. Is this a new thing?
Got 38 years left in me before I start shitting myself apparently.
Dont cough too much in your 60s

Just some advice
Yeah I think Joe pardoning Hunter would be way too brazen lol there’s no way it would happen. People did January 6 over nothing, this would actually be worth rioting over.
This is your event? Low bar
(@sponynorman returns to his house after a night out with the lads, to find the door chain on and hearing shouts from inside of "Your mother was a hamster and you father smelt of elderberry!")
Ehhhh my partner is French, maybe the influence is rubbing off on me.
My mum's French Canadian and all that's given me is a good head for drink. Didn't even get the swarthy Gallic good looks thanks to my old man's ginger gene.

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Yeah I think Joe pardoning Hunter would be way too brazen lol there’s no way it would happen. People did January 6 over nothing, this would actually be worth rioting over.
Wait until you hear how much the Saudis gave to Jared Kushner while he worked at the White House!!

I don't think he'll pardon Hunter, if anything he might think a couple of weeks in prison would be a good thing for his drug-addicted son. The Secret Service would still be looking after him, it's not like he'd be going into the bad parts of a prison to fend for himself.

He'll most likely get house arrest with a pretty ankle bracelet.

Can't imagine a lot of MAGAs would be too over the top about pursuing a person on a gun charge and lying about being a drug user on a form, which happened 7 years ago.

Biden should call their bluff and tighten gun control laws to get them to put up or shut up. Have them saying that Hunter should go to prison while also calling the crimes he's been convicted of "federal over-reach"
Biden is paying $2.90 for the election. That's super odds in a two horse race where history says the incumbent should be the favourite, and he's also competing against Trump. Sure, a lot of people will abandon Biden over Gaza, but there won't be any more people flocking to Trump since the last election.

Both will be haemorraging attendance, but abortion alone will keep Biden's up with women across the nation.
The issue is always that more people are going to vote for Trump because they like Trump, compared to those voting for Biden because they like Biden.

The question remains whether or not you are going to get enough people to vote for Biden to avoid Trump. They have managed to do so in most elections since 2016, but its still nervous to be relying on that as your main game plan, as opposed to you know...having a good candidate.
The issue is always that more people are going to vote for Trump because they like Trump, compared to those voting for Biden because they like Biden.

The question remains whether or not you are going to get enough people to vote for Biden to avoid Trump. They have managed to do so in most elections since 2016, but its still nervous to be relying on that as your main game plan, as opposed to you know...having a good candidate.
Legit incredible that he's still their guy.

They could have parachuted literally any generic Democrat not named Kamala in over the last 12 months and be sitting 10+ points up in every poll right now.

Can only assume that Joe himself is too stubborn and has refused to go. Great way to go about it in the most important/existential election in their history, and you know it is coz they keep saying it :rolleyes:
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Legit incredible that he's still their guy.

They could have parachuted literally any generic Democrat not named Kamala in over the last 12 months and be sitting 10+ points up in every poll right now.

Can only guess that Joe himself is too stubborn and has refused to go. Great way to go about it in the most important/existential election in their history, and you know it is coz they keep saying it :rolleyes:
They have the benefit of incumbency, somebody who has beaten Trump before and not done a terrible job as President.

it's the less risky option.

It's all going to be about turnout. And I think the way Republicans have rolled back things like abortion will be enough to get Democrats to turn out.

There are not people turning back to Trump, the Republican strategy will be focused mostly on discouraging Dems from voting for Biden. While the Dems will be focused on getting people to turn up.

GOP will say Biden isn't tough enough on the border and is incompetent while the Dems will be saying that "if you don't turn up, you can kiss abortions goodbye forever".

I think the Dems have enough ammunition to turn the GOP talking points around:
"Not tough enough on immigration? What do you propose? A wall?"

Georgia is Biden's biggest problem, Arizona and Nevada not far behind. He needs a new VP who can help win those states.
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They have the benefit of incumbency, somebody who has beaten Trump before and not done a terrible job as President.

it's the less risky option.

It's all going to be about turnout. And I think the way Republicans have rolled back things like abortion will be enough to get Democrats to turn out.

There are not people turning back to Trump, the Republican strategy will be focused mostly on discouraging Dems from voting for Biden. While the Dems will be focused on getting people to turn up.

GOP will say Biden isn't tough enough on the border and is incompetent while the Dems will be saying that "if you don't turn up, you can kiss abortions goodbye forever".

I think the Dems have enough ammunition to turn the GOP talking points around:
"Not tough enough on immigration? What do you propose? A wall?"

Georgia is Biden's biggest problem, Arizona and Nevada not far behind. He needs a new VP who can help win those states.
Dunno, I just can't see it happening.

Trump will get similar turnout to 2020, its a cult and his supporters just do. not. care. About anything, other than worshiping dear leader.

But 'normal' voters also have notoriously short memories, I don't think Biden will get anywhere near the number of anti-Trump votes he did previously. And when you consider some of the margins in the swing states in 2020 that will be more than enough for Trump to take it.
Dunno, I just can't see it happening.

Trump will get similar turnout to 2020, its a cult and his supporters just do. not. care. About anything, other than worshiping dear leader.

But 'normal' voters also have notoriously short memories, I don't think Biden will get anywhere near the number of anti-Trump votes he did previously. And when you consider some of the margins in the swing states in 2020 that will be more than enough for Trump to take it.
Female voters aren't forgetting that the Republicans want to deny them a basic human right any time soon.
They have the benefit of incumbency, somebody who has beaten Trump before and not done a terrible job as President.

it's the less risky option.

It's all going to be about turnout. And I think the way Republicans have rolled back things like abortion will be enough to get Democrats to turn out.

There are not people turning back to Trump, the Republican strategy will be focused mostly on discouraging Dems from voting for Biden. While the Dems will be focused on getting people to turn up.

GOP will say Biden isn't tough enough on the border and is incompetent while the Dems will be saying that "if you don't turn up, you can kiss abortions goodbye forever".

I think the Dems have enough ammunition to turn the GOP talking points around:
"Not tough enough on immigration? What do you propose? A wall?"

Georgia is Biden's biggest problem, Arizona and Nevada not far behind. He needs a new VP who can help win those states.

Its still early but I'm not seeing the same sense of urgency from Democrats or Democrat voters - or the in betweens who will more likely not vote

Happy for a new VP if Joe stays
Female voters aren't forgetting that the Republicans want to deny them a basic human right any time soon.
Maybe this is one area of urgency needed

Does dropping Harris hurt or hinder this?

Is Harris a good advocate for this argument ( I havent seen too much from her to say yes)

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Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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