Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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View attachment 2055787 So this is who the Left want across the table from Putin and Xi? It's a crazy old world with some crazy people in it...
Democrats aren’t the Left you dumb campaigner. They are centre right. Republican’s are right wing. Do politics 101 USA before commenting in here so you don’t embarrass yourself any further than you already have.
The whole “she isn’t fit for office because she laughs weird” is possibly the shallowest argument, in a very shallow pool.

And now I think of it, does Trump ever actually laugh? I can’t ever remember seeing him laugh, that’s more concerning.
If charisma is a criteria for presidency, Trump shouldn’t run. James Earl Jones is charismatic. JFK was charismatic. Trump is a bloated ******* hot air balloon.
Well the other person who wants the job is a convicted felon, sex offender, multi-timed bankrupted businessman, draft dodger, racist and an insurrectionist. Please highlight which of these scream “qualified for the job”?

Errrr....the one who has done it before?

The one who achieved record levels of employment for blacks, Hispanics and women, as well as record GDP growth and unemployment. Not to mention the fact that no wars broke out during his term in office. I could go on....

It's really not a tough choice - even for the dyed in the wool Marxists like the ones who frequent this echo chamber.
Didn’t Trump get the Republicans to kick the “responsibility of managing the southern border” policy into the gutter because he wanted it as a play thing during the election campaign?

The Republicans were not going to be held to ransom by an $80 billion bailout package for Ukraine. And rightly so.

The border was (and still is) the Democrats debacle. And the average American voter has run out of patience.

Their time in office has run it's course.
Errrr....the one who has done it before?

The one who achieved record levels of employment for blacks, Hispanics and women, as well as record GDP growth and unemployment. Not to mention the fact that no wars broke out during his term in office. I could go on....

It's really not a tough choice - even for the dyed in the wool Marxists like the ones who frequent this echo chamber.
The satire in here gets better as the day wears on!
They are literally shitting their pants just like Donny does!
Hey swanny, did you bang some Tampax on your ear in solidarity?
Interesting choice of picture.

Do you not like women laughing?
Oh, i love women laughing, cackling laughter grates a little though, but i guess we will know in "the passage of time" how that will go down with serious voters in America. The real trouble is she's rather harebrained and finds it difficult to make her point when she doesn't know what she's talking about in the first place.

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Oh, i love women laughing, cackling laughter grates a little though, but i guess we will know in "the passage of time" how that will go down with serious voters in America. The real trouble is she's rather harebrained and finds it difficult to make her point when she doesn't know what she's talking about in the first place.
Can you give us examples of discussions in which this has happened?

Serious discussions on government policy, rights, anything like that will do.
Errrr....the one who has done it before?

The one who achieved record levels of employment for blacks, Hispanics and women, as well as record GDP growth and unemployment. Not to mention the fact that no wars broke out during his term in office. I could go on....

It's really not a tough choice - even for the dyed in the wool Marxists like the ones who frequent this echo chamber.
Economic policies take YEARS to come into effect, moron, that’s a fact. It was Obama that got the economy going.

Love the “Trump = peace” bullshit. Kept them in Iraq, kept them in Afghanistan, assassinated Iranian general, sold arms to Saudi’s, tried to start coup against Venezuela, talked about attacking China, invading Mexico, hawkish on Russia, and increased drone strikes by a dramatic margin.

You Trumpers are living in a fantasy world. He doesn’t give a **** about you. He outsourced 200k jobs and by the way those income taxes for working Americans expired in 2021. They were never meant to be permanent, he hates the average American
I could go on, but why waste anymore time talking about that pro establishment enemy of working class Americans
Nothing happened when Trump was president the first time and the world didn't end, but if Kamala gets elected, the world as we know it takes a huge nose dive. I can't believe the Dems would be that mad to do it?
Could you please elaborate on why KH in the office would send the world into a nose dive?
Democrats aren’t the Left you dumb campaigner. They are centre right. Republican’s are right wing. Do politics 101 USA before commenting in here so you don’t embarrass yourself any further than you already have.
this point is where all possibility of sane political discussion ends. If you believe Democrats are centre right there is no hope for you. Maybe in an economic sense, but on social issues they are hard left.
Errrr....the one who has done it before?

The one who achieved record levels of employment for blacks, Hispanics and women, as well as record GDP growth and unemployment. Not to mention the fact that no wars broke out during his term in office. I could go on....

It's really not a tough choice - even for the dyed in the wool Marxists like the ones who frequent this echo chamber.

Still can't use a dictionary eh?

Also, "achieved". Good one.

You realise Biden has bettered the metrics Trump loves to talk about, if you give the President sole credit?

As for no wars...

The war between Russia and Ukraine has continued since 2014. Ukraine's continued existence has been significantly helped by the current Administration, and risks being sold out by the con artist who says he'll solve it all immediately.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas/Islamic Jihad broke out at various points during Trump's presidency. Trump and Vance's positions are to further stoke tensions and further embolden Israel, which will continue the cycle.

Azerbaijan and Armenia started another war, with about 7000 dying.

The Tigray war, which claimed 8000 plus combatants and potentially hundreds of thousands of civilians began in 2020.
Kamala is somehow actually less popular than Biden. Despite the somewhat manufactured enthusiasm I think the path to the whitehouse is now slightly easier for Trump. Kamala is basically unelectable by any metric. Another Dem own goal
this point is where all possibility of sane political discussion ends. If you believe Democrats are centre right there is no hope for you. Maybe in an economic sense, but on social issues they are hard left.
Yeah and economic policies are primarily what determines the wing of the party *******. Social issues don’t mean jack if the economic issues aren’t sorted because there’d be not enough funding for progressive causes to be implemented
I’ve never cared for Kamala but, honestly, that laugh is infectious and shockingly endearing. I honestly don’t know why critics are honing in on it as their point of criticism, it’s one of her best qualities!
Let’s hope Xi, Putin and Kim fall in love with it too 🤪

This would get them, and you no doubt, in as well…

Yeah and economic policies are primarily what determines the wing of the party *******. Social issues don’t mean jack if the economic issues aren’t sorted because there’d be not enough funding for progressive causes to be implemented
thanks for clarifying your point. you would agree though that on cultural issues Dems are left though
thanks for clarifying your point. you would agree though that on cultural issues Dems are left though
Yes I would agree with that but it’s all just hot air really, a lot of the social rhetoric on both sides is. I tend to ignore it. A lot of it is media/social media fuelled bait. Hence the culture wars tag.

But you and I are never gonna see eye to eye on Trump, who raised the debt by 8 trillion etc. guy shouldn’t be anywhere near politics imo but it is what it is

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Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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