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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Aborigines...

Originally posted by Bomber Spirit
Voting's compulsory, so just about all of them would.
What's really a tragedy is that Danny_Green also has to vote, so a sensible person's vote is cancelled out.

No it's not, getting your name crossed off the electoral roll is. What you do between there and the booth is your business.
Originally posted by KiNgCliVe26
I would rather the little crim die now than to live on and steal a car and kill some INNOCENT people.

By that logic anybody that speeds should be killed. Anybody that J walks should die. Sure it would save money as no-body would be alive.
In all honesty, I feel the plight of the Aboriginal people, I really do, but to think that rioting will be a positive thing just highlights their lack of foresight.

Ok, so Police pull them over/"harrass" them... After throwing bricks at their head, do you think that will now stop? Or do you think that the cops will now rough up every aboriginal they see, just in case they were the one who hurt them on Sunday night?

If they want to deal with how they are perceived in not only this country, but also on the world stage, perhaps it would be a better move if the chairman of their governing body wasn't a guy who led pack-rapes on his cousins, got into fights at pubs etc and then pulled the 'racist' card.

Quite simply, ATSIC is a joke, and until the Aboriginal leaders aren't brought into rank & file, the rest of the community will be tarred with the same brush. Sad, but unfortunately true. When all the really need is a strong, educated and passionate leader, as opposed to someone who is renowned for their criminal past, and their predilection for screaming 'racist' everytime the cards don't fall their way.

The problem starts at the top, not some 11yo kid throwing rocks.

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Interesting that I live in an area with a substantial Aboriginal population. Since living in the area I have had junkies pass out on my shoulder while catching the train, seen several fights including a brawl on a tram, seen multiple drug deals and guess what...not an Aboriginal in sight.

I don't deny that there are some terrible social problems in the Aboriginal community but there are many people who are striving hard to make a difference. Aboriginals encounter racism nearly every day. I played football in a team where the majority of players were Aboriginal and talking with them made me realise what a hard life a lot of them have. I take it for granted that I can walk down the street without being abused or looked at sideways, that opportunities are available to me. As for the stereotype that Aborigines are lazy drunks, a lot of the players had jobs and didn't drink.
Originally posted by RooDog
but what right do they have to riot, they have right to freedom of speech, the right to protest but not to riot......

so they are automatically legally and ethically wrong anyway
Err dude, I'm on your side regarding this point. I have stated a number of times that even if the police were chasing him it is not their fault - providing they didn't ram or throw him onto the fence.
Originally posted by Milkman
Bunsen, I don't think the police are guilty just because they chased him, of course not. My assumption of guilt, (which i'll be the first to admit could be wrong), comes from all the factors I previously mentioned. An eye witness who contradicted the officer's account of events, the unliklihood of the officer's story, the fact that police brutality is a reality, and there was already a history of violence between aborigines and police in the area.

I'd love to debate all night, but gotta work tomorrow, hopefully we'll get moreof the facts soon.
Ok, so we have ascertained that you believe the officers aren't to blame if they merely chased him.

Please confirm.

Now, let's see if you can answer the next question (that I have already asked you):

What do you think they are guilty of? There can only possibly be two things:

1) Manslaughter - they somehow rammed or pushed him onto the fence
2) Murder - they threw him on the fence.

ps it would be much easier if you answered my questions properly the first time around. You have a habit of dodging questions and not really answering the questions properly.
Originally posted by RooDog
witness was an aboriginal...... as all races do they tend to stick together so no wonder they contradicted the police
Actually, a lot of the community (black or white) stick together. Saw it happen a few years ago with a similar incident. Can't remember the exact circumstances though.
Originally posted by KiNgCliVe26
How he got there is irrelavent. The little **** got what he had coming. Aboriginal or not.
People don't deserve to die for petty crime. You are an A-grade redneck. Your family has most likely taught you some points of view that are very very wrong.

I honestly belive that if the rioters were all blown up at the time society would be better off with out them.
Maybe it would, but do you think it is fair to take people's lives because they were rioting? Do you not think that blowing them up is as barbaric as someone like Saddam? They shoot rioters in communist China. Do you think you'd be happier with their regime?
Originally posted by bloodsports
As one of the most oppressed and abused subcultures of any society, Australian Aboriginals are extreamly passive.

Yeah tell that to my mate who got belted and jumped in a park for the 10 or so bucks he had in his wallet, the guy had to spend the night in hospital.
These storys are common with the Aboriginals and THAT is what has to stop, the way they portray them selves is the way they are treated.
There are some fantastic Aboriginal people that i know but there are a crap load of them who are preety much scum.

Originally posted by KiNgCliVe26
I am not a gimmick. I would rather the little crim die now than to live on and steal a car and kill some INNOCENT people.
Pretty big assumption to take someone's life on.

You're not a gimmick, you're a racist and a redneck. You should go join the KKK or the Nazi party. You'd fit right in.
Originally posted by Bobby Giovanni
The problem starts at the top, not some 11yo kid throwing rocks.
Exactly. The sooner community elders stop brainwashing their kids to hate white people, the quicker the gap between indigenous and non-indigenous people will close.

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Bunsen, for the third and very last time, I don't know exactly how the boy ended up on the fence, I wasn't bloody there!! Now if you tell me what your point is, instead of asking me stupid questions, maybe we'll stop going around in circles.
Originally posted by bunsen burner
Exactly. The sooner community elders stop brainwashing their kids to hate white people, the quicker the gap between indigenous and non-indigenous people will close.

What have you been drinking Bunsen?

Why not re-read this entire thread, then you'll get a pretty good idea of why alot of young aborigines aren't too fond of us white folk. Put yourself in their shoes FFS. I find some of the ignorance expressed here to be quite astoundning, and frankly, it makes me scared for the future of this country.
Originally posted by Milkman
Bunsen, for the third and very last time, I don't know exactly how the boy ended up on the fence, I wasn't bloody there!! Now if you tell me what your point is, instead of asking me stupid questions, maybe we'll stop going around in circles.
I've been asking you very simple questions all along, as I have on other threads. Seems you like to play dumb and play games.

Now (nice and slow):

1) You say the police are guilty
2) But not because they chase him (noting wrong with that)

So what are they guilty of?

Surely you brain doesn't stop at "well I'd say their lieing, there story seems suss, thay must be guilty"

Surely you have thought to yourself what they might be guilty of?

So, what could they be guilty of? What where the different scenarios that you tossed around in your mind.
Originally posted by Milkman
What have you been drinking Bunsen?

Why not re-read this entire thread, then you'll get a pretty good idea of why alot of young aborigines aren't too fond of us white folk. Put yourself in their shoes FFS. I find some of the ignorance expressed here to be quite astoundning, and frankly, it makes me scared for the future of this country.
Go read my first post. Explains what I have said in a bit more detail. I'm sorry but the only reason kids that young have no respect for our society is because they are taught it. This is due to underlieing problems which aren't necessarily their fault.
Originally posted by bunsen burner
I've been asking you very simple questions all along, as I have on other threads. Seems you like to play dumb and play games.

Now (nice and slow):

1) You say the police are guilty
2) But not because they chase him (noting wrong with that)

So what are they guilty of?

Surely you brain doesn't stop at "well I'd say their lieing, there story seems suss, thay must be guilty"

Surely you have thought to yourself what they might be guilty of?

So, what could they be guilty of? What where the different scenarios that you tossed around in your mind.

I'm getting really bored with you, it's like i'm arguing with a friggin monkey.

Read this very carefully Bunsen:

If the police are found to have been chasing the boy, (with me so far?) Why would they have denied it, if they weren't at least least partially responsible for the accident? It's not exactly brain surgery.
Originally posted by Milkman
I'm getting really bored with you, it's like i'm arguing with a friggin monkey.

Read this very carefully Bunsen:

If the police are found to have been chasing the boy, (with me so far?) Why would they have denied it, if they weren't at least least partially responsible for the accident? It's not exactly brain surgery.

As far as I recall, they said they weren't chasing him. That's an excellent reason for denying it.
Originally posted by bunsen burner
Err dude, I'm on your side regarding this point. I have stated a number of times that even if the police were chasing him it is not their fault - providing they didn't ram or throw him onto the fence.

sorry dude i miss understood
Originally posted by bunsen burner
I have, but have you put yourself in the shoes of people who constantly witness bad behaviour by aboriginals? It goes both ways you know.

I have witnessed much bad behavour by aborigines, I spend a lot of time in Northbridge, but I also have the foresight to realise that white folk are much to blame for this. If you think this is a level playing field you're are sorely misguided.
Cheers to Bunsen Burner for maintaining sanity in this thread.

Better be careful here, as the clearly subjective, precious mods will probably have me banned for suggesting the police were not at fault for attempting to apprehend a criminal. Yes, it's tragic that the boy was killed. Terribly tragic. But the police were not to blame.

And yes, there are large probalems in aboriginal society, and some of the do-gooders in this thread are kidding themselves if they believe drug abuse and crime is not more prevalent among indigenous communities.

Can't believe someone was banned for having an unpopular opinion. Ridiculous censorship from a pathetic, naive individual.
Originally posted by bunsen burner
Actually, a lot of the community (black or white) stick together. Saw it happen a few years ago with a similar incident. Can't remember the exact circumstances though.

thats what i was trying to say!!! it doesnt only happen with aborigines, it happens with all races and i meant to put communities in there too!!
Originally posted by Fred
As far as I recall, they said they weren't chasing him. That's an excellent reason for denying it.

You need to read the entire thread before you comment, i'm getting sick of repeating myself.

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