Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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Righto champ, you won’t ever concede anything about left wing figures so this is null and void.

The reality is it’s the worst presidential options in history, no one wins.
Oh no Chief, you've been "champed".
Judging on a selective clip ok when its trump though right? lel
Laughing at a selective clip, you mean.

Judging on the proven facts including legal processes is always a good bar to set.
Righto champ, you won’t ever concede anything about left wing figures so this is null and void.
If Biden is a lefty, but I suppose he's a "left wing figure"...

I said that there is plenty to attack Biden on. Gave two examples.

The reality is it’s the worst presidential options in history, no one wins.

I don't know about in all of history given I don't know much about American presidents, but yes they have a crappy choice. One is distinctly and verifiably better than the other, though.
I don't know about in all of history given I don't know much about American presidents, but yes they have a crappy choice. One is distinctly and verifiably better than the other, though.

One is a well-meaning and principled elderly man.

The other is a conniving, corrupt, immoral elderly man.

It's really not a difficult choice, even if you think both are 'bad'.
One is a well-meaning and principled elderly man.

The other is a conniving, corrupt, immoral elderly man.

It's really not a difficult choice, even if you think both are 'bad'.

He’s complicit in the mass murder of tens of thousands of innocents.

Trump is everything you say and if someone think Biden’s on balance better then I won’t argue, but he’s an evil man, there’s no two ways about it.

I don't think the claim that it's the worst election ever is a wrong one. Any Republican bar Trump could beat Biden and any Democrat bar Biden could beat Trump. It's pathetic.
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He’s complicit in the mass murder of tens of thousands of innocents.

Look, I get it. I'm not going to sit there and try and convince you otherwise, even as a Jew myself, because generally speaking I agree.

However I do think that supporting Israel basically comes with the job; whomever is President of the US is going to be roughlyyy the same in this regard.

The problem is; Trump was and would be undeniably worse. He isn't trying to call for a ceasefire, like Biden has been. He wouldn't freeze arms shipments to Israel, like Biden did. In fact, he wants Israel to escalate the conflict and take the West Bank. Remember; Trump's "peace plan" involved moving their Embassy to Jerusalem which was enomrously inflammatory.

It's because Trump's biggest donor is Miriam Adelson, who is an absolute lunatic ultra-nationalist Israeli. This article is a great read on her and her hardliner positions;

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Watching clips of Joe in Italy at some sort of photo op wandering off, needing to be brought back, and then moving very very slowly to put his sunglasses on. This guy has the hallmarks of significant cognitive decline i see this in my field of work daily. His affect is mask like. I would love to know the lengths his medical team are going to keep him going, it would be a huge huge effort. He seems to have really clinically deteriorated over the past few months, who knows what he will look like come the election.
It actually upsets me, this is cruel. He shouldn't be in this position. He is not fit.

LOL, if you see it in your field of work daily, what's your take on Trump?

Call me a cynic, but I have zero faith in your claim that you work in a technically challenging field.
Watching clips of Joe in Italy at some sort of photo op wandering off, needing to be brought back, and then moving very very slowly to put his sunglasses on. This guy has the hallmarks of significant cognitive decline i see this in my field of work daily. His affect is mask like. I would love to know the lengths his medical team are going to keep him going, it would be a huge huge effort. He seems to have really clinically deteriorated over the past few months, who knows what he will look like come the election.
It actually upsets me, this is cruel. He shouldn't be in this position. He is not fit.

If Joe Biden passed away tonight and the Democrats put up his corpse as their candidate, I would still vote for him*

And his decomposing corpse would still be an infinitely times better president than Trump.

Trump is the worst president in history, there is not one single redeeming thing about him as either as a person or as a president, a complete and utter s**tstain.

How millions of people continue to blindly and fanatically throw unconditional and rabidly partisan support to this horrendous, corrupt, utterly loathsome piece of shit is beyond me.

I now wait for some Trump supporting lunatic to reply to me with “LOL TDS LOL!!!!!” or some shit.

*I’m not American.

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Watching clips of Joe in Italy at some sort of photo op wandering off, needing to be brought back, and then moving very very slowly to put his sunglasses on. This guy has the hallmarks of significant cognitive decline i see this in my field of work daily. His affect is mask like. I would love to know the lengths his medical team are going to keep him going, it would be a huge huge effort. He seems to have really clinically deteriorated over the past few months, who knows what he will look like come the election.
It actually upsets me, this is cruel. He shouldn't be in this position. He is not fit.
The landscape version vs the portrait version with parachutist to the right of Biden in the landscape version
Compare the pair.

Seth Meyers clip being shared on teh socials - "one's an old guy who sometimes does old guy things, but otherwise in touch with reality and competent at his job. The other is Trump who ... (list of shit Trump does that is too long to recall here)."

Attack Biden on his policies and actions - supporting the genocide of Palestinians, patchy labour record - and you have PLENTY of material.

But that doesn't click with the average dope, so go for bullshit and hate.
Sadly too true. There needs to be more analysis, reporting, and armchair diagnosis on the average American media consumer's cognitive decline.
the average American media consumer's cognitive decline
There are enough in Australia too.

It's the same tactics. If you object to specific words in a specific context as "hateful" or "bullshit", they hit back the next time you use similar words in a different context and when you tell them to **** off it's "so much for the tolerant left".

They bank on you not being as big a campaigner as they are, so they can carry on being a campaigner.

So adopt the philosophy of "No tolerance for intolerance".

Trump is trash. That's the truth. The people who follow him are in two camps: too stupid to know what's happening, or preying on those who are too stupid to know what's happening.

Now wait for the ****heads to come back with "ermagerd u can't handle a different opinion".
His affect is mask like.

season 5 GIF
Watching clips of Joe in Italy at some sort of photo op wandering off, needing to be brought back, and then moving very very slowly to put his sunglasses on. This guy has the hallmarks of significant cognitive decline i see this in my field of work daily. His affect is mask like. I would love to know the lengths his medical team are going to keep him going, it would be a huge huge effort. He seems to have really clinically deteriorated over the past few months, who knows what he will look like come the election.
It actually upsets me, this is cruel. He shouldn't be in this position. He is not fit.

Do you feel stupid now that the full clip has been widely distributed?
Watching clips of Joe in Italy at some sort of photo op wandering off, needing to be brought back, and then moving very very slowly to put his sunglasses on. This guy has the hallmarks of significant cognitive decline i see this in my field of work daily. His affect is mask like. I would love to know the lengths his medical team are going to keep him going, it would be a huge huge effort. He seems to have really clinically deteriorated over the past few months, who knows what he will look like come the election.
It actually upsets me, this is cruel. He shouldn't be in this position. He is not fit.

You were watching an edited clip, you were fooled. But I guess this is not your first trip down sucker lane.
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Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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