Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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You sure about that?

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I said nothing about organizations, nor about people who donate. I said many of the richest american's lean to the democrats.
LOL they don't lean Dem, they lean green, as in $.

They back Reps a lot simply because they want favorable movement on deregulation and tax breaks, and they know they will get it. If this latest report is true, then some of them have realized Trump economic climate will be as volatile as the political and social ones. Not good for business.

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Who do you think is a better candidate than Biden, who also had a chance of beating Trump in the 2020 election and this upcoming election?
From the 2020 candidates i'd say Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar would have been able to beat Trump in 2020, and would be in a reasonable position to have won this year (assuming they had not completely shit the bed during their term in the oval office).
From the 2020 candidates i'd say Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar would have been able to beat Trump in 2020, and would be in a reasonable position to have won this year (assuming they had not completely shit the bed during their term in the oval office).
While I'd prefer all four of them over Biden, I don't think they would have beaten Trump.

Do you think any of them would have been more successful than Biden in 2020, in terms of votes and voter turnout?
Do you think the votes for Biden were majority just votes against Trump?
What impact do you feel that Biden being the candidate had on the outcome of the 2020 election?
While I'd prefer all four of them over Biden, I don't think they would have beaten Trump.

Do you think any of them would have been more successful than Biden in 2020, in terms of votes and voter turnout?
Do you think the votes for Biden were majority just votes against Trump?
What impact do you feel that Biden being the candidate had on the outcome of the 2020 election?
I agree with others

In 2020 there was a concerted effort by the Dems to make change and they galvanised the base like no other time before

It was a No Trump vote rather than a Vote for Biden

Given 4 years to stabilise themselves there would be a base to continue working with

My only caveat would be with Sanders - but thats just my ageism showing through
While I'd prefer all four of them over Biden, I don't think they would have beaten Trump.

Do you think any of them would have been more successful than Biden in 2020, in terms of votes and voter turnout?
Do you think the votes for Biden were majority just votes against Trump?
What impact do you feel that Biden being the candidate had on the outcome of the 2020 election?
I will acknowledge from the outset that I have no stats to back this up, but my perception is that at least 90% of the Biden votes in 2020 were more influenced by Anti-Trump sentiment than Pro-Biden sentiment.

Which is why I think you could plug most of the 2020 candidate pool into that position and they'd perform similarly.
I agree with others

In 2020 there was a concerted effort by the Dems to make change and they galvanised the base like no other time before

It was a No Trump vote rather than a Vote for Biden

Given 4 years to stabilise themselves there would be a base to continue working with

My only caveat would be with Sanders - but thats just my ageism showing through
I will acknowledge from the outset that I have no stats to back this up, but my perception is that at least 90% of the Biden votes in 2020 were more influenced by Anti-Trump sentiment than Pro-Biden sentiment.

Which is why I think you could plug most of the 2020 candidate pool into that position and they'd perform similarly.

My opinion is that Biden had a big impact, because he was recognisable.
And that would have made a difference to a lot of Americans who are not attuned to politics in the same way that people who would support Klobuchar, as an example.

As much as I'd agree that there were much better available candidates. I don't actually think that they would have been successful against Trump. In that as much as it was a protest vote for many (especially those attuned), you still needed a reason to actually go and vote.
I think that non-compulsory voting indicates that you need someone to vote FOR as a motivator more than actively voting against someone.

But, maybe the non-compulsory actually is evidence that it didn't matter who it was, as it was a turn out for voting against Trump.
Who do you think is a better candidate than Biden, who also had a chance of beating Trump in the 2020 election and this upcoming election?

I think Biden should've stood aside after his first term (as he had implied that he would when he was running in the primaries). I do think Sanders had the right message for the time at the time - a call for free universal healthcare in the middle of a pandemic where people were losing their jobs and thus their access to health insurance was kind of the perfect message at the perfect time. The Democrats played it safe, and now we're facing the strong potential of a Trump comeback as the result.

In terms of who should've stood now with Biden standing aside, there are popular governors in swing states such as Gretchen Whitmer who would have been perfect at this point in time (without me even wishcasting, which you could argue I'm doing with Bernie). I'm not sure 2028 will be the perfect time for her either, though she's positioning for it I think she might have missed her moment. But honestly, I think there are several who would be better candidates than him right now. Even Kamala - and that's not me saying she's a strong candidate!
They need a VP like Andy Beshear.

It's even more critical now to appoint somebody who has had some executive job before (big chance Biden dies or steps down).

The ideal would be an ex-Governor from a state like Arizona. Janet Napolitano for example. The Dems don't want anyone outspoken or controversial. Somebody who people will trust to get the job done if/when Biden declines.

If they think turnout might be a problem, then somebody like Elizabeth Warren who might motivate some to get out by offering something new might be worth considering.
My opinion is that Biden had a big impact, because he was recognisable.
And that would have made a difference to a lot of Americans who are not attuned to politics in the same way that people who would support Klobuchar, as an example.

As much as I'd agree that there were much better available candidates. I don't actually think that they would have been successful against Trump. In that as much as it was a protest vote for many (especially those attuned), you still needed a reason to actually go and vote.
I think that non-compulsory voting indicates that you need someone to vote FOR as a motivator more than actively voting against someone.

But, maybe the non-compulsory actually is evidence that it didn't matter who it was, as it was a turn out for voting against Trump.
Not so sure about that myself.

Polling isn't everything I know, but for the entirety of this '24 campaign 'generic democrat' was comfortably leading Trump (and same the other way with 'generic republican' leading Biden lol).

Just 2 historically bad candidates no one wants, I tend to to think the Dems could have parachuted in practically anyone not named Kamala as the nom and they'd be looking far, far better than they are currently.
Not so sure about that myself.

Polling isn't everything I know, but for the entirety of this '24 campaign 'generic democrat' was comfortably leading Trump (and same the other way with 'generic republican' leading Biden lol).

Just 2 historically bad candidates no one wants, I tend to to think the Dems could have parachuted in practically anyone not named Kamala as the nom and they'd be looking far, far better than they are currently.
I think Newsom would be great candidate but he is biding his time to run as the democrat candidate and hoping the republican party fully explodes if trump loses in November.

I fully expect him to be up there for the 2028 nominee
Polling on potential I think is pretty sketchy, an actual campaign is a different animal. Look at Trump in 16, who could have foreseen that? The DNC are more conservative than the old GOP. They had to go with Obama simply because he campaigned so well.
I don't feel Harris, or a lot of the other possibles, has the charisma to fight an in form Trump. Whether he is in form is another matter. She would a safe, controllable POTUS for the establishment. That's why she's there. Some of the others didn't do too well on the national stage in the primaries.
I wish they could put a cloak of safe, secure reliability on pols like Pete or AOC or that ilk. They can go toe to toe, but they have a prog tint that might not play well in rightish swing voters. It's too bad as they would add to the Biden campaign as VP more than Harris. IMHO
Who do you think is a better candidate than Biden, who also had a chance of beating Trump in the 2020 election and this upcoming election?


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