Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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She was a DEI hire. Biden made a point of announcing he would appoint a woman as VP. When she was chosen he proudly asserted that it showed that "any little black or brown girl" could aspire to high office.

Biden had tweeted on Thursday, regarding his choice of Harris as his vice presidential candidate: "This morning, little girls woke up across this nation -- especially Black and Brown girls who so often may feel overlooked and undervalued in our society -- potentially seeing themselves in a new way: As the stuff of Presidents and Vice Presidents."
She is no more a DEI hire than Vance or Trump. At least she has qualifications for the role she was in as VP. Vance has done literally nothing and the GOP now realise he was a horrendous mistake.

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She will never be qualified for some
I mean honestly most politicians aren't qualified when they start in the USA, they end up Senators etc etc and its why you have such a rampant issue of corruption and incompetence.

Have a look at Vance's career history. Wouldn't be qualified to work at a McDonalds and somehow if Trump wins and kicks the bucket Vance becomes President. Like a mule with a spinning wheel...
Do you think Harris is qualified to be VP ?
I'd say more than qualified.

Personally I'm not a fan of her politically, but if was an american citizen, I'd be first to the polling booth to protest vote the other choice out.

Hope this happens.
A little off topic.

But I don't get how 'DEI' can be used as a pejorative.

How would anyone (with a modicum of decorum) be offended by labelled as diverse, equal and inclusive? I'd say it's more of a compliment and not a slur at all.
A little off topic.

But I don't get how 'DEI' can be used as a pejorative.

How would anyone (with a modicum of decorum) be offended by labelled as diverse, equal and inclusive? I'd say it's more of a compliment and not a slur at all.
Because it suggests merit alone wasnt the driver of your position.
also perpetuates the harmful notion that the only people that could possibly ever be qualified for important jobs are straight white folks.
It does. But how do you fix this while affirmative action policies is still a broadly used thing? DEI hire is just another term for affirmative action hire after all. The only way i think you can do that is if you convince people that affirmative action hires are employed to overcome bias against merit rather then to replace merit. But this is impossible to do at the moment while a lot of people who publically advocate for affirmative action openly criticise merit as a value.
It does. But how do you fix this while affirmative action policies is still a broadly used thing? DEI hire is just another term for affirmative action hire after all. The only way i think you can do that is if you convince people that affirmative action hires are employed to overcome bias against merit rather then to replace merit. But this is impossible to do at the moment while a lot of people who publically advocate for affirmative action openly criticise merit as a value.
She will have merit the minute she wins the election.
Trump. at the moment, is meritless, as he is a loser.

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A little off topic.

But I don't get how 'DEI' can be used as a pejorative.

How would anyone (with a modicum of decorum) be offended by labelled as diverse, equal and inclusive? I'd say it's more of a compliment and not a slur at all.
A lot of people on SM in the US equate someone being called DEI as slur akin to calling someone the n.. word
She was a DEI hire. Biden made a point of announcing he would appoint a woman as VP. When she was chosen he proudly asserted that it showed that "any little black or brown girl" could aspire to high office.

Biden had tweeted on Thursday, regarding his choice of Harris as his vice presidential candidate: "This morning, little girls woke up across this nation -- especially Black and Brown girls who so often may feel overlooked and undervalued in our society -- potentially seeing themselves in a new way: As the stuff of Presidents and Vice Presidents."
Most VPs are, in a way.

Much different to Trump choosing Pence to shore up the white evangelical vote in 2016? Wouldn't have thought so.
Most VPs are, in a way.

Much different to Trump choosing Pence to shore up the white evangelical vote in 2016? Wouldn't have thought so.

Yeah but Pence was qualified because <reasons>. Trump was qualified too because of also <reasons>. Vance too for <reasons>.

I can't imagine what's different about Harris.
Her incessant cackling is cringe worthy and not once has she tackled any issues at hand, she laughs her way out of everything because she doesn't have a clue about any of them. She's from California, the worst run state in America. I can't stand her and nobody can understand a thing she is saying. Her immigration work has been abysmal and her strong environmentalism will be an obstacle to winning a number of working-class votes and people are getting sick of it. Employment, energy bills, food and a roof over their heads takes precedence over her crazy ideology.
She has no experience on the world stage, Putin Xi and Netanyahu will eat her alive. She will need Blinken more than ever now, she has said while the U.S. "does not invite conflict" with China, "we absolutely are prepared too and engaged in what is necessary to compete" What is she going to do, send over the 11 carriers at once and tell China to stop being naughty boys?
The pathological hatred of Trump has lefties believing anybody would be better, but if Harris wins and she is a good chance, we're all in trouble, nothing will be better, it will get far worse. The youth of America has been brainwashed and there are those so blinded by anything to do with Trump they actually believe the assassination attempt was staged?
If Harris wins, the fall of the American empire is imminent, she is completely out of her depth here. America will still survive, but it will no longer be the champion of the free world. Whoever will be pulling the strings has their work cut out for them.
Change your goddamed nappies mate, they’re full!

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Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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