Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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Just a quick question about US election rules and the 2 term limit, if Biden had resigned from presidency, would these 6 months count as a term for Harris?
As a note Biden is still President - he is not contesting the next election so this doesnt count for Harris

Oppos you did say resigned

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I was just about to say the same thing about your delusional posts. The fact is Kamala can hardly put a sentence together that makes any sense. The left is going into meltdown over Biden's withdrawal and now they're stuck with Harris, if they give her the boot they risk of losing the Black and Hispanic vote, if they keep her in the job they run the risk of her being a worse option than Biden. Any 8 year old can see that.
I think the idea of a Prosecutor going against Trump is a good one for the Dems.

Somebody who has a lifetime of putting people in prison vs a person spending most of their time just barely managing to stay out of prison.

There are too many attack lines, and almost everything Trump responds with will border on racism/sexism, not because of misinterpretation, but because he is racist and sexist.

Harris will be the nominee, like many VPs before her. Some successful (winning the election), like Biden and Bush, some not so successful, like Gore. But Gore was hardly humiliated.

Harris was also a Senator before being VP. Almost every nominee is a Senator or VP.
Just a quick question about US election rules and the 2 term limit, if Biden had resigned from presidency, would these 6 months count as a term for Harris?
Unsure. What happened with Nixon? That’s the only other resignation I can think of (and ford lost the next election anyway so the question never came up)
My wild ass guess is that the 2 terms are full terms only so the 6 months don’t count
Unsure. What happened with Nixon? That’s the only other resignation I can think of (and ford lost the next election anyway so the question never came up)
My wild ass guess is that the 2 terms are full terms only so the 6 months don’t count
This is also covered

The key term is ELECTED - a VP is deemed to be nominally elected but not as a whole

The amendment prohibits anyone who has been elected president twice from being elected again. Under the amendment, someone who fills an unexpired presidential term lasting more than two years is also prohibited from being elected president more than once. Scholars debate whether the amendment prohibits affected individuals from succeeding to the presidency under any circumstances or whether it applies only to presidential elections.
Unsure. What happened with Nixon? That’s the only other resignation I can think of (and ford lost the next election anyway so the question never came up)
My wild ass guess is that the 2 terms are full terms only so the 6 months don’t count

It's two elected terms. Any time in office prior to that doesn't count.
This is also covered

The key term is ELECTED - a VP is deemed to be nominally elected but not as a whole

The amendment prohibits anyone who has been elected president twice from being elected again. Under the amendment, someone who fills an unexpired presidential term lasting more than two years is also prohibited from being elected president more than once. Scholars debate whether the amendment prohibits affected individuals from succeeding to the presidency under any circumstances or whether it applies only to presidential elections.

Basically, Johnson could run again in 1968 as he had one term and 1 year 2 months of another. If Ford had won in 1976, he couldn’t have run again in 1980 because his first term was 2 years 5 months.

So if Kamala for whatever reason became President before January 20 and then wins, she’d be good to run again in 2028 because she hadn’t served most of this current term.
Are you trying to argue with me that it won’t be a better and closer battle than Biden vs Trump?

They have their work cut out from here, so not sure what you are trying to get at..
Am I trying to argue with you?
You can't wake a man who's pretending to be asleep.
But I will say this:
4 weeks to the Democratic nomination and a further 10 weeks to the election is plenty of time to get things done in a modern, well-functioning system.
Look at the way the Brits got it done this year.
However, I expect the GOP to obstruct and try to confuse the issue, as they do.
That little creep Johnson is already trying to throw up legal challenges to a change in the Democrat nomination before it's even been made official.
That little creep Johnson is already trying to throw up legal challenges to a change in the Democrat nomination before it's even been made official.
Its a nothing burger - as you note its time wasting - Johnson and Trump can cry all they want its covered

They must think Harris is nominating for the SC

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Biden remains president.
Harris will be the nominee
This sort of situation happens every single time there is a 8 year POTUS coming out of office. Except with a longer lead up time obviously. It's not a massive deal imo but worst case is that the Dems have some chance now, previously nil.

And she will be significantly better than Trump imo who so far has put forward ideas that relate to the 1950's rather than anything that will move that country forward either socially or economically.

It's a pretty poor look from GOP people to be trying to block any change too - it implies they are running scared or feel Biden was a certainty to win against, anyone else not so.
Jeremy Corbyn.
Not sure if serious, but if you are. Your idea of a strong politician is someone that personally wanted to leave the EU but fought for remain because his party told him to, weakening the remain agrument and eventually helping leave get up. Then losing to Boris Johnson in a landslide.
Such high standards.
Its a nothing burger - as you note its time wasting - Johnson and Trump can cry all they want its covered

They must think Harris is nominating for the SC
You'd hope so. "State's Rights" cannot be allowed to interfere in a Federal Election in that way.
From the party that cries about "lawfare" Give me strength.
Am I trying to argue with you?
You can't wake a man who's pretending to be asleep.
But I will say this:
4 weeks to the Democratic nomination and a further 10 weeks to the election is plenty of time to get things done in a modern, well-functioning system.
Look at the way the Brits got it done this year.
However, I expect the GOP to obstruct and try to confuse the issue, as they do.
That little creep Johnson is already trying to throw up legal challenges to a change in the Democrat nomination before it's even been made official.

My original post still stands - I think it’s a good move and it’ll be a much better / closer election than if Biden stayed.
My original post still stands - I think it’s a good move and it’ll be a much better / closer election than if Biden stayed.
100% - I think that's the dice the Dems had to roll. No chance with incumbent, some chance with a change - can argue pros and cons of all the potential noms no doubt - might be more important who the VP is going to be but Harris is a known quantity, warts and all. She has some support and polls aren't dreadful. All in all the last 24hrs have been a positive for dems - finally!! Their issue is this could have happened 6 months ago.
100% - I think that's the dice the Dems had to roll. No chance with incumbent, some chance with a change - can argue pros and cons of all the potential noms no doubt - might be more important who the VP is going to be but Harris is a known quantity, warts and all. She has some support and polls aren't dreadful. All in all the last 24hrs have been a positive for dems - finally!! Their issue is this could have happened 6 months ago.
More than six months ago. Biden was never meant to be more than a one term President. It feels like the Dems were relying on Trump's legal problems preventing him from running, which has proven optimistic to say the least. They really should have been more proactive. But there is still time.
Possible VP picks all have pros and cons.

Shapiro hasn't been a governor long, has copped flak from progressives over Israel/Gaza comments (not necessarily going to hurt more than Biden, but might not improve things either). Would probably help a bit in PA.

Beshear can certainly be used to help get independents and never Trumpers on board, particularly in purple states such as Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia. But whether you want him to give up the governorship in an otherwise red state. Also not very well known.

Newsom would have to move, and I just think it's not an easy sell to have 2 Californians on the ticket. Good communicator, not a great governor.

Whitmer and Buttigieg are decent options. Whitmer is experienced, helps in the midwest. Buttigieg has been good at pushing conservatives in hearings and the media. Whether there's some independents who would be put off by 2 women or a gay man as VP, not sure. But it also tees up (some) conservatives to say some unhinged nonsense about women and gay people, which could also help sway independents and never Trumpers.

Pritzker helps with money, combats Trump's "successful businessman" message. But not a strategic pick.

Cooper is 67, undercuts the call for younger faces. But would help with Virginia, maybe in other swing states.

Wes Moore, Ossoff from Georgia (loses a senate seat though, so unlikely) and Kelly from Arizona (Dem Governor so not as much of a senate issue) are other options. Probably all longshots.

Reckon it'll be Mayor Pete, Shapiro or Cooper.

I'd still love to see Jon Stewart. Run on him championing various veterans, first responders and healthcare causes. Has the track record and some begrudging respect from conservatives over it. Would be brilliant on the campaign/debate stage.

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Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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