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Originally posted by bunsen burner
Some people are fired up because they percieve the aborigines in question (the rioters and the elder who made that statement) have used the race card when there was most likely nothing in it.

Some peope are fired up because they have no tolerence of aboriginals who are criminals.

And some people are fired up because they don't like racists or don't like people they percieve as racists.

A touchy subject but good to hear everyone's different views. Maybe some people might even learn from different persoective that they had previously never considered. And then again, maybe not.


but maybe they are playing the race card
Originally posted by Milkman
Be more specific, were they in a car? how far behind were the police? How fast were they travelling? How the hell am I supposed to answer such a general question?
Makes no difference except for whether or not they hit him with their car. Lat's assume they were just chasing him and never touched him with themselves or their car.

And what's the point anyway?
Everything. The riot started because people believed he died as a result from the police chasing him.
heaps of white people die each year, due to the police, i dont see white people starting a riot and acting like a bunch of 10 year olds who want there mums...

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Originally posted by bunsen burner
Makes no difference except for whether or not they hit him with their car. Lat's assume they were just chasing him and never touched him with themselves or their car.

Everything. The riot started because people believed he died as a result from the police chasing him.

but what right do they have to riot, they have right to freedom of speech, the right to protest but not to riot......

so they are automatically legally and ethically wrong anyway
Bunsen, I don't think the police are guilty just because they chased him, of course not. My assumption of guilt, (which i'll be the first to admit could be wrong), comes from all the factors I previously mentioned. An eye witness who contradicted the officer's account of events, the unliklihood of the officer's story, the fact that police brutality is a reality, and there was already a history of violence between aborigines and police in the area.

I'd love to debate all night, but gotta work tomorrow, hopefully we'll get moreof the facts soon.
Originally posted by Scottroo
heaps of white people die each year, due to the police, i dont see white people starting a riot and acting like a bunch of 10 year olds who want there mums...

Aborigines get stopped by the police constantly, just for being aborigines. Wouldn't that p¡ss you off?
Originally posted by Milkman
Bunsen, I'm don't think the police are guilty just because they chased him, of course not. My assumption of guilt, (which i'll be the first to admit could be wrong), comes from all the factors I previously mentioned. An eye witness who contradicted the officers account of events, the unliklihood of the officers story, the fact that police brutality is a reality, and there was already a history of violence between aborigines and police in the area.

I'd love to debate all night, but gotta work tomorrow, hopefully we'll get moreof the facts soon.

witness was an aboriginal...... as all races do they tend to stick together so no wonder they contradicted the police
I am unsure if this has been mentioned in this thread but here it is anyway.

Throughout Australia there are professional activists or agitators in the Aboriginal community. These people jump on anything to further their cause, usually at the expense of their own people. What happened in Redfern, goes on throughout Australia. These people arrive in town after a death, which has gained media exposure. They stir up the aboriginal community, fill them up with grog, hysteria and hatred, then sit back and watch the results. They do not care one iota about their own, just their cause.

Anyone thats lived in Northern Victoria, with large Aboriginal population will have some idea what I am talking about.
Originally posted by RooDog
witness was an aboriginal...... as all races do they tend to stick together so no wonder they contradicted the police

Actually the witness wasn't aboriginal, and you are definitely racist.
Originally posted by Milkman
That's exactly what i'm saying.

Well you seem to have everything under control, so I will leave it there. How can I argue with such logic.

Milkman doesnt know about it so it doesnt happen.:confused:

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Originally posted by Kenny_01
I am sick of people accusing others of being racist over the smallest things. If I said "an aboriginal man mugged someone at the bus station", some say that is a racist comment :rolleyes: However, it is perfectly alright for aboriginals to call someone a 'white boy' or whatever. Double standards definitely apply. You have to watch everything you say because everything is scrutinised incase there is a comment in there that someone might classify as racism.

Aboriginal people have had it tough for many years, no one is doubting that, but are they making any effort to make things better for themselves? They now have plenty of opportunity for an education and a decent standard of living with government benefits, and rightfully so, but I don't see things changing.

How do so many of them get involved in crime, even the ones with an education? Aboriginals that went to my school and were in my footy team mugged our own teammates. A girl I know was r*ped by a group of 4 aboriginals outside the library. It just seems most of the crime around my suburb are caused by aboriginals.

I also know some genuinely nice aboriginal people and they get treated with plenty of respect by most people. But whether anyone likes it or not, there are many many aboriginies that go out and cause trouble, so it is understandably hard for people to warm to them and treat them like anyone else; they make it impossible to do so. If the majority (say 95%) of aboriginal people behaved at a socially acceptable level, then I doubt any real problem would exist, atleast not of this magnitude.

All true.

It is a simple, unassailable fact that there is a serious problem in many aboriginal communities in urban areas. If you have trouble believing that, try taking a walk through perth's city centre after dark.

The problem is that people politicise the issue for their own ends. Its very easy to say 'those bloody <insert racial expletive here>, should all be locked up and shot..' and walk away in a haze of racist self righteousness. Its also equally easy to trot out the '..stole their land, blah blah, racism at every level of society, blah sorry day...' etc etc leftist claptrap, and leave it at that. Frankly, I get the impression that a lot of groups use aboriginal issues for their own ends without giving a **** about actually trying to fix the problems- they're just a bit of convenient political mileage, and there's hardly any point in fostering racial harmony, because if Aboriginal society was entirely integrated and not at all a problem, then the protest movement would have one less cause to attack the establishment about.

People like Noel Pearson are to be applauded- I remember hearing a talk he gave a few years ago, and just being impressed that he was the first aboriginal leader I'd ever heard who was prepared to face up to the problems and actually try and do something practical about it rather than continue to mouth the same old rhetoric.
Originally posted by Milkman
So how did he end up impaled on the fence? Falling off his bike? I don't think so. Anyway numerous witnesses have come forward and stated that they saw the police chase him down the ally.

How he got there is irrelavent. The little **** got what he had coming. Aboriginal or not.
Originally posted by Danni
And going on your posting history and insinuations, those of aboriginal decent are the only ones to blame, every one else is apparently innocent.

It would seem your one eyed view on things is rather 'black and white' hey Mr Green?

You can take this as an official notification. I'm sick to death of coming home from work to find complaints in my inbox about your racist taunts. Your comments are either one one side of the fence or the other, sooner or later you're going to impale yourself with all that jumping. Unfotunately for you, we don't care to wait and see how long it takes for that to happen. Pick a side of the fence and stay on it. If you choose to express the opinions from whatever side you pick in an inappropriate and offensive manner, you're out of here.


What is the point of your post, when it seems that you or any other moderator, administrator hasnt deleted the racist comments and references to apes, rock apes etc?

Isnt it quite simple. If you dont want racist remarks, delete them and suspend posters.

But then what is the point of suspending someone when they can just re register under a different hotmail address. There lies the problem. And you know what the answer is. I dont understand why you dont do it.

Originally posted by EssJayW

I dont understand why you dont do it.

Because Green is telling it like it is. And surely one can't be banned for that. Truth Hurts. Danny_Green has the Balls to talk the truth and not hold back and the precious doo-gooders out there cant' handle it.

And that is True.
Originally posted by KiNgCliVe26
How he got there is irrelavent. The little **** got what he had coming. Aboriginal or not.

How do you come to that conclusion.

How did he get 'what he had coming'?

Why did he deserve it, was he a murderer, or a rapist...

What did the kid do, to deserve such a tragic useless death?
Originally posted by SaveFeriss
How do you come to that conclusion.

What did the kid do, to deserve such a tragic useless death?

He was a criminal. And the little **** would never of amounted to anything. Saved the taxpayers hundreds of thousands by copping a much deserved early death.
It's a toss-up between KingClive26 and goaldrush for best gimmick posters on this site, if only because they truly live their gimmicks.
Originally posted by KiNgCliVe26
He was a criminal. And the little **** would never of amounted to anything. Saved the taxpayers hundreds of thousands by copping a much deserved early death.

I feel sorry for you.

If the message i just recieved in my inbox is any indication, Im sure you will also recieve one very shortly.
Originally posted by mace007
It's a toss-up between KingClive26 and goaldrush for best gimmick posters on this site, if only because they truly live their gimmicks.

Not really. Don't associate me with goldrush. I am not a gimmick. I would rather the little crim die now than to live on and steal a car and kill some INNOCENT people.
Originally posted by Milkman
Aborigines get stopped by the police constantly, just for being aborigines. Wouldn't that p¡ss you off?

Teenagers on P plates with hotted up cars get stopped by police constantly for being teenagers on P plates with hotted up cars.

Does this mean they should riot too???
Originally posted by Syd
Teenagers on P plates with hotted up cars get stopped by police constantly for being teenagers on P plates with hotted up cars.

Does this mean they should riot too???

Nah, people only care about discrimination when its "racism" against aborigines.

I agree with Kenny's post and most of what Danny_Green has said, not by any means all though

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