Player Watch #6 Logan McDonald

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He was good in the 4th.

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Poor guy. He did look crushed after the miss and he'll have trouble getting to sleep tonight replaying that moment over and over in his head.

But seriously, it's no big deal. You would have liked him to kick it, but that was just one moment in the game. The moment got to him, but it's a great lesson for him early in his career with no significant consequence.

Hopefully he can get over it fairly quickly. It's one game. And one that wouldn't have rested on his shoulders if we weren't so poor for a majority of the game.

Wipe it off Logan, no biggie.
Poor guy. He did look crushed after the miss and he'll have trouble getting to sleep tonight replaying that moment over and over in his head.

But seriously, it's no big deal. You would have liked him to kick it, but that was just one moment in the game. The moment got to him, but it's a great lesson for him early in his career with no significant consequence.

Hopefully he can get over it fairly quickly. It's one game. And one that wouldn't have rested on his shoulders if we weren't so poor for a majority of the game.

Wipe it off Logan, no biggie.
Well done GTS
Poor guy. He did look crushed after the miss and he'll have trouble getting to sleep tonight replaying that moment over and over in his head.

But seriously, it's no big deal. You would have liked him to kick it, but that was just one moment in the game. The moment got to him, but it's a great lesson for him early in his career with no significant consequence.

Hopefully he can get over it fairly quickly. It's one game. And one that wouldn't have rested on his shoulders if we weren't so poor for a majority of the game.

Wipe it off Logan, no biggie.
Yep, that's it.:thumbsu:

Better players than Mcdonald have missed shots like that.

Goodes v Essendon after the siren, Buddy v GWS in tassie wasn't after the siren but close.

It wasn't some routine shot , not saying it wasn't a poor kick. But if he kicks it the hero stuff would be over the top and when he misses the blame is over the top .
Also this will sound like excuses but just rewatched it.

The umpire spent the whole time in his ****en ear , what was that wasted any time he did have before the siren, and means not one Swan can get over and just say settle down man , take your time.

He moved his starting point and rush after the umpire just wouldn't stfu.

Needed to just say ok and take a beat to get his routine, shame a player didn't get over. Looked like he was working in, siren goes umpire says something again he stops then doesn't go back and takes a shorter run up.
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The kid has had some rough moments to start his career. Famously dropped for a gf for a clearly injured player and now this kick.

In reality it's not a massive deal, but in today's social media society, they become pretty overblown very easily. Alot of pressure for a young forward starting out
Also this will sound like excuses but just rewatched it.

The umpire spent the whole time in his ****en ear , what was that wasted any time he did have before the siren, and means not one Swan can get over and just say settle down man , take your time.

He moved his starting point and rush after the umpire just wouldn't stfu.

Needed to just say ok and take a beat to get his routine, shame a player didn't get over. Looked like he was working in, siren goes umpire says something again he stops then doesn't go back and takes a shorter run up.

Thought the umpire wanted to kick it himself at one point
At 22 years of age Logan McDonald has kicked 78 goals (with 8 more games plus finals to go).

At 22 years of age Tom Hawkins had kicked 80 goals. He has 796 to date.

At 22 years of age Josh Kennedy (WCE) had kicked 49 goals. He retired with 723.

At 22 years of age Barry Hall had kicked 63 goals. He retired with 746.

At 22 years of age Tom Lynch (Rich) had 81 goals. He has 462 to date.

Plenty of key forwards have taken time to get to the top of their game.
Also this will sound like excuses but just rewatched it.

The umpire spent the whole time in his ****en ear , what was that wasted any time he did have before the siren, and means not one Swan can get over and just say settle down man , take your time.

He moved his starting point and rush after the umpire just wouldn't stfu.

Needed to just say ok and take a beat to get his routine, shame a player didn't get over. Looked like he was working in, siren goes umpire says something again he stops then doesn't go back and takes a shorter run up.
I actually thought Logan and the ump did the right thing by clarifying the line and run up. Last thing you want is a played on call. Was also glad the siren went before he kicked not during his run up. Thought all that would calm him before the shot.

As we know, he sprayed it. It happens, might be the making of him.

That said, it wasn't a great game from him. I've been a fan/defender of his quiet games because usually he has brought other players into those games, even when he hasn't got much of the ball himself. Today that didn't really happen, it was a genuinely poor game, but not because he missed a tough shot after the siren. And he was far from alone being poor, so no pile-ons necessary.

I would be interested to see what would happen if we gave him a bit of a run down back. He's pretty good at edging out his man, he just doesn't finish it off, which is less of a concern for a defender, and he's a terrific user of the ball in general play. Could give him a bit of confidence.
Great observation. I think you stick with him as a KPF for as long as their is hope he may be a star (which there is) but he would make an excellent KFD.
I think he was worried about his line, seemed like he asked the umpire about it
To be honest, if this is the case then it is either bad coaching (they should have taken the players through how the rule works after the siren, and helped the players understand what that means for their routines) or he just froze up.

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