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Originally posted by superstar
And yes, there are large probalems in aboriginal society, and some of the do-gooders in this thread are kidding themselves if they believe drug abuse and crime is not more prevalent among indigenous communities.

Which do-gooders are you talking about? I don't recall anyone denying these problems exist.
Originally posted by Milkman
I'm getting really bored with you, it's like i'm arguing with a friggin monkey.
Once again it is you playing games. Not uncommon.

Read this very carefully Bunsen:

If the police are found to have been chasing the boy, (with me so far?) Why would they have denied it, if they weren't at least least partially responsible for the accident?
You're atlking about it from a different angle, ie not the angle I proposed to you.

Let's say they were in fact chasing the boy.

So you say they must be guilty of something otherwise they wouldn't have covered it up. Fair enough.


You must have thought out a few scenarios in your head. Please share them.

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I think this thread highlights that as a people we haven't progressed too far since Myall Creek in 1838.

Is it really necessary for aborigines to be labelled rockapes, apes, things, and protected species?

There are so many issues to cover on this thread, but should it be used to project racial hatred? We saw enough of that on Sunday night.

Instead of being reactionary and stereotypical, the issues behind this appalling riot should be discovered.

Just a point, and i am not trying to be provocative, but I am sure most of us know more about American Indians than we do about our own native people. I bet most of us could name at least half a dozen American indian tribes, but couldn't name a single aboriginal tribe.
Look i dont know what i am trying to say, i am perplexed by these issues, some here try to paint me as a do gooding bleeding heart towards aborigines. True, i hate racism, and racists, whether they be black white brown or brindal, i merely ask that all aborigines are not tarred with the one brush (pun purely unintended.) and treated as other members of our society are treated.
Originally posted by Milkman
I have witnessed much bad behavour by aborigines, I spend a lot of time in Northbridge, but I also have the foresight to realise that white folk are much to blame for this. If you think this is a level playing field your are sorely misguided.

you can not give that excuse, white people are not to blame, what happend happend alon time ago, move on! Dont start on the supposed stolen generation less than 8% of an entire generation were taken, admitedly that was wrong, but its not an entire generaion! the Brittish government, did worse things to many more Australian soldiers with their nuclear testing in the 50s n 60s, but white people do not hold a grudge against the Brittish! They got over it and moved on and realised that at the time no one knew what they were doing was wrong and if you go back to 1877 when white man first came to settle in australia, they didnt understand what they were doing was wrong, they did it to other white settlers in other countries but theres not as bigger fuss in these countries is there! John Howard shouldnt have to say sorry to the Aboriginal people for there supposed stolen genereation, it was not people of our time that did it, it was people in the past and as sorry as i am for it, it is not our problem!
Originally posted by superstar
Can't believe someone was banned for having an unpopular opinion. Ridiculous censorship from a pathetic, naive individual.

Really? Who was banned for having an unpopular opinion? Please contact me with the name of the user who's title has been set as "Booted - Unpopular Opinion" so that I can rectify this anomaly.
Originally posted by Milkman
Could be neglegence, could be manslaughter, could be murder. I don't know, I wasn't there.

could just be a tragic ACCIDENT. you dont know, you werent there.

The rioters were made up of people who werent there. Yes there is a witness, but the police als state they werent chasing him.

word against word.

The rioters were in the wrong. No doubt. The police MAY be in the wrong, but we dont know.
Originally posted by Milkman
This kid saw the police drive past, buggered off on his bike, lost control and impaled himself on a fence. Yeah right!

I'm sorry, but the cops are full of sh¡t this time, and if I'd have know the kid and was still a teenager, I probably would have thrown a few bricks at the police myself.

Your attitude right from the start was that the police must be guilty of something.

That's why people want you to say what it is.
Originally posted by GoalsFrom50Out
Have you ever been offered Heroin on a bus by an Aboriginal? I have, about a month ago. I didn't want to say anything incase the prick had a knife on him.

No, but I've been offered heroin by a white man at Flinders Street station and by a Vietnamese bloke at Springvale station, both of whom could have been armed. What, apart from a poor attempt to villfy a section of the community based on the actions of one person, was the point of that remark?
Re: Re: Re: Aborigines...

Originally posted by Danny_Green
Australia's only crime was not for what it had done in the past.... but that we did not follow the lead that Tasmania set back in the early part of last century.

No, really Danny. Go back to STORMFRONT and spare us your "intelligence". At least you can't claim to support Windschuttle's revisionist history of Tasmania if you make comments like this.
QUOTE]Originally posted by Fred
As far as I recall, they said they weren't chasing him. That's an excellent reason for denying it. [/QUOTE]

Milkman, I saw the morning news and the witness in question.

for the record

she was not caught up in the hysteria
she did not have a cask in her hand
doubt she was skipping her TAFE course
she wasn't trying to sell the reporter herion
she wasn't calling the police racist scum
she was not american

she matter of factly said she saw the police chasing the boy. Police denied a vicous beating recently in melb until more witnesses came forward.

police did not handle the riot very well (30 officers cowering behind 5 riot shields, no shields above them at the back), police did not handle the media very well (or did they?) and just maybe they didn't handle the boy too well.

does that give the others the right to riot, destroy property and injure police - thats what happens when people don't have a voice in our society. It is the only way they will be heard.

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Originally posted by KiNgCliVe26
I honestly belive that if the rioters were all blown up at the time society would be better off with out them.

You are very silly Clive.

Back about 20 years ago members of the ANC in South Africa used to riot all the time because they had no rights whatsover in their own country.

Now they run the country as a legitimate political party.

Whilst the sitaution here is obviously different I am only trying to point out that sometimes people riot because that is the only outlet that they have to protest the way they have been treated as they have either no legal rights or no practical way of using them.

I am sure many Aboriginal people feel that the Australian justice system is not something that can protect them or provide them with an outlet to fix what they see as their problems

This is not to condone the riots in any way but to point out there are reasons why these things happen and for people to make blanket violent statements like yours is just stupid.

Think about it.
Originally posted by lozstar
I feel wrong agreeing with alot of the things you're saying.. Good on ya for saying it too, 'bout time that someone did! But, if that kid wasn't Aboriginal there wouldn't be a big deal made it of. Reeks of protected species.

What a stupid statement.

Protected speices??

What is the proof of that - imprisonment rate, child mortality rates, sucide rates.

Its exactly the opposite.

I think you will find that if any kid had died by being impaled on a fence with an allegation that the police had been responsible that a big deal would be made about it. whatever the skin colour or race.
Originally posted by KiNgCliVe26
Because Green is telling it like it is. And surely one can't be banned for that. Truth Hurts. Danny_Green has the Balls to talk the truth and not hold back and the precious doo-gooders out there cant' handle it.

And that is True.

There are ways to get your point across without racist remarks. Why refer to them as rockapes? All that does is discredit anything else he has to say. It doesnt take balls to use racist remarks or abuse. It takes balls to put across your point without using these remarks.
Possibly the whole thread has now stepped into where it should go into the S,C & P board, but perhaps some of you might like to have a read of what happened in the name of race and colour in Detroit in 1967.

Try reading the whole article and picking the similarities.

Could it happen here?

Detroit Riot of 1967


The Detroit Riot of 1967 began when police vice squad officers executed a raid on an after hours drinking club or “blind pig” in a predominantly black neighborhoods located at Twelfth Street and Clairmount Avenue. They were expecting to round up a few patrons, but instead found 82 people inside holding a party for two returning Vietnam veterans. Yet, the officers attempted to arrest everyone who was on the scene. While the police awaited a “clean-up crew” to transport the arrestees, a crowd gathered around the establishment in protest. After the last police car left, a small group of men who were “confused and upset because they were kicked out of the only place they had to go” lifted up the bars of an adjacent clothing store and broke the windows. From this point of origin, further reports of vandalism diffused. Looting and fires spread through the Northwest side of Detroit, then crossed over to the East Side. Within 48 hours, the National Guard was mobilized, to be followed by the 82nd airborne on the riot’s fourth day. As police and military troops sought to regain control of the city, violence escalated. At the conclusion of 5 days of rioting, 43 people lay dead, 1189 injured and over 7000 people had been arrested.

Causes of the Detroit Riot

The origins of urban unrest in Detroit were rooted in a multitude of political, economic, and social factors including police abuse, lack of affordable housing, urban renewal projects, economic inequality, black militancy, and rapid demographic change.

Link to full article

Originally posted by KiNgCliVe26
Well Said.

I also agree with what danny_green is saying.

Was in Subway (eat fresh) in NorthBridge one night and two different groups of abo's came in and started throwing chairs and table and bottles at each other. Everyone bolted outside. The police came after it was two late and there was an old abo lady waving a shirt around yelling "Come here u f'n *****. The put her in the wagon and on lookers told her to have a good night.

Why am i not surprised by this post?
Originally posted by KiNgCliVe26
He was a criminal. And the little **** would never of amounted to anything. Saved the taxpayers hundreds of thousands by copping a much deserved early death.

Clive you need help. Your parents have obviously failed to teach you any common deceny. I cry for you.
Originally posted by Mobbenfuhrer
Opinions, argument, emotion is all fine, right or wrong or otherwise. But no racist or racially derogatory abuse is acceptable here.

With such a highly emotive/inflammatory topic, how the hell do you expect NOT to get any?

This is without doubt a massive edit-fest.
Originally posted by Jars458

I am sure many Aboriginal people feel that the Australian justice system is not something that can protect them or provide them with an outlet to fix what they see as their problems
Because it can't. But that's no excuse for people to riot.

The problem is the clashing of two cultures - one of them a couple of thousand years more advanced. The Australian justice cannot fix this and it is also not their job. The Australian justice system makes and enforces laws - for everyone regardless of colour, race, or background.
Originally posted by Jars458
I think you will find that if any kid had died by being impaled on a fence with an allegation that the police had been responsible that a big deal would be made about it. whatever the skin colour or race.
If the allegation was that the police chased a person and they had an unfortunate accident whilst being chased, no big deal would have been made of it. Certainly not a riot.

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