Mega Thread Adam Goodes: Confirmed racial slur by fan, apology made and accepted

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Let get this straight Goodes was not alive in 67, i was not around for the stolen generation. I never whip or ran anyone of a cliff. So don't give me this shit, it's in the pass. Goodes was grand standing and he made a fool out of him self.

My Grandmother landed here and was treated like a dog and called names, you know what my family did? Got jobs work like dogs day and night and now the same people who called them names work for them. They didn't carry on like a 2 bob watch over someone else's stupidity.

All this is, is a child did something stupid and a grown man wanted to make a point and make a big deal out of something stupid. If this little girl harms her self i hope Goodes takes a look in the mirror and says to him self this is on me all coz i wanted to be the big **** on the day.

Where to start, hmmm.

Your parents might have been called names and had their feelings hurt but aborigines have had much worse done to them, like attempted genocide. They still face significant inequalities.

If you want to believe that the persecution your parents have lived through is equal to what aborigines have endured, and your parents have prospered where the aborigines haven't due to some perceived fundamental superiority then go for it but it's flawed logic. You think like that because you're not aware how deluded you are.

Ok, so the comparison between aborigines and greeks, italians, chinese etc are ridiculous. Not to mention blaming Goodes for this incident is outrageous. People blaming him are seriously unbalanced. It defies belief.

Goodes has been a class act in this shitty situation.
Could not be more impressed with Goodes and his reaction - especially today.

Too many people want to be offended and engage in hysteria as a result, yet you've got a guy who has genuine cause, yet his reaction is to try and embrace and support the girl, and help her learn from it.

Class act.

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Yep. I suspected as much. Race probably didn't even enter her mind when she made the comment.

Or well brought up not to make such racist associations.

What is 13yo these days? Year 7?
If you are brought up by parents who say that calling a black person who an ape is okay, then you're going to get into a lot of trouble in life. Some people definitely do look like apes (not just blacks) but you cannot go calling a black person an ape with the history of the slur.

Probably lying anyway, either that or she's just a dumb girl.

It would be like calling a homosexual a f'ing *** and claiming you didn't know it is putting down homosexuals.
Could not be more impressed with Goodes and his reaction - especially today.

Too many people want to be offended and engage in hysteria as a result, yet you've got a guy who has genuine cause, yet his reaction is to try and embrace and support the girl, and help her learn from it.

Class act.

Yup. Certainly a lot classier than some posters here, that's for sure.
There is not a nation on this planet which does not have a history of racist behaviour/attitudes-most far more vicious than Australia's. That includes African and Asian countries which to this day persecute people based upon their race. The genocide in Rwanda was only a few years ago and entirely based on racism. We need some perspective. Too many write as if white anglo saxons are responsible for all racism on this planet. The indigenous people call others of a white and black parentage "coconuts". A derogatory term which says they may be brown on the outside but they are white on the inside- a slur many have had hurled at them.

As for Goodes being a hero-what patronising nonsense. There was nothing remotely heroic about what he did. He didn't risk anything. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain, he was in no danger-he knew he already had the support of almost every person in the stadium as well as the entire AFL community. Hero? Please.:rolleyes: When he stands up at a KKK meeting in the deep south of the USA and condemns their attitudes I'll call him a hero.

The discussion in question relates to an incident of racial abuse being direct at an Indigenous Australian football player during an Australian Football game that took place in Melbourne. The 'big picture' issue so to speak, the notion of racism in Australia and the current effectiveness of the education systems in place within our nation assisting children like the 13 year old girl in question, to grow up understanding the importance of achieving reconciliation with our indigenous people and the fact racism in any form will no longer be tolerated.

I fail to see how in any circumstance a discussion of more extreme issues in entirely different nations is at all relevant in generating the apparent logical 'perspective' you speak of in relation to a debate that is focusing on racial equality in Australia and only Australia?

As for your stating of the use of "coconuts" as a derogatory term used toward those of a mixed colour parentage, how is this relative to the case of last night? Yes, the use of such a term is equally as offensive I absolutely agree, but why draw attention to it now? It simply makes it appear as though you are claiming that as "they do it to" (alleged indigenous parties) then we should simply get over last nights events.

As for Goodes having "nothing to lose" I agree, most would probably have no doubt in believing that this was his mindset in doing what he did. But as for claiming he had "everything to gain" and "knew he already had the support of almost every person in the stadium", that is truly bewildering.

I don't know if it's the lowest point in my career, but personally, I don't think I've been more hurt by someone calling me a name than I was last night
Adam Goodes
Does this sound like the voice of a man who had "everything to gain"?
And as for your other claims, online footage of the incident available chronicles the entire event at a grand total of 44 seconds. Do you sincerely believe that Goodes, in the middle of a football match, has heard the slur, paused to consider a debate of personal losses and gains, a potential grand total of support he may have if he chose to make a statement toward the girl vilifying him and only after gone ahead with his actions?​
Yes, anyone standing up and speaking out against the KKK in Americas south should indeed be called a hero..but again, how on earth is that at all a relevant argument in this case?

You have every right to your own opinion, and if you don't consider Goodes' actions heroic or important than thats your viewpoint and we are all well and truly entitled to our own.

But he is an Indigenous Australian, living in a nation that has a dark and chequered history and by taking a stand, has demonstrated that racism should never again have a place in our country, no matter where it comes form. To me such an act and the influence it will have is more than worthy of the tag of 'hero'

But maybe thats just me
I've never held a particular liking toward Adam Goodes. The man has an unfortunate habit of conducting football lessons against Hawthorn and I will be the first to admit to calling him every swear word under the sun after the Gibson incident. Yet, there is an immeasurable difference between the regular use of vulgar language at the football we have all heard or used at some point in our lives, and the use of vulgar language which carries with it severe racial connotations.

'White Australia', the "Stolen Generation', our horrendous treatment of 1968 200m Olympic silver medal winner Peter Norman for his support of American runners Tommie Smith and John Carlos. Such events are instant reminders of Australia's long and disgraceful history of racial vilification the majority of us would like to forget .

Have we come a long way since these times? Yes, that is undisputed.
In 2008, then PM Kevin Rudd spoke of the "unfinished business of the nation" when apologizing to the Aborigine 'stolen generation', and a hope of achieving reconciliation and equality between the Aborigine people and the rest of Australia. 5 years later how close our nation is to concluding the "unfinished business of the nation" is truly remarkable, but last night simply showed how much work there is to still be done.

In a round intended for a celebration of Indigenous superstars, one of the greatest to ever play our game was called an 'ape' by a 13 year old girl. He stopped, singled her out with no hesitation and ensured her removal from the ground. We should all well and truly in an age where anyone of any age or gender should be educated in regard to the significant offense connotations of such a term carries for those of colored descent.

But as a statement provided by Goodes himself rightly states, this is simply not the case

"She's 13, she's still so innocent. I don't put any blame on her. Unfortunately, it's what she hears, in the environment she's grown up in that has made her think that it's ok to call people names."

Youth represent the future of any nation, and the particular case of the 13 year old in question is just one example of how far we still have to go to achieve reconciliation and equality. An innocent and impressionable young girl who should have been raised by the moral guidelines of a nation that prides itself on championing equality has been taught to believe the use of such a derogatory racial slur is acceptable.

If Goodes did not choose to take a stand right then and there, perhaps she becomes just one of many representing Australia's future who have not been taught that such behavior can NEVER be ok, not even in the most heated or passionate of moments that many a sporting arena can represent.

This is not about the girl, and this is not about Adam Goodes. What this is about is not losing sight of how far we've come in the fight for racial equality in Australia, and most importantly it's about not losing sight of how far we still have to go in the moral education of our nation and it's future.

In this day and age, racial vilification cannot ever be allowed societal position, and for all those who claim Goodes has ruined the young woman in questions life,
I dare say his actions will be a defining moment in the improved woman she will grow up to become.

I've long held a particular dislike toward Goodes for reasons motivated by little more than the joyful prejudices of the opposition football fan, yet after last night I can't help thinking the man a hero.

Adam Goodes you are a champion in every sense of the word,
I hope one day I can grow up to be even half the man you've shown yourself to be
Outstanding post.
Overreacted? Whether she understood the cultural implications of what she said or not, it doesn't matter. It's an incredibly offensive term, tantamount with calling him the unthinkable n-word.

Rubbish. The "n-word", as you put it, has one clear and unmistakable meaning and it's use establishes the clear and unmistakable intent of making a racially based comment. The words APE has none of this. It's offense is taken at solely at the level of interpretation.
If you are brought up by parents who say that calling a black person who an ape is okay, then you're going to get into a lot of trouble in life.

My parents have nothing to do with this, but I have found the willingness of some to judge others in this thread the height of irony. How many of you have had involvement with remote communities? How many of you have lived abroad in cultures vastly different to your own? How many of you have longterm relationships with people of a different skin colour and ethnicity to your own? Judging is easy ... understanding however is a much harder kettle of fish.

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Rubbish. The "n-word", as you put it, has one clear and unmistakable meaning and it's use establishes the clear and unmistakable intent of making a racially based comment. The words APE has none of this. It's offense is taken at solely at the level of interpretation.

Not true. Coloured people have been negatively culturally framed by association with simians for centuries. The term is amazingly offensive, just look at Goodes' reaction last night. It represents a long, long history of oppression, the inference of being biologically inferior and sub-human. I'm not debating her intention, but the term for many blacks, and I have my wife a black South African to bounce that off, is as offensive as it gets.
Not true. Coloured people have been negatively culturally framed by association with simians for centuries. The term is amazingly offensive, just look at Goodes' reaction last night. It represents a long, long history of oppression, the inference of being biologically inferior and sub-human. I'm not debating her intention, but the term for many blacks, and I have my wife a black South African to bounce that off, is as offensive as it gets.

All you're demonstrating is that what I've said is indeed true. The offense of the term comes from a point of interpretation. If I'm at a conference and am overheard using the term ape you will not find cause for disturbance until you can interpret the context. If I use the "n-word" however, you can be much surer of my meaning.
Understanding that if in doubt you should shut your mouth is not a particularly difficult kettle of fish.

I mean, walk up to your average bloke in the street or on a building site and just give him an unsolicited gobful of abuse. What would you expect to happen? Why is it any different when it's directed to a footballer at the MCG?

I'm lucky I didn't get a clip from a West Perth footballer many years ago. He would've if he could have reached me. And it would have been fair enough too.
I was so let down when I heard what she said! Thought it would have been much much much much much worse than that. I see white men calling other white men apes, etc! "Ape", what a let down and over reaction! Maybe Sam Newman should make an apology to Jason dunstall on the footy show next week.
Overreacted? Whether she understood the cultural implications of what she said or not, it doesn't matter. It's an incredibly offensive term, tantamount with calling him the unthinkable n-word.

That is true, but (and I posted this earlier) how do we reconcile the girls comments with Bert Newton's comments to Mohamad Ali how ever many years ago? Bert Newton had no idea what he had said, and i believe the girl had no idea what she said either. I think intent is very relevant.

Leaving the racist stuff aside, why do people even feel the need to taunt opposition payers about anything? Normally sensible people really do become complete morons once they start watching the footy.
Not true. Coloured people have been negatively culturally framed by association with simians for centuries. The term is amazingly offensive, just look at Goodes' reaction last night. It represents a long, long history of oppression, the inference of being biologically inferior and sub-human. I'm not debating her intention, but the term for many blacks, and I have my wife a black South African to bounce that off, is as offensive as it gets.
Maybe in other countries, I never knew the word 'ape' was a racial slur until yesterday. Heard countless comments against aboriginals but never ape. Only heard it used as an insult against say a large hairy person.
Where to start, hmmm.

Your parents might have been called names and had their feelings hurt but aborigines have had much worse done to them, like attempted genocide. They still face significant inequalities.

If you want to believe that the persecution your parents have lived through is equal to what aborigines have endured, and your parents have prospered where the aborigines haven't due to some perceived fundamental superiority then go for it but it's flawed logic. You think like that because you're not aware how deluded you are.

Ok, so the comparison between aborigines and greeks, italians, chinese etc are ridiculous. Not to mention blaming Goodes for this incident is outrageous. People blaming him are seriously unbalanced. It defies belief.

Goodes has been a class act in this shitty situation.

Ok lets get this straight, aborigines not Goodes aborigines not Goodes for the love of good it's time to stop blaming others. He wasn't involved in any of it, it's a cop out and excuse to bitch about nothing. Goodes has been anything but a class act, he bulled a silly little girl and got her thrown out on the street. If that was my daughter he would have just as much to answer for to me as she would for saying something so stupid. A man never ever bullys a little girl thats not brave or a class act.
I don't know if last night will do much as far as racism go but it might stop a few of the more 'emotional' fans from blurting out race-based insults at the footy.

They'll still think the same thoughts and have just the same attitudes towards race, but just keep their mouth shut.
All you're demonstrating is that what I've said is indeed true. The offense of the term comes from a point of interpretation. If I'm at a conference and am overheard using the term ape you will not find cause for disturbance until you can interpret the context. If I use the "n-word" however, you can be much surer of my meaning.

Meaning is all about content and context. Whether she intended it last night, and I don;t believe she knew the cultural weight of the remark she made and how deeply offensive it is, it is racist. Hopefully she will now be educated, and the wider public too, how offensive it is.

My point is simple: for many coloured people calling them an ape is as offensive as calling them the n-word. That is the extent of my point.
Good comment, great comment, very intelligent. It's in the past so any repercussions clearly don't reach forward to today.

Do they? if so how?

My great great grandmother was r*ped by 10 men. So do i carry on when someone says something about rape. I wasn't r*ped i so how is it carried forward. It can be but thats choice. You can not change the past and kicking a little girl out of a game and making sure her life will be hell to the point i am sure she will consider killing her self. All becuse she was stupid and he wanted the WORLD TO KNOW I WAS CALLED A BAD NAME.

This is such a nothing blown into a big deal all coz Goodes wants his moment in the sun.

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Mega Thread Adam Goodes: Confirmed racial slur by fan, apology made and accepted

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